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Revenge of the Sith: Japanese Version
Originally posted by: zombie84
Cool, i had no idea this was going on. I know there were some OT manga published years ago that are pretty neat.

lol thanks but when I said I was interested in Japanese anime I was refering to the fact that I like japanese and there's a japanese dub of revenge of the sith and since star wars is kind of like an anime type thing it would be pretty cool to see the japanese dub version of the film.
Revenge of the Sith: Japanese Version
Japanese has surely got to be one of the most kickass sounding foriegn languages, it sounds so cool also, the acting is probably a lot better in the film and there are lines and parts in the movie which would feel and sound a lot better, if anyone has any clips or anything please share, don't know why there's basically no media of it on the internet basically anywhere.

heres the return of the king clip I mentioned http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAyukPMlwng&search=lord%20of%20the%20rings%20japanese the sound is bad and is off sinc but if you wait till near the end you'll here frodo/anakin's voice, he has two lines.
Revenge of the Sith: Japanese Version
I'm a big fan of Japanese anime, and when I heard there was a japanese version for revenge of the sith I really wanted to see it, I saw a small clip on youtube.com of Frodo and Gollum in return of the King in Japanese and the same voice actor who does Frodo, does Anakin and he sounded really good, so I just want to know if anyone knows a site where I could get clips of revenge of the sith in japanese, or the whole movie, or if anyone has the japanese version, could they upload some clips.
Episode 3: Fan Editing Ideas Discussion
I think Anakin should use a red lightsaber and should get it basically after he turns, I think Palps's lightsaber which he uses to fight Mace should be changed into Vader's one form the original trilogy and have Mace kick it out of Palp's hand to his left onto the floor instead of out the window, then after Sidious says "and we shall have peace" add a bit afterwards where Anakin picks up his lightsaber and just as he's leaving he gets stopped by Sidious who picks up his lightsaber and gives it to Vader (or Anakin) saying "your sith lightsaber" and Anakin replies