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Slipstream 1989 (WIP)

Spaceblackknight said:

grafxuser said:

Out of interest has this new HD release been advertised anywhere, or just popped up as an extra purchase option out of the blue?

Only in the UK AFAIK. It seems Entertainment Film Distributors (who are still around) are the main producer and current rights holder for everywhere but the US. Slipstream did get an extremely limited theatrical run here by a small distributor that not only went belly up not long after release, but also allegedly did not file a proper copyright and thus went PD shortly afterwards.

Didn’t Entertainment Film have a successful run on VHS and dvd releases as EIV, Entertainment In Video, with the almost the
same logo.

Slipstream 1989 (WIP)

drsyn71 said:

Awesome! And I can see film grain. That’s good. You never know if some genius (sarcasm) decided to hit it with DNR and release what I call the “scrubbing bubbles” and scrub away all the grain and fine detail. I’ve seen far too many transfers and “restorations” that do that. I’m hopeful we’ll get a nice physical release of this.

Maybe we’ll get a nice shiny extras packed 4K this year for it’s 45th anniversary 😅.
A small label Blu-ray would be enough for me at this point.

Slipstream 1989 (WIP)

stretch009 said:

Stepstone said:

I just noticed that YouTube has it available to buy or rent in HD. The preview clip appears remastered and is in widescreen 1080p.


Don’t usually buy movies digitally, but for Slipstream I’d make the exception.

It’s saying for me “This video is not available”

I’m in the UK. Just clicked buy and it took me to payment.
[Edit] Just went ahead and bought it. It is indeed Widescreen 1080p. Never thought I’d see the day. Saw it in the cinema as a young teenager, can’t believe it taken this long to see a decent copy of it again.
Hopefully this means there’s a Blu-ray on the way, or even better, a 4K 🤣.

The Predator The No Dam Dogs Edition V2 (Released)

oojason said:

Stepstone said:

No need to be funny, I’m well aware how forums work.
They were on the day that I first mentioned it and didn’t reply, so thought maybe it wasn’t available. Thought I’d ask others if they’ve seen it.

I wasn’t being funny - I was trying to be helpful… given it seemed you didn’t know how to send a PM / were unsure about it in your earlier post…

…Which is the type of thing covered in the thread I linked to - featuring some hopefully useful information on how to obtain a project, how to send a PM, and also some other similar content which may prove of some assistance too.

Apologies for being abrupt.
I was expecting a big PM button somewhere, but soon figured it out and messaged him. Hopefully I’ll hear from him soon, really don’t want to sit through the theatrical cut again.
Actually been toying with the idea of buying the Blu-ray and doing my own edit, but I’ll see if others have had any luck improving it first.

Did it again Lol

The Predator The No Dam Dogs Edition V2 (Released)

oojason said:

Stepstone said:

Has anyone here received the link? What’s it like? Can’t seem to get a reply from the poster/editor

Likely because it has been a few hours since you sent them a PM - and it could anything from hours through to weeks before you receive a reply.

This may hopefully be of some help mate:-

‘How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com

No need to be funny, I’m well aware how forums work.
They were on the day that I first mentioned it and didn’t reply, so thought maybe it wasn’t available. Thought I’d ask others if they’ve seen it.

The Predator The No Dam Dogs Edition V2 (Released)

lorang said:

link available for anyone via PM for those wanting to see it.

Really wanted to like The Predator, as I saw the original in the cinema back in the day and have loved it ever since. So I’d love to see if this mess can be improved upon by hacking lumps out of it. Might try it myself one day if I feel there’s hope.

A PM would be appreciated

Slipstream 1989 (WIP)

drsyn71 said:

Stepstone said:

Sitting here watching the Japanese Laserdisc I recently purchased from a Japanese seller on eBay (cheaply and it was brand new - more available too).
It’s been some time since I watched my Dvd, but it doesn’t seem to be much of an improvement. Still good to have though.

Ive read through this entire thread and was wondering what became of the 35mm film trailer? All the images of it have since gone. Would love to see even just a few images of it.

I got a DVD transfer of the Japanese Laserdisc some years back. I agree with you. It’s a slightly better image than the public domain DVDs out there. The color seems to be better and of course, it’s widescreen. But then there’s those pesky burned-in subtitles. Oh well. It IS good to have, though.

The subtitles are a bit distracting. Might transfer the LD to Dvd then do an edit on the PC, cropping it to 2.35:1.

And I just bought myself a 35mm trailer and some lobby cards. I really do like this film Lol.

Slipstream 1989 (WIP)

Sitting here watching the Japanese Laserdisc I recently purchased from a Japanese seller on eBay (cheaply and it was brand new - more available too).
It’s been some time since I watched my Dvd, but it doesn’t seem to be much of an improvement. Still good to have though.

Ive read through this entire thread and was wondering what became of the 35mm film trailer? All the images of it have since gone. Would love to see even just a few images of it.