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Ranking the Star Wars films

Huh, its hard after the first 2.

  1. ESB, But this kinda comes with the idea that in ESB, ALOT of time passes, even though it doesnt feel like it to me.
  2. SW
  3. ROTJ, sure i like space battles
  4. The Clone Wars (All), it… messes up some continuity, but I thought it provided good story, and I like some depth. Its odd that characters show up and then later, like, Chewbacca doesn’t seem interested in sharing his past. I guess this is still considered cannon? I have not seen rebels.
  5. Rouge One, I struggle with the pace of it. I feel like in the first half of the movie must have had decent time pass.
  6. TPM, Midichlorians are dumb, but, a lot of SW is political stuff, and it establishes that. Its close for me between Rouge and this.
  7. TFA, again pacing of this movie bothers me. But, this ones rating will come into how it ties things together with the rest of the movies. A good real twist and maybe the sequel trilogy will move up.
    8-9. ROTS, AOTC, so these 2 don’t really add much to the story. We essentially know whats going to happen. Maybe the only real element is it tells us what happened to all the jedi.
The Force Awakens: 1.78:1 scenes in 2D? - with recreation of IMAX scene (Released)

BobaJett said:

My dumbass is just now getting it! Duh! I wasnt thinking. Thank you for the correction, again. But, again, I am of the opinion still that it would be better if they released a scope disc for folks with anamorphic projectors. As is, like you said, a BD is 1920x816, similar to a 35mm Flat film print. A scope BD would be 1920x1080 and when unsqueezed, you’d have a better projected image than the BD we get now.

The BR spec in later revision has gotten better. But I remember when it first came out thinking the anamophic support sucked. I guess they were afraid of putting too much burden on the players, and I guess at the time HDMI spec wasn’t as good as it is now either. So for mass production we get stuck with things with backward compatibility.

4K restoration on Star Wars

Fang Zei said:

Indeed, people need to stop fretting about “the cgi is only 2k.”

With few exceptions, that’s still how it’s done today even when the movie is finished as a 4k DI. It’s simply more money than the studios are willing to spend to render it in 4k, especially when it’s a very vfx-heavy movie.

Going forward, 4k rendering will probably become more the norm as technology improves and costs come down.

Do we know what res the cg in TFA and RO was rendered at?

You got me thinking about the future of remastering in the digital domain (beyond 4k). As costs come down, I assume if you wanted to re-render CG, you could, but then you need to go dig up the digital workflow for the movie. I assume these vary CG house to CG house, and are based on available tech during production.