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The Sequel Trilogy: Trilogized (a Work In Progress)

CaptainFaraday said:

This is my first time seeing the thread for this edit and all of the ideas are great - echoing arabian, is it still being worked on?

I thought I’d always dislike the concept of adding Palpatine to TFA and TLJ, but the ideas for doing it presented here are very clever and have convinced me on it. I’d love to see them put into action.

It is not. TROS kind of killed my interest in the sequel trilogy and pretty much my love for Star Wars for a good long while. There’s some amazing stuff being done here here now though, especially on TROS, which may get me back on this. I’m just surprised no one else has tried something similar in the meantime. Have they?

Star Wars: The Fall of Skywalker (PT 3-in-1 edit) (Released)

Back with a V2 and clips!!

I took a lot of @NeverarGreat’s suggestions and implemented them into the video and tweaked some other areas. Here’s the new changes:

  • Harsh cut in Palpatine’s office is fixed
  • The lead-in to the first flashback is a little more telegraphed with a close-up of Anakin and early dialogue cue-in
  • There are now vignettes in between each title card between EP II and III. More specifically, I used a shot of the Anakin/Padme wedding, a battle scene from the battle of Geonosis and one of Palpatine looking over the clone army.
  • I’ve re-implemented parts of the Obi/Greivous sideplot to speed up the pacing of the second act. I was conflicted about this because as we know, Grievous is a en empty character with no meaningful significance to the themes of the saga or to our characters. Obi-Wan going after him and killing him has no emotional impact. Nevertheless, We do get to spend a little more time with Obi-Wan, which isn’t a bad thing.
  • I’ve tweaked the dialogue in the pre-fight confrontation of Obiwan and Anakin. Anakin’s line about bringing peace to his new Empire has been removed. I feel like Anakin going from being a conflicted Jedi but ultimately good person to full blown fascist doesn’t have enough set up so that line always stuck out to me as too drastic a shift. Instead, when his back is turned, I’ve put in the line “I will save Padme’s life”. This ties back into the main theme of my edit, which is that his fall was caused by the fear of loss and inability to let go. His turn on Mace and acceptance of Palpatine as his master works much better if it’s fuelled by that tragic flaw the trilogy builds up in him. Now the confrontation ties together better, because it’s consistently about themes that have been developed i.e. (i) how the Jedi personally failed him and (ii) he’s doing this to save Padme.


New opening crawl: https://streamable.com/2z9wd
Lead-in to first flashback: https://mega.nz/#!0apixaDZ!65mxu-FGpLSXL_pDbIo_yrj0HiqVIjxPk1hX-9A2mB0
De-cringed “love” scenes and Lead-in to second flashback: https://mega.nz/#!ZPw03CaZ!P2G9RsXGzfJpRZuv82iku4LgBlFIXlpq-_XCdCxcV5Y
Transition from the first act (ep 2) to the Episode III with the title cards and vignettes): https://mega.nz/#!UHxwQQIK!BGvRCFwTDW_KDwUsX27epi93NPMgxoDsErkbruwruWU
New pre-fight scene scene: https://mega.nz/#!df50nYbI!O7rUhZKxzEwBhWMCHovdi4MUrjeaKw8LP1H0vtCT9yQ
Shortened Ani/Obi fight: https://mega.nz/#!IT4EAIaK!yEmKdfc5yiY7i-wYK7MysZnhDhJb-at65Id0VGPhS1A
And for the enterprising who want to see more and how this cut looks in practice, the full first 30 minutes: https://mega.nz/#!NC4i1QLZ!DeZbQ_Oom9uVINgyx7MMrALV_GW-3Jx7Xw_DCIZ6h7E

Would be happy to hear your thoughts! Message me if you’d like a link to the full edit.

The Sequel Trilogy: Trilogized (a Work In Progress)

Vladius said:

I know you’ll disagree but both the concepts of Rey Palpatine and Rey Skywalker serve the theme you’re talking about, that your bloodline doesn’t matter and you choose your own destiny.

