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Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

Here's the second half of my notes. Again all very minor stuff, and sorry if some of it's already been pointed out!

1:04:30 - might just be the encoding on the workprint, but it's kind of fuzzy panning up to han

1:06:22 - fullscreen encoding glitch (after shot of chewie)

1:15:00 - a lot of crushed blacks in this scene, don't know if you can do anything about that?

1:29:40 - matte box around the death star

1:49:38 - matte box around the falcon

1:53:00 - matte boxes around the ties

1:59:01 - very slight encoding glitch on the torch flames

2:00:26 - are there a few frames missing in the shots where luke hugs han, and lando is talking to chewie?

2:01:09 - repeated frames (though I know you already fixed this)

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

About halfway through this, and looking great! Haven't noticed anything that needs more despecializing yet, so here are my glitch and color notes. Sorry if some of these have already been posted!

3:35 - really small encoding glitch on the middle of the shuttle door as it comes down

Also, the blacks on Vader seem kinda crushed in this first shot?

16:10 - super small encoding glitch on the left side of the frame

27:55 - are there some missing frames in this GOUT shot?

30:59 - colors seem kinda different in this shot (more orange, saturated)

45:47 - is there a slight skip in the audio here? I know you didn't modify the sound, so maybe that's how it was in the original?

51:30 - another audio skip?

54:05 - 3PO looks a little bright/washed out here

1:02:48 - colors look kind of different in this shot (more contrast, less saturated)

Babylon 5 - Broadcast NTSC (4:3)? (Released)

skyjedi2005 said:

The music was redone for the second version by the same musician who did the rest of the series? cannot remember his name off the top of my head.

Did the original pilot have a complete and different score by another composer and not released on CD, or was it temp music?

Stewart Copeland did the first score of the The Gathering. And that cut is available on amazon instant watch.

Babylon 5 is in orignal 4:3 on Netflix instant streaming, and looks really good to boot. However it's being taken off the service next week! Has anyone manged to make captures of the episodes there?

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

My second post here. Just want to say that I'm blown away by these Despecialized Editions. I was a huge Star Wars fan growing up, but the Special Editions and Prequels killed my enthusiasm for the franchise. As a television editor, the out-of-place CG monstrosities added to the original films really distracted me.

Not anymore. I could go on about all the details I love in Harmy's cut, or the small parts that still bother me a bit, but that would be missing the point. These are now my go-to copies for when I just want to watch and enjoy the trilogy again. Thank you, Harmy. Can't wait for Jedi to complete the collection!