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Idea: for a 'Jurassic Park: The Grindhouse Edition'

Okay, so I’m actually in the final stages of working on my own Grindhouse Cut of Jurassic Park! I think you will find it, in the words of John Hammond, “right up your alley.” It isn’t based on your suggestions here… I’ve actually been working on it for a little while and did a Google search to see if anybody else had done something similar. But I think you will really enjoy some of the changes I’ve made… It is truly an entirely different cut of the movie.

I’ve saturated the colors and added some film degradation of course, and entirely replaced the score with 70s music. Let me tell you – replacing the music was no easy task – I’ve put a TON of work into this.

And that isn’t all… there are a few other changes I’ve made which I don’t want to spoil because that’ll be part of the fun watching it. But one big change I should mention is this…

Before Spielberg & Co. decided to render the dinosaurs in CG, they contracted stop-motion legend Phil Tippet to do the dinosaur effects in claymation. By the time they changed their minds, he had already produced a bunch of stop motion test footage for the movie. Wherever possible, I have replaced the special effects with Tippet’s work to give it that 70s stop motion feel.

There are a handful of other changes I’ve made too. I’m hoping it will be finished in the next few weeks… I’ll be sure to come back and let you know when it’s up. So long as I don’t forget. Which I don’t think I will, I’m very excited to finish this and share it with the community.

I actually just started making fan edits and I’ve done a few (which I haven’t yet posted) before making this one, but I am very proud of this one. I have thoroughly impressed myself with how good I think this is. I can’t wait to hear what you think.