But it still means to you have to belong to some great bloodline in order to be strong with the Force. That Rey was actually a random girl meant that it could have been anyone who could rise up to defeat evil and Skywalkers and Palpatines didn’t matter. Anyone could be a hero. That’s broom kid. Now we’re back to, if you’re not one of four families, you can just forget it. Having her be a Palpatine still narrows the story to “will you accept the destiny in your blood or reject it” which is Kylo’s and Luke’s journey again as opposed to an open ended question of “who and what will you choose to be when that question is truly yours to answer?” I found that much more interesting than Rey Palpatine.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

VaderLovesU said:

NeverarGreat said:

In order for this to work the person has to speak highly specific phrases in order to generate a voice profile. This is to prevent just such a thing as making a profile of someone else.

Here’s a different app which can clone a voice with just 5 seconds of audio:


Sounds cool, has anyone tried to use this to do Hayden? Could be a game changer

The Sequel Trilogy: Trilogized (a Work In Progress)

New ideas I’m adding to this:

  • Kylo goes to rebuild his helmet at the end of TLJ before he goes to Exogol
  • Take out C3PO R2D2 moment. Not needed if you don’t have the memory wipe
  • I agree with the idea of using freeze frames and digital slow mo to lengthen shots and pacing
  • Remove the dagger lining up with the death star ruins bit. There’s enough footage to show that she just went into it and was pulled to the right place
  • Give Ben a line of dialogue after he turns good. I think I’m gonna take either the “fight it” of his “don’t fight it” or “I feel it too” and have him communicate that to Rey through the Force before she teleports the saber to him
  • Remove destruction of Kijimi and Planet killers. We see a massive fleet, that’s enough.
  • Gonna try cutting out the control tower business altogether
  • Remove like from end of TLJ where Leia says her son is gone. She still has to believe in him for the sequence in TROS to work
  • Add Leia’s like from TFA to TROS where she says “there’s still good in him” change “him” to “you”. Also add “I [have to] believe that”. I might add a shot of Leia smiling from earlier in the film here after “Ben”. Perhaps she’s projecting herself there like Like did and that effort is part of what kills her.
The Sequel Trilogy: Trilogized (a Work In Progress)

You guys bring up an interesting point about the effect of making Palpatine a clone. What other explanation would work which could be provided in a crawl and still have some basis?

I really will try to cut Kijimi though because to me it felt like a filler fetch quest and didn’t add much to the movie. The only part I liked was it giving Poe more of a back story but Zorii isn’t even interesting enough. Whether it’s doable I’m not sure yet.

The Sequel Trilogy: Trilogized (a Work In Progress)

This project is aimed at making the Sequel Trilogy feel more like a interconnected trilogy and not one knock-off film then a reaction to that and then a reaction to THAT, each making less sense than the last. It’s clear there was no united vision here and Rian and JJ have very different ideas of what Star Wars should look like. Watching these movies in series is a disorienting experience, to say the least. The worst offender is easily TROS, which had the chance to balance things but instead JJ went with being reactionary and stubborn about what he wanted. The worst of TROS’s problems is that it brings in entirely new plotlines that have no basis in the first two films in the trilogy, most notably the revival of Palpatine with no real explanation and Rey’s shoehorned new parentage. This project will make edits to all three films (most heavily TROS) to make the whole thing flow and in the case of TROS, fix JJ’s terrible last-minute storytelling decisions. There is unfortunately no way to edit out or replace Palpatine being brought back, dumb and lore-breaking as it is. We will have to work with that, which means that we’ll have to start setting it up from the the first film. This will be done through the addition and moving around of a few scenes and dialogue being implanted into TFA and TLJ, alongside new crawls for all 3 films. These versions won’t make heavy edits to either TFA or TLJ aside from what’s been mentioned. The purpose of this fanedit is not to fix your qualms with Rian’s decisions or humour you don’t like but to make this feel like a trilogy, period. If you’d like to use these as a basis for future edits, feel free.

Here is a general overview of the changes I’ll be making:

  • New crawl for TFA that hints someone we know might have returned and establishes that he’s responsible for building and sending the First Order as a threat. Here’s a work-in-progress:

"Beyond the edges of the known galaxy, a familiar ancient evil has returned and built an armada known as the FIRST ORDER.

With no help from the New Republic, GENERAL LEIA ORGANA has scraped together a RESISTANCE to oppose this new threat to the galaxy’s peace.

Luke Skywalker has disappeared. In a desperate attempt to find her brother before the FIRST ORDER can extinguish the last of the Jedi, Leia has sent her most daring pilot on a secret mission to Jakku to find the key to Luke’s whereabouts…"

  • When Ben is speaking to Vader’s helmet, ,add in a whisper of Palpatine saying “Find me…”

  • The film’s cliffhanger ending with Noble Luke makes the transition to Scared Luke and throwing the lightsaber very jarring. To address this, TFA will end with Rey and Chewie leave with the Falcon for Ach-To. Cut to Credits.

