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Massive 35mm Leaks on Reddit

I’ve only posted a few of my restorations (upscales) here: “Millennium”, “The Invaders”, “Wild Wild West” and a few others. I’ve completed several others but hadn’t yet posted them here. I’m also a donor to many of the film projects and consider several of the project supervisors as friends. Thanks very much to the good people of OT, the vast majority of you are friendly and passionate folks.

There is much more than money to these leaks. As said before, most projects lose money and are done for the preservation of the print. The time and effort spent to bring these pieces of celluloid back to life are a huge part of the project as well. If everything is leaked for free to the public, there is no reason to donate. And if no one will help defray some of the costs of a film project, that would be the end of film projects.

Wishing all at OT well.