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Star Wars OT & 1997 Special Edition - Various Projects Info (Released)

Well Guys im on standby for anyway i can help. I check the forum on a daily basis and i think im hopefully in DJ good graces for trying to get him a PCM rip of my Laserdiscs.

I just put a rig together very similar to DJ and im hoping to let lose the power ha ha. I don't have any video projects lined up right now. Im still burned out after my complete bugs bunny project that sucker was 4 BD's big.

I too am able to offer blu-rays to you guys, just say the word, I have amazon prime and can get them to you in two days.


Im amazed with the project, and hope i can help :-)

Star Wars OT & 1997 Special Edition - Various Projects Info (Released)

Ha Ha god i remember windows 98 not having native SATA support and there were floppy disks and wire pulling... it was then i learned about hard drive imaging lol


I agree with you_to your preph's might not be responding, because the fact that your system is posting as all is a really good thing alone. When i fire up a new PC i wait for the telegraphs of death from the case spaker :-S


Good luck!

P.S. if all else fails i still stand my cycling through your ram and video cards...not at the same time of course... because then how will you know what fixed it? lol


Continuing wishes of good luck :-) 

Star Wars OT & 1997 Special Edition - Various Projects Info (Released)


I was off in my little rant world lol i meant to say 4k

I saw a movie recently at an AMC that was of a 4k projector, i swear i saw peoples pores. Just like when 1080p first came out there are some things that just shouldn't be seen in HR ha ha

thanks for the correction i feel dumb :-P

I agree about 4k being the limit to digital capture but i have this 5D way of looking at it...

1D...There’s seeing it on old fashioned projection 35mm quality depends on the equipment and theater, but its light passing through film in a very lossy way

2D... Home medium in SD such as VHS, LD, and DVD

3D... HR 1080p, 4k etc all within the digital realm

4D... Capturing the film strip in some sort of lossless format ie holographic tech or some X tech we haven’t discovered yet. Film is analog after all which I find ironic unless it was filmed digitally, thus digital capture isn't necessary

5D... Somehow reproducing the film as if you were standing right there seeing it with your own eyes but in movie format.

Sorry to get all metaphysical but what your able to see is limited to your vision not the medium its delivered by. What im getting at is the term "HD" is too arbitrary... HD would be ultimate, and ultimate it watching the action for real with your own eyes. I always felt that they should have hyped it HR and not HD... ehh but that me lol

Just an opinion but there are many more out there who know more than me and would call me an idiot.

Star Wars OT & 1997 Special Edition - Various Projects Info (Released)

Yeah when you’re working with a 480i Analog (Laserdisc) or Digital (DVD) source you can only squeeze so much out. What the pro's here are doing is very complex up scaling and filtering, which believe it or not is done on some commercial blu-rays today. Unless you can produce some 2k negative scans of the 70's/80's masters (Which are said by Lucas to be destroyed) the work these men are doing is to be commended.

I know your not trying to slam on the guys, but keep your expectations real as they said. Everyone has expectations on what they feel blu-ray is and I get that, but remember blu-ray is a medium, not a criterion of quality. When i create blu-rays I can either have 4-6 hours of 480i DVD source material to put an entire season of a show on one disc, 2 hours of video at 1080p for today’s standard of "HD", or if i had the resources probably 30 minutes or less of 2000p material.

When you upscale a 480i or 480p source your adding lines of data to increase the resolution to give an impression of smoothness, but it’s an extrapolation of what that data (or video in this case) would be IF the information was there.

I don't like all this "HD" "Blu-ray" buzzword stuff that the mass market has propagated on us. It just confuses people. If 1080p is HD... what will 2000p be XHD... or when they can actually reproduce the filmstrip...HD "REAL"

Ha ha my rant is over... just wanted to drop in and say good job guys you take as much time as you need. I’ve waited 15 years for a decent release of GOUT (Which i received with v3) I can continue to wait, because unlike Lucas you have nothing to gain by holding it back. Having a 720p copy will just be the icing on the cake :-)

P.S. I hope people remember that a single layer blu-ray is 25 Gigabytes to download at most. I bet when the torrents flood the net for the BD-25's people will ask for them to be scaled down to MKV's and or converted to DVD cause "The files too big" If there are some Laserdisc Raw PCM audio in there along with DTS-HD thems going to be some very very large ISO's