  • New crawl for TLJ (WIP):

"The First Order reigns over the cowering Republic. Supreme Leader Snoke deploys his merciless legions to seize military control of the galaxy.

Only General Leia Organa’s band of RESISTANCE fighters stand against the rising tyranny, certain that Jedi Master Luke Skywalker will return and restore a spark of hope to the fight.

Meanwhile, Kylo Ren, hearing voices from the beyond, searches for the source of an immense dark power beyond even Snoke…"

  • New color grade for TLJ to fit in better with TFA and TROS

  • Move the opening scene of TROS to the very start of TLJ. Pan down to Kylo flying in to Mustafar where we see him slaughter the natives and finding the Wayfinder. Having Kylo be aware of a bigger power than Snoke and searching for it ties into his growing resistance to Snoke that we see throughout TLJ and his decision to kill him. It doesn’t undermine his resolve to kill those above him and become Supreme Leader because he’s searching for Palpatine so we can kill him too. And that ties into the other scene we’re adding to the end of TLJ below.

  • When we cut to Rey after the Resistance escape scene, it’s to Rey climbing the steps as at the end of TFA. We seamlessly work in her presenting the lightsaber and Luke throwing it away, making it feel like the scenes are from the same film.

  • Before or after the broom boy scene at the end of TLJ, we see Kylo land on Exogol and face Palpatine. Now Palpatine’s line that every voice Kylo’s ever heard has been him has much more impact. A bunch of other changes to this scene:

  • Palpatine doesn’t say “kill the girl”, he only says “find the girl”. This change will be made throughout TROS. Palpatine’s plan in this film doesn’t make sense if he wants Kylo to kill Rey but at the end actually wanted her there to be Empress. In my version, he’s telling Kylo to find her.

  • Palpatine doesn’t say he created Snoke. We change the word “created” to “trained”. It is a lot less dumb to have Snoke be a real dark side user that Palpatine trained as an apprentice to lead the First Order as opposed to being a clone (which doesn’t fit with how he’s been presented since TFA).

  • Take out the last part of this scene where Rey’s identity comes up again. In my version, she is not a Palpatine. This is exceedingly dumb and undermines one of the strongest themes of the ST: That your bloodline doesn’t matter and anyone can have the destiny of greatness. She is a nobody, period. Palpatine has been searching for her to turn her to the dark side and do his bidding, the same as he wanted from Anakin and Luke.

  • The film ends on a cliffhanger. We see both Luke’s sacrifice inspire the galaxy (broom boy) and also the Sith Final Order Fleet rise. The Palpatine has been built up to for two movies and isn’t out of the blue. This leads to a finale with much more anticipation and with higher stakes than TLJ’s.

  • New TROS crawl (WIP):

"Having schemed from the shadows for decades, a clone of the late EMPEROR PALPATINE brought terror to the galaxy through Snoke and the FIRST ORDER. Now he uses his shadow clone army to unleash the FINAL ORDER and complete his conquest.

REY, the last hope of the Jedi, trains for battle against the diabolical FIRST ORDER while KYLO REN closes in on her trail, determined to turn her to the dark side.

GENERAL LEIA ORGANA dispatches secret Resistance agents to find clues on how to find and vanquish this reawakened evil once and for all…"

  • Couple key things here: how did Palpatine survive and build/hide a massive fleet of ships? We know from the prequels he’s a big fan of clones and cloning. Him having stashed a low quality clone of himself far away as a contingency makes some sense. Him continuing to use the Kamino tech to build a new clone army to build new ships is also within the realm of reasonability. It’s a better explanation than none

  • We open to Finn and Poe’s mission where they receive the message from the spy and continue normally from there.

