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FACEBOOK PAGE & Sticker Campaign

TheoOdo said:

How about a website which features an opening crawl style description of the issue? Y'know, "It is a period of turmoil. Cinema lovers everywhere are opposed by the dreaded LUCASFILM EMPIRE, which threatens to keep the original Star Wars trilogy forever locked in secrecy... etc. etc."

Also, if you want to start a blog or site encouraging activity on this issue, you could link to it in public using QR codes like the following:

Slogans could be things like "Join the Rebel Alliance!" and "Save Star Wars - You're Our Only Hope!"

The best way, of course, would be to grab everyone purchasing the BluRays, so maybe even sticking posters like the above next to the shelves would encourage curiosity, though perhaps a url should be included below the QR code for those that don't know how to scan QR Code.

This could all be done on top of the sticker campaign, of course.

 I like your idea. Have anybody tried to test the feasibility of this solution?