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Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!)

Erikstormtrooper said:

I understand the disappointment, but I don't know how everyone didn't see this coming.

We didnt see it coming since it was taking time to hear something from Lucas about the blu-rays. I was really expecting the OOT to be released in HD.

Now, all hope is gone and money will be saved.


2006 DVD OOT

Thanks a lot for all these informations.

It's just that I've heard so many things saying that the GOUT wasn't worth buying it, but everytime I look the 2004 DVD I think "Damn you Lucas, you made dreams for us, and now you blow them up!"


Do you know where I could find screenshots comparing ROTJ's fight between Luke and the Rancor on the GOUT and the new edition ? (When the GOUT was released I saw them somewhere on the internet, now I can't find them)


One last thing about the GOUT : in France, the full trilogy box is around 40$, and if websites aren't wrong you get 6 DVD (each movie in 2004 version + GOUT).

But, if you buy them one by one (at a cost around 10$), you also get 6 DVD for a total cost of 30$. 

So I think there's a pricing problem in France since you seem to get the same stuff ?


EDIT : on aptirrelevance.com, there's both NTSC and PAL screenshots from the GOUT. Why ? I can't see any difference between them...


2006 DVD OOT

Hey everyone.

I need some help about the "GOUT".

Well, I was born in 1985 and I saw the OT when I was kid, and I think it was before 1997 (since EPI is from 99 and I was addicted a long time ago - in this galaxy). 

So I guess that my VHS tapes weren't SE.

The thing is, I loved the Ewok Celebration ending the ROTJ, it was so epic. So when I've bought the 2004 DVDs I was so disappointed with the ROTJ that I wanted to smash it. I'm sure I'm not alone here ;)

+ with ANH I hate all those 3D monsters on Tatooine added for... nothing.

+ and so on and on...

It's there that you can help me, I guess that buying the GOUT would be the only way for me to experience what I saw as a kid ?

Or did I saw something else with small "remasters" back then ?

I don't really want to spend 40$ to get movies that I already own and get versions that I won't enjoy watching since the quality is too "crappy".

Is it possible that I saw the 93 versions on VHS tapes ?


Thanks for your help !