  • There are too many useless fetch quests stuffed into the start of the movie which is cut together manically and fucks up the pacing. The most useless of these is the side mission to Kijimi. I’m going to attempt to cut it out entirely. Here’s how it’ll go: C3PO finds and reads the Sith Dagger. Instead of him saying he can’t read it out loud, we see his eyes turn red and use the audio from Kijimi. As he’s speaking we see the snake thing come up behind him and he’s interrupted. Unfortunately, you can’t edit out the Chewie fakeout but that whole thing happens and they leave Passana on Ochi’s ship. We keep a few of the scenes from inside Ochi’s ship but then - and this is the tricky part - We try to pass off the inside of Zorii’s hideout as the inside of Ochi’s ship. Since we see so little of the latter, I think it’s possible. Just like it happens in the movie, we see Ren’s ship pop up outside a window, the implication being that Ren followed them. Might need some After Effects here to remove the clouds in the Kijimi sky and make it look like space. Cut to them flying into Ren’s ship on Ochi’s ship. The ship scenes play out the same until Ren returns.

  • Since Kijimi is being cut out, Zorii is also cut out from the movie (i.e from the battle at the end and final scenes)

  • Remove as much of Finn’s “feeling” and “instinct” talk. Him being Force sensitive is never resolved and I don’t want to leave a dangling plot thread. I’ll remove as much of this as I can.

  • Remove the reveal on Ren’s ship that Rey is Palpatine’s granddaughter. Her reaction still makes sense if Ren is referring to her growing dark side powers (as evidenced by the force lightning). She leaves on the Falcon.

  • In the Luke scene, take out Luke’s mention that he and Leia knew she was a Palpatine. This doesn’t make sense from a timeline perspective. This film still works with her discovering her potential for darkness without the Palpatine connection.

  • In the final showdown scene, remove all of Palpatine’s talk about family and bloodline and focus on him trying to turn her dark. This might be a bit choppy but I think it’s doable.

  • Depending on if it it can be done in a way that doesn’t look cheap or cheesy, I’d like to actually have the Force Ghosts of some of the Jedi who speak to Rey show up on screen, especially Anakin. It can even be a mostly static shot and it would tie together the saga better. We’ll see on this one.

  • Kylo dying is a terrible end to the best character in the ST. He survives. Just like Rey healed his fatal wound without dying, he too can heal her and live. After he heals Rey and they kiss, we cut away. Soon after, we only see Rey leaving on the X-Wing.

  • Remove weird Lando/Jannah scene which is also dangling and unnecessary.

  • in the final scene, we remove the cringey “Rey Skywalker”. Add her line from earlier where she says “Just Rey” to replace “Rey Skywalker”. This better fits the theme of the ST: she realizes that even if she doesn’t come from some special bloodline, it doesn’t matter. She is no one, and that’s enough.

  • The money shot: in the final double sunset shot, as Rey and BB8 face the waning suns, we see in the far distance, silhouetted against the pale light, the shape of a TIE Fighter, the very same one flown by Ben to Exogol. Fin.

I’ve already started making the heavy TROS edits on the HD camrip to see the extent of what is and isn’t possible and I may share clips if that turns out to look good. Otherwise, I mainly just want feedback on these ideas until the HD version drops. I really want to end up with a version of this trilogy I can enjoy watching without whiplash.

Star Wars: The Fall of Skywalker (PT 3-in-1 edit) (Released)

NeverarGreat said:

So I just gave this a watch, and I quite liked it! It really does a good job of cutting extraneous plot threads in favor of Anakin’s turn to the Dark Side. I especially liked how Obi-wan’s mission on Utapau was almost entirely removed in favor of Anakin on Coruscant, since this made it feel like the audience itself was being excluded from the Jedi council and really allowed solidarity with Anakin and his frustrations.

Apart from a few rough cuts in the beginning (most notably the elevator scene and Padme’s apartment from AOTC), the music and audio was cut well and flowed nicely.

There are a few notes I have concerning the particulars of the edit:

I understand why you included the two clips from TPM, which were important moments setting up Anakin’s romance with Padme and his desire to free his mother, but they were so brief that they felt out of place. I feel like if you were to have those moments, they would need more context in the form of the whole scenes to really shine. Anakin leaving his mother in particular is a real highlight of TPM and it’s a shame to lose that beautiful music.

The overall structure of the edit makes it very light on action in favor of Anakin’s psychological turmoil, and this is mostly to the benefit of the film, however in practical terms this means a lot of shot-reverse-shot and people walking slowly in hallways while talking. The beginning and end of the edit has enough action to sustain these talky scenes, but the middle drags a bit. I’d actually like to see some of the rescue of Palpatine from ROTS, because apart from a needed respite from the psychological drama it would establish the violence of the war which you allude to in the interstitial text. To make room for these additions I think you could still lose some more from the Yoda/Palpatine battle and Anakin’s murder of Sandpeople (I think his journey is stronger if he merely dreamed of murdering them, since actually doing it this early tips his hand).

