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team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)


I’ve been a lurker here for a while. Silently watching from the shadows of Internet anonymity. Leaching the content. Failing to contribute. Consuming without so much as a “thank you” or a “great job!”

No more.

TN1, your efforts are incredible. As a child of the (late) '80s, I had to settle for grainy 4:3 VHS tapes, Special Editions, and subpar DVDs. I never had the chance to see the Original Trilogy in theaters, but you’ve given me the joy of that experience. The grain, the matte lines, the imperfections-- I LOVE IT. I have 4TB of movies sitting on this hard drive, all ripped from DVDs and Blurays that sit in plastic tubs in my garage… and all of them converted to MP4V, and stripped of extra features.

Except for this. This stays exactly as-is.

Harmy (since I know you’re around right now,) the same goes for you. Whereas TN1 started with something vintage, and worked their way up, you started with something modern, and worked your way back. Between the two of you, you have managed to arrive at similar (yet subtly different) results, and both are astounding to me.

With efforts like these (and others, which may or may not see the light of day,) I’m confident that the Original Trilogy will be properly preserved for my children and grandchildren. A series that meant so much to me as a kid will be preserved for them, and that genuinely makes me emotional to think about.

You are all doing an incredible job. Thank you. A million times. THANK YOU.