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Just noticed something in Jedi - Deleted scene?
Hi there,

I was watching ROTJ today and spotted something I hadn't seen before. Outside the shield bunker on Endor, just as the rebels are initialy surrendering I noticed an individual in what looks like a scout trouper uniform (minus the helmet) with his hands on his heads along with the rest of the rebel force. Looked like he could have been some kind of spy or infiltrator.

In 20 something years of viewing I'd never noticed that before.

Does anyone know if this was part of any deleted scene or unused idea from an earlier script?

Am I the only person to have missed this all these years?
MagnoliaFan Edits: Ep I "Balance Of The Force", and Ep II "The Clone War" (Released)
Hi there,

I more or less found this site by accident and when i read about what has been created - or more corectly recreated here I just went nuts. I've dreamed about somebody doing something like this to Phantom for years - and must say I'd love to see the results. Could someone fill me in please on how one may go about getting to see these flicks? Can you download them? (Bit torrent? DC++?).

Anyway even without seeing the resulsts I must tip my hat to Magnoliafan for doing what so many other fans have never had the technical skills to try to do.

I look forward to your cut of Revenge of the Sith!
idea for the end of Ep3
Hi there,

I'm new here, and just thought I'd stirke up a topic with an idea that i thought off whilst looking at some of the posts about re-edits and such.

Does anyone else think it would be a good idea to use some of the cut footage from ep 4 ie: Luke gazzing up at the space battle, luke and biggs at the bar etc. clean it up and then insert it into the end of ep3 as a kind of montage of images of luke growing up with obi-wan (ben!) watch from afar?

A lot of people have had a lot of ideas about what the last shot of the prequals should be - maybee the answer should come straight out (litterally) of the original trilogy.

Any thoughts?