Speaking of the transition between films, I would really have liked to see some of the end of AOTC with Anakin and Padme’s marriage and the beginning of the clone wars. It could even be presented as a series of vignettes between the lines of blue text indicating the buildup to war. I’m imagining something like the time jump in Dune, except with text instead of voiceover: https://youtu.be/OKStvZJQBDg?t=75

Despite these issues, I really enjoyed this and consider it one of the more successful prequel edits I’ve seen.

I’m a fan of your work so this coming from you means a lot. (: Thank you so much for checking it out and for your constructive comments.

I did notice that there was a glut of dialogue scenes towards the middle which slowed the pacing down a bit, but like you said, I liked that being stuck on Coruscant showed Anakin’s increasing level of isolation and dispritedness. I’ll tinker with restoring some of the Utapau scenes and see how that flows.

As for the flashbacks, the purpose of their length was tied both to an effort to keep the edit a reasonable film length and not to distract from the main narrative. I contemplated removing the Padme scene altogether to obfuscate the age gap, but I wanted to establish the motif of the locket as it’s shown throughout the film and ties to the theme. Point taken on the Shmi scene, I’ll lengthen it and see how that goes. I like your idea of the vignettes, I’ll definitely try that as well.

The rough cut you mentioned, is that the one from Palpatine’s office to Padme’s apartment?

Star Wars: The Fall of Skywalker (PT 3-in-1 edit) (Released)

Hey guys, this is my new fan-edit that attempts to boil down the most important part of the story told over the prequels into one feature length movie. The result is 130 minutes of a purely character-focused film centered around what I consider to be the most essential part of the PT: Anakin Skywalker and his downfall. What’s always been most important to me about Star Wars is the human element, the characters and their arcs. That’s why I wanted to cut away all the parts of the prequels that did nothing for me, the trade disputes, political scheming, CGI wankery and over the top humour, and just focus on the story we actually wondered about the first time we watched ESB: Who was Anakin Skywallker? What caused him to become Darth Vader? This film attempts to answer that question and to do so in a self-contained way that work even for someone who’s never seen the prequels before. It’s best watched in the Machete Order after ESB as it’ll address the cliffhanger well as it can be with the source material, without suffering all the rest.

The theme that I hoped to emphasize in this edit was that it was ultimately Anakin’s fear of loss which drove him to what it did. It was the guilt of leaving his mother behind, the anguish of losing her, the resurgent fear of losing Padme, the desolation of being so powerful but not being able to do a thing about that fear, which all culminated in him becoming Vader. And of course I also emphasized how Palpatine both orchestrated and cultivated those negative feelings alongside a bond of trust with Anakin which resulted in his eventual choice. It’s safe to say the three main characters of this film are Anakin, Padme and Palpatine.

The film is split into three acts: the first focuses on Anakin’s budding relationship with Padme, and his anxiety and fear over his mother, ending with her death and Anakin’s promise to get powerful enough never to face such loss again. In the second act, we jump to Anakin years later, never really having recovered from that loss, but now having visions of Padme’s death. His faith in the Jedi Council wanes as they hold him back while his relationship with Palpatine continues to grow. Again, he is primarily motivated by fear and not being powerful enough in the constraints put on him by being a Jedi. This all culminates in the boiling point that we know and he resigns to the dark side as it is the only way to gain power and save Padme. The third act is about the consequences of his choice and plays out much the same as in ROTS. Edited together like this, Yoda’s maxim about fear leading to the dark side becomes strikingly apparent.

Disclaimer: This is not a good film. It is a remix of three awful films to try and make something less awful. While it is a much better film than any of the prequel films individually, there is only so much one can do for the terrible dialogue, wooden acting, and school-grade storytelling. That being said, like hundreds before me, I’ve done everything I felt I could to address those flaws wherever I could (let’s call them the ‘anti-cringe cuts’). For what it is, I think it came together pretty well.

