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The Thank You Toriyama Project!!

First thing right away, all the credit for the hours and hours of fantastic Video and Audio work goes to Ikaos and the Seed Of Might team.

I have been working on a Dragon Ball Upscaling project for just me and another individual for about 15 months now, trying to get it just right.

I wasn’t gonna put it put this out there to the public, but the unfortunate tragedy happened this month and we lost one of the Titans of Manga/Anime & I have changed my tune so to speak. This my Tribute to Akira Toriyama.

So if you are interested in checking these out please contact me by PM.

A couple Prerequisites

  1. You must legally Own a Home Video Release or have a Active Subscription and have access to the original Material.

  2. If you don’t Like them I completely understand, that being said I will not tolerate Rudeness. Example: You should burn in Hell for making these. There are those people out there, let be honest lol.