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Earliest TV or Movie Memories
my earliest TV memory would be getting up reeaallly early while my dad got ready for work and watching 'Davey and Goliath[?]' and 'Hot Fudge[76]'. Those 2 shows and Captain Kangaroo are earliest recollection from TV.

As for movies, born in 73', it would have to be 'King Kong [76]', 'Star Wars[77]' and 'Zombie[79]' as the most profound movies in my early childhood. I know I saw alot of others between those, but those always come to mind first.
Episode 3: Fan Editing Ideas Discussion
Obi-Wan *again* seems like a manipulative prick because he knew who Leia was when he saw the original hologram projection of R2

Yoda does mention waiting till the time is right or something to the effect in RotS, so maybe ANH Ben was just keeping from overwhelming Luke. maybe..
He also doesn't recognize the two droids, granted we've been shown similar R2 units and Protocol Droids in TPM as well as Empire.. so it's a hard call. Unless Jedi Senility is a force power.

I must say I've enjoyed myself for hours here since I've joined and gotten over myself
Many thanks all around!

And MagFan, RESPECT! and many thanks for the breath of fresh air!
They are the most perfect PSP companions!
I shall sit here patiently waiting for the next edit[s]!
I'm not moving.. sitting right... here.. in this spot.. waiting..

oh yeah, and i think that 'Maternity Droid' needs a better soothing mantra then 'Oooba Ooooba'

again.. waiting.. =)
For Free & Info: 25 disc Limited Run of my JEDI BEAT MACHINE
As a new member, I do stand corrected. I still don't fully agree with you since I'm the just the type that gladly takes the monetary hit to provide for the community.. in whatever community I contribute to.
Sorry if I pushed my own values on you .. and brought in built-up angst from all the other pointless, negative threads here.


For Free & Info: 25 disc Limited Run of my JEDI BEAT MACHINE
Actually, I've remixed music in my time.So I know sampling is just that, sampling. And the mere selling of it even to just cover costs is still wrong.
He's on the web already posting his wares, he can just link high quality wav or flac files and let the 'fan' do with it as they want for cover art, etc.

I'm sure he's not going out to buy just 25 disc's, 25 covers and 25 prints just for this 'CeeDee'.
I would guess he's buying in bulk for whatever other projects he does. He's more than recouping cost.

Anyway, whatever, unfortunately I'm not a lawyer.. so I won't be coming after him.

Remember, there's at least one lengthy fan film out there, were the creators took a major hit to provide back to the community.
And you can download that for free.

And my criticism is as misplaced as his CeeDee on a memorabilia thread. Return to your perch lurker.
Episode 3 was disappointing on many levels...
The lack of imagination in these threads is disturbing..
So GL goes digital and now, if it isn't spoon feed, it's belly-aching time.

Yeah, there are flaws.
I'll sit and wait around while each complainer puts together their own production studio to fix them up.
But for now, I'll just watch enjoy it as a whole and fill in the rest.. just like I did when I play with my figures as a kid.