Now, onto the cut-list. Well, actually it would be easier to list what I did include:

  • New crawl (like ANH, I used the crawl not to talk about the protagonist but set up the political context about the war, Jedi and Palpatine so we could get straight into the story)
  • Padme’s ship is ambushed. Palpatine talk to the Jedi Council about the war and Palps suggests Obi-Wan and Anakin being assigned to her.
  • Anakin and Obi-Wan meet up with her (with a flashback to young Anakin giving young Padme the necklace)
  • The second assassination attempt with significantly shortened chase
  • Obi-Wan being assigned to investigate and Anakin to guard Padme. Palpatine whispers in Anakin’s ear.
  • The rest of the first act centers around Anakin and Padme on Naboo, with the worst scenes and dialogue being (hopefully) seamlessly cut. They’re a couple of horny teens, you don’t need a lot of dialogue.
  • Anakin dreams about his mother. Flashback to him saying goodbye to her. Anakin and Padme go to Tattooine to find his mother. Most of the scenes play out the same, but I took out C3PO being recognized (because him being Anakin’s droid is dumb)
  • Anti-cringe cuts to Anakin’s angery scenes talking to Padme after he returns from getting his mother
    The first act ends at her grave on Tattooine and Anakin making a vow

Cut to title cards in the iconic blue typeface which tell us it’s been five years and we’re now well into the war. This might seem like an amateurish choice that pulls you out of the film. To that I say: this plays to the saga’s pulpy roots as much as the opening crawl and titles. It’s fine. It gets the job done. It’s not an art film.

Based on @NeverArGreat’s idea, there are now vignettes in between each title card between EP II and III. More specifically, I used a shot of the Anakin/Padme wedding, a battle scene from the battle of Geonosis and one of Palpatine looking over the clone army. I think it looks pretty good.

  • The entire first part of ROTS with the space battle is cut. Dooku is not mentioned. We open to Coruscant and Anakin, Obi-Wan and Palpatine fly in after the latter has just been saved.
  • We’re told Grevious is the last hold-out in the war and the Council agrees to pursue him. The remaining story of the war is told entirely through reference (it’s great how well this worked out). We’re told when Grievous has been located, when Obi-Wan has been selected to be sent and when he’s been dealt with. He is not shown (which is no loss because he is dumb). Anakin, like the audience, is left out from all this.
  • Meanwhile, we focus on Anakin and his fear of losing Padme, his growing trust in Palpatine and his growing resentment of the Council. All those character scenes are kept albeit edited for anti-cringe.
  • There’s no Yoda in Kashyyk or Obi-Wan on Utapau. There is no Chosen One plot (it is dumb).
  • Most of the scenes in the thrid act of ROTS (the best part of the PT) are kept. We see Anakin make his decision and carry out Palpatine’s bidding in a desperate attempt to save Padme. We see him end the war. We see the Jedi die and the Republic fall. We see Yoda attempting to stop Sidious and fail. We see Padme and Obi-Wan confront Anakin (with less dialogue). We see a shortened version of the Anakin Obi-Wan fight.
  • I’ve tweaked the dialogue in the pre-fight confrontation of Obiwan and Anakin. Anakin’s line about bringing peace to his new Empire has been removed. I feel like Anakin going from being a conflicted Jedi but ultimately good person to full blown fascist doesn’t have enough set up so that line always stuck out to me as too drastic a shift. Instead, when his back is turned, I’ve put in the line “I will save Padme’s life”. This ties back into the main theme of my edit, which is that his fall was caused by the fear of loss and inability to let go. His turn on Mace and acceptance of Palpatine as his master works much better if it’s fuelled by that tragic flaw the trilogy builds up in him. Now the confrontation ties together better, because it’s consistently about themes that have been developed i.e. (i) how the Jedi personally failed him and (ii) he’s doing this to save Padme.
  • Padme dies but there’s no explanation of it being from heartbreak (which is…you guessed it, dumb). The survivors get to their resting places and the stage is set for the OT.
  • The story of Anakin’s downfall is thus told. The story of how Palpatine manipulated him and the Jedi and the Senate is told to the extent it needs to be.

