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The Spongebob Squarepants Movie - 35mm Re Creation (a WIP)

spleaterzeldax said:

TonyWDA said:

Swazzy said:

Glad to have confirmation it was considerably darker on film…

Well, remember, after a scan, you can color-correct and grade the visual elements in whichever way you want. The new 4K may be film-sourced and a few points darker than the preexisting HD transfer, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that’s what it looked like on original theatrical release prints. What you see in the 4K is likely a regrade to give a film a slightly newer look. You’d need to track down an original 2004 print and have it projected to know what TSSM more or less looked like in theaters. My memory of the print shown at SVA in 2018 is that it looked identical to what’s on the home video releases, but even I’m beginning to question that because it’s been so long since I’ve seen the darn thing.

Swazzy said:

Are you certain this is how it looks with HDR, or is there a HDR grade that was supposed to be applied but wasn’t in these screenshots?

On an actual HDR-enabled display, it’s only a touch brighter than the screenshots I posted, which are tone-mapped SDR snapshots of the new transfer. But you’re still more or less seeing how the new version looks.

The regrade makes it look older

Have to agree, you can see in all my squabbling over the ‘original’ colors in this thread throughout the years, the one thing I was sure of was the dimmer color palette, whites appearing as grey and boosted saturation to compensate for that. It’s been 20 years since I saw the movie in theaters but it does line up with what I remember. I would not see it again for another few years on DVD, where it looked more vibrant and like the regular cartoon than I remember it looking. I’m sure most people prefer the digital master, and it’s likely how the movie was always intended to look, but I appreciate having the filmic version as well (if only by way of some haphazard Nick executive decision to simply get a 4K version out)

The Spongebob Squarepants Movie - 35mm Re Creation (a WIP)

TonyWDA said:

Well… it’s dimmer. Unlike the DVD and Blu-ray releases, the HDR version is a film-sourced transfer, matted to 1.85:1 with some of the colors dialed up. (Note the colors on the eyes of Mr. Krabs, Plankton, Gary, and Patrick’s pants.) I still need to check the rest of the HDR version and see how it compares to the original transfer.

Well dang…this is more or less what I was trying to accomplish a decade or so ago lol. Glad to have confirmation it was considerably darker on film, the way I remember it being in theaters. Are you certain this is how it looks with HDR, or is there a HDR grade that was supposed to be applied but wasn’t in these screenshots?

Better Call Saul / Breaking Bad / El Camino - Chronological Supercut [Request]

Is anyone up for this challenge? I would if I had a powerful enough Editing PC for it. I really would love something like this after tonight’s episode. It’d be the same deal as chronologically LOST, split up into ~50 minute segment ‘episodes’. Obviously a lot would be unchanged since none of the three properties don’t rely a ton on flashbacks, but I’d love if there was a quick and easy way to watch all of the story in order.

<strong>Revenge of the Sith + The Clone Wars 4 hour Supercut 2020</strong> (V4) (Released)

This was very enjoyable, and I have few criticisms outside of some minor quibbles. Namely, some of the transitions: I think you had left the establishing shot of the Senate before cutting back to TCW, after which then goes to the interior of the Senate with Palpatine at his post. Also things like Obi saying “who could have done this?” which would then normally cut to Anakin killing the separatists, now cuts to Asokha. Not exactly a mistake, but a removal the visual dovetail that existed in the base film. Sometimes the score contradicts itself during some transitions. However other times the transitions are seamless and I genuinely was caught off guard when the film had switched tracks, so to speak.

I think it is made better as a text with the inclusion of the TCW characters, the humanization of the clones through Rex and the pacifism displayed by Asokha that the jedi dogma keenly disregard in adjacent scenes. Darth Maul’s presence also helps tie the film back to the first episode thematically.

What would really bring it together is a companion fan edit that makes AOTC & the preceding necessary TCW episodes two acts of one movie.

The Spongebob Squarepants Movie - 35mm Re Creation (a WIP)

Still coming back to this one every now and then. I think the look I’m seeking is less complicated than I made it out to be, however I’ve made some headway with after effects. I really think there is some added definition, and even more of a ‘nautical’ feel, with the filmic glaze over the image:


Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

Hal 9000 said:

I couldn’t make this up: there was only one person in front of me in the theater (far from a packed house this morning), and when it was revealed that Rey was a Palpatine, he muttered something under his breath, got up, and left.
I stifled a laugh and let it out once he was far enough away.

JEDIT: God damn all these Star Wars… please don’t make me do it…

Episode 9: A complete restructure

“It’s the same Rise of Skywalker you know and…know”

Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

Convenient that what used to be the analogue for the OT is now for the ST. As if they both serve the same literary purpose in a discordant manner.

I’ll grant the Last Jedi was concerned with decontructing the mythos in a way that maybe could’ve moved things forward. I cannot grant that to the other two.

Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

Broom Kid said:

I don’t agree it undoes ROTJ’s conclusions any more than the onward march of time “undoes” the actions (and the meaning behind the actions) of the people who fought (and died) for things in the past.

When the allied powers won the war and created a peacetime, History didn’t continue with Zombie Hitler reinstating the Axis Powers tenfold and starting World War 3 in the 1970’s

4K restoration on Star Wars

Harmy said:

Mandalorian is “out there” in 4K HDR, so the drm has clearly been broken on day one, so I think for those of us who won’t get D+ until 2021 (and believe me, if I could get it now, I’d be the first in line), someone will put the new masters out as well.

I know in your most recent video you explained why Despecialized won’t be progressing very much for now, but has this Disney+ business changed that at all?

The Phantom Menace - Theatrical version scanned in 4K (a WIP)

What Plinkett did was give an extremely fleshed-out voiced to the many who were already predisposed to hate the films. The issue then is that the critical thinking has already been done for the majority, so all future discussion is corked from the get-go. It’s hard to contest in favor of those films when the points being parroted en masse (over-abundance of computer graphics, poor direction/framing/blocking, letting the pop-culture dictate the over-importance of the major subjects i.e. Vader) are bulletproof. Even if there’s still a wealth more to discuss, a feature-length assessment is enough for most people.