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4K restoration on Star Wars

TV’s Frink said:

SuperSecretMuffin said:

moviefreakedmind said:

baron_lando said:

It’s a bummer that he has to deal with so many weirdos and jerks on twitter, but I don’t get this smug indifference about the original version. It’s not a good look for people who (either as fans, or working at LFL, or blogging about their particular Star Wars-related fetishes) are heavily invested in all the other goofy details of that world.

That’s typical of his segment of the fandom. People who love the “saga” (if you can call it that) tend to be the most rude regarding the OOT.

EDIT: Just to be clear I still don’t believe that he knows what he’s talking about.

Gee, it’s almost as if when you’re rude and condescending to peopleabout things THEY like (in this case, the Prequels and the SE) they may be rude and condescending about things YOU like (the OOT).

The OOT goes way beyond “things we like” to “things that were stolen from us.”

I mean, I’m not saying I agree with the way the OOT has been treated, even though it isn’t my preferred version I think it should be available for those who do enjoy it, but that doesn’t change the fact that ever since the release of the SE and the Prequels, people like you have been smug and condescending toward those who like it, using big words that make you sound smart such as “objectively wrong”. Given that, I think people like Pablo, who literally gets shit everyday from people like you, as if he’s somehow responsible for your plight, have the right to get a little bit snarky.

4K restoration on Star Wars

moviefreakedmind said:

baron_lando said:

It’s a bummer that he has to deal with so many weirdos and jerks on twitter, but I don’t get this smug indifference about the original version. It’s not a good look for people who (either as fans, or working at LFL, or blogging about their particular Star Wars-related fetishes) are heavily invested in all the other goofy details of that world.

That’s typical of his segment of the fandom. People who love the “saga” (if you can call it that) tend to be the most rude regarding the OOT.

EDIT: Just to be clear I still don’t believe that he knows what he’s talking about.

Gee, it’s almost as if when you’re rude and condescending to peopleabout things THEY like (in this case, the Prequels and the SE) they may be rude and condescending about things YOU like (the OOT).

The Force Awakens : Fan Edit Ideas

So this is my attempt at re writing the crawl to better explain the political situation of the film. It’s a bit rough, but I just wanted to get people’s thoughts on it.

Following the Battle of Endor, the Empire has collapsed, and the Sinister FIRST ORDER, inspired by the principles of the Empire, will stop at nothing to seize power from the newly formed NEW REPUBLIC, who refuses to take the threat they pose seriously.

Taking matters into her own hands, General Leia Organa leads a brave RESISTANCE. She is desperate to find her brother Luke, who went missing many years ago, and gain his help in defeating this newly risen enemy.

Leia has sent her most daring pilot on a secret mission to Jakku, where an old ally has discovered a clue to Luke’s whereabouts…


xxtelecine 7xx said:

Anyone Check out the Rouge one Trailer? Thoughts… Looks like they are going with the original looks of the OT. This might Nullify ADYWAN’s changes from his original revisited…

The Walkers look a little funny like there heads do not quite seem right, and the lighting (shadows) of the imperial star destroyers look off.

Usually trailers to not have completed final effects so hopefully they will tweak this…

The only real issue I see is that the monitor behind Ben Mendelsohn’s character in one of the shots looks a bit outdated. Not that big of an issue. Worse comes to worse, someone can replace it with a more Adywan-looking one.


Thank you for the reply. Just curious about one thing that you said.

xxtelecine 7xx said:

  1. Undecided on the lasers as the tech from a story standpoint has advanced 30 years. Blasters are different except for Han’s. (I think the lasers look ok, does not warrant a significant change.

By that logic, shouldn’t the lasers in the OT also be unchanged? Technology has progressed 17 years there since the PT. Not trying to be rude, just asking.

Info: Need special effects for your edit? Request them here!

hundsdorfex said:

SuperSecretMuffin said:

Ok, thank you. One more thing, could you use xxtelecine 7xx’s version as a basis? I already asked his permission to use it in my edit, so don’t worry about that. If you don’t want to download the whole thing, I could send you the clips.

Since you’re using his version, the clips would work better 😃

Sounds good, when I get the chance I’ll send them to you.

Info: Need special effects for your edit? Request them here!

hundsdorfex said:

SuperSecretMuffin said:

I was wondering if you could do something about this, and make the space black like it is in the rest of the film. Whether that involves somehow keying out the blue tinge, or replacing the starfields altogether, is up to your discretion.

Ok, just keep in mind that i got a lot going on right now, so it will take some time 😃

Ok, thank you. One more thing, could you use xxtelecine 7xx’s version as a basis? I already asked his permission to use it in my edit, so don’t worry about that. If you don’t want to download the whole thing, I could send you the clips.