And that’s how I chose to do it. In case it wasn’t clear, this is ‘done’. Now I need your feedback on two things:

  1. The technical aspects. I’ve done this before but I’m not some master editor. If there are cuts which are too sharp, transitions that look off or sound transitions that just mess with the scoring too noticeably, let me know. I want this to feel seamless as much as possible. I’ve shown it to one other person who’s a casual fan and they only noted 2 noticeable cuts. I’ve reworked them since. Also thinking about putting in a color regrade or grain for a V2, or taking ideas from other fan editors.
  2. Theme, narrative and continuity. I’ve done my best to describe which scenes and parts of the prequel trilogy I kept to serve the narrative I chose to focus on and the theme at play. Do you feel I missed some key scenes from the PT which would’ve strengthened that narrative? Were superfluous scenes included? Are there any other loose plot threads or parts of the film someone watching this for the first time wouldn’t follow? I would’ve liked to include Anakin offing Dooku at Palp’s behest, but it would’ve required too much setup and ultimately wouldn’t add much to the narrative. Nevertheless, open to ideas. Have other fan edits with a similar mission done interesting things which would add to my edit?

Anyway, that’s the thing. Thanks for reading and PM me if you want a link.


New opening crawl: https://streamable.com/2z9wd
Lead-in to first flashback: https://mega.nz/#!0apixaDZ!65mxu-FGpLSXL_pDbIo_yrj0HiqVIjxPk1hX-9A2mB0
De-cringed “love” scenes and Lead-in to second flashback: https://mega.nz/#!ZPw03CaZ!P2G9RsXGzfJpRZuv82iku4LgBlFIXlpq-_XCdCxcV5Y
Transition from the first act (ep 2) to the Episode III with the title cards and vignettes): https://mega.nz/#!UHxwQQIK!BGvRCFwTDW_KDwUsX27epi93NPMgxoDsErkbruwruWU
New pre-fight confrontation scene: https://mega.nz/#!df50nYbI!O7rUhZKxzEwBhWMCHovdi4MUrjeaKw8LP1H0vtCT9yQ
Shortened Ani/Obi fight: https://mega.nz/#!IT4EAIaK!yEmKdfc5yiY7i-wYK7MysZnhDhJb-at65Id0VGPhS1A
And for the enterprising who want to see more and how this cut looks in practice, the full first 30 minutes: https://mega.nz/#!NC4i1QLZ!DeZbQ_Oom9uVINgyx7MMrALV_GW-3Jx7Xw_DCIZ6h7E

Star Wars: The Anakin Saga

@NeverarGreat On second thought, the Naboo plot, even the reframing of it I did, doesn’t really have any emotional connection to Anakin’s story, which is really the point here. I might have made it better IMO but the fact of the matter is the plot doesn’t have much connection even in its original form to the other two PT. I’m doing another cut that’s closer to what you’ve said. I hope you don’t mind checking that out when it’s done.

@SparkySywer Thanks for your comments, especially the technical stuff. Glad you liked the grain and contrast. AOTC into ANH is an interesting idea. Maybe once I cut the TPM stuff just to Anakin and tell that story while Luke is still on Tattooine, I can jump ahead to AOTC later.

Star Wars: The Anakin Saga


Thank you for watching it and sharing your thoughts. While Anakin is the main focus of these edits, I also did want to tell a debloated version of the prequel stories. I included the Naboo plot because it was necessary to explain why the Jedi end up on Tattooine. They’re on the run from an evil organization, protecting the Queen and taking her back to her planet, but run into this extraordinary boy. The way I structured the story, we see the why of their landing, the introduction of Anakin and the fallout of their mission, i.e. a resolution of the Naboo plot, defeat of the Sith warrior chasing them and Qui-Gon’s death (explaining why he’s not there in the next two). It’s sort of got a beginning middle and end, even with most of the original cut out.

All that being said, I can’t argue with your perception of narrative whiplash. I’m still tinkering with the placement of the scenes to make it feel more natural. I am getting the feeling disassociated multi-timeline storylines work much better on television than film. For what it’s worth, my original cut started with them landing and ended with them leaving Tattooine, with a small part of the final Maul fight in there, but the test audience I showed it to was confused about the characters on the ship and what they were doing there.

Your ideas for the cut is interesting, it would essentially keep a handful of scenes from the original but place them better. I may give that a try later on. Thanks again.

Suggestions for the New Forum

Okay, I’m fairly new to this website so I’m not going to presume to know anything, but this forum is quite strange to view on a desktop. I’ve been on lots of different forums on the Internet over the years, vBulletin, XenForo, ProBoards, etc. and this one looks nothing like them. It doesn’t seem to be made for desktops in the sense that you can view a maximum of like 2 posts at a time, everything is really spaced out, the buttons are very big, and there’s not a lot of the information density one expects for desktop websites. It also doesn’t seem to have a bunch of the features you find on other forums (I see they’re requested here).

