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The Fall of the Jedi Trilogy (Released)

Hey guys. I have only recently created an account but have been lurking around here for a year or so. I have previously downloaded l8wrtrs prequels and thoroughly enjoyed them compared to the originals but I found his version of episode 3 to be somewhat incoherent at times. I find in his attempts to adjust Anakin’s fall he shuffles too much footage around and it loses a consistent smooth flow (not hating its hard with limited footage). So I have been looking around for alternatives. I am currently downloading Kerr’s Episode 3 (very slowly) but am a little disappointed it isn’t HD. So to cut a long story short I would love to be able to dl the Fall of the Jedi Prequels as BD25s. I got the ep3 public torrent (4.3GB) which was good enough but the rest on tpb are even lower bitrates. And so I was wondering if someone could drop me a myspleen invite?

Cheers guys

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

EGOvoruhk said:
This is for PC, not a TV. I use MPC-HC with madVR/NNEDI3 for most video playback, I’m not aware that I can remove the black bars.

MPC-HC can be used to easily crop/scale to remove the letterboxing. There are two ways of doing it, you will have to decide what is best as I don’t have an ultrawide to test. In the context menu > video frame > touch window from outside. Or alternatively context menu > Pan&Scan > Zoom to UltraWidesreen. As far as I can tell the first option should be better?

EDIT: it seems you might have to Zoom to Widescreen rather than to UltraWidescreen