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Your first reaction to Hayden is ROTJ

Uhh. Ok.

I registered to this forum just to express my utter disappointment with this change.

I have the early trilogy on VHS, and that's where I saw it years ago. It wasn't the very first version, but it was the version where in ROTJ, the music is changed but it's still Shaw as the ghost. I liked that scene. I liked to see the guy, who had been the bad one for 3 movies, redeemed.

I saw the prequel a few years later. Ok so that's what Vader looked like before becoming the cyborg. Ok cool. I can live with that.

Just this weekend, in a fit of nostalgia, I bought the DVD's of the original trilogy and rewatched it. I saw some changes that I didn't bother.
But then I saw Shaw being replaced... WHAT IN THE F* IS THAT!! I'm not even gonna discuss the possible reasoning behind it, but... just look at Hayden's face! He has a creepy, uninterested look! Compared to Shaw's warm, cheerful, fatherly look, Hayden's ghost is just terrible.

Why replace Shaw? He was just fine! Hayden... just doesn't fit. he doesn't look like he became good again there... Damn I'm so disappointed. Time to convert those VHS to DVD and just watch those...
I don't even give a crap about the whole reasoning behind the change. I just preferred Shaw's heartwarming, loving smile towards his children.

Sorry to bump this old thread, but I just found it by googling this change and I wanted to express my disgust with it.