So I guess my question really is is there a particular reason this host/style was chosen?

Star Wars: The Anakin Saga

What is it?
This is an edit of the Prequel Trilogy and Original Trilogy that aims to tell the most central story of the Star Wars saga, the story of Anakin Skywalker, within three films. It integrates the emotional core of the PT, Anakin’s downfall, into Luke’s story. It does this through a remix of the PT with the OT. Multiple timelines is a storytelling technique that has been used in many films and TV shows (most recently in Westworld) and that back and forth structure is how I’ve chosen to tell the two stories.

This edit also has a secondary goal, which is to improve the PT. It does so by cutting out most of the dull politics, eliminating irritating characters and character moments, reshaping entire character identities, trimming and replacing dialogue, rearranging scenes, and cutting out large swaths of scenes featuring unnecessary CGI. At its core, the goal is to tell a focused story about how Anakin was found and what made him fall to the dark side, and not necessarily on how the Empire rose to power.

Who is it for?
My objective for this project is to share the good parts of the prequels with non-Star Wars fans and those who haven’t seen the PT. Basically, I want to share the story of the Skywalker destiny, which I feel is the heart of the series, with friends and family who have only seen the OT, or only TFA. Anakin’s story in the PT, despite being clunkily told, does add gravitas to ESB and ROTJ. This is something I want to share with non-fans without exposing them to the terrible and off-putting parts of the PT. However, it’s also for existing Star Wars fans to experience a much improved version of the PT in a new way.

Why not do a simple PT edit? Why taint the OT?

The reasons for that are twofold:

  • a) Stripping the PT down to what I would consider its essentials leaves about an hour of content per film, so separate edits could not work, though I highly respect Hal and others who have done an admirable improvement on the films.
  • B) All of the edits I’ve seen that put all three of the PT into one film feel disjointed. Though that is something I could potentially do with what I’ve kept from the OT, I felt it would be more compelling (and more original) to let viewers experience the complete story in a trilogy.

Wouldn’t this give away a lot of the reveals of the OT?
This has been something I’ve actively worked to avoid. Anakin falling to the dark side is something that will be hinted at in the flashbacks only in the second edit (Ep 2 of TAS) and will be first revealed in the ESB portion of it. Same goes for the Leia reveal. Yoda will also not show up in the past scenes before his identity is revealed in the OT.

What sources did you use?
I used the standard Blu-Ray editions of all 6 films and Harmy’s Despecialized to replace some of the baffling CGI additions. I’ve also used newer Star Wars films and other sci-fi movies to update some of the special effects. I am aiming to use a color-corrected version of the OT (from NevervarGreat) as the base when that becomes available.

You updated the OT’s special effects?
Yes, I’ve added new versions of the Alderaan and Death Star explosion, as well as stolen a shot or two from TFA and RO. I’ve also kept some of the SE changes with regards to CGI for locations, vehicles and ships, and removed changes where it detracted from the scene (like the Greedo scene). I kept the SE CGI because I want the two eras of the project to feel more like one whole (I’ve added more grain to the PT for the same reason).

What other major changes have you made?


  • The overall plot has been changed. It is now about the Queen on the run from an organization called the Trade Federation led by the shadowy Sith who wants to kill her. Her Jedi protectors are on a mission to take her back to her planet and end up on Tattooine for repairs, where they find Anakin. After they escape, they find her planet under occupation and fight to take it back. Coruscant and the council do not appear at all.
  • Padme isn’t the Queen anymore. She’s the Queen’s right hand, an extraordinary talented handmaiden who the Queen hears the counsel of and who will go on to become Senator.
  • Jar Jar is just a minor character who got caught up with the Jedi. His role is explained away and dialogue is changed.

How long is each film?
While I’ve kept the minimum amount needed from the PT to coherently tell Anakin’s story, the resulting films are still fairly long, though within feature film length. I’ve just finished the first of my planned edits, blending episode I into episode IV, and it clocks at around 2 hours, 50 minutes, though the next two will be a little longer.

Is this out?
V0.9 of Episode 1 is out and going through beta. If you’re interested, I can send you a link. I would love any feedback you have. Episode II featuring a remix of AOTC and ESB will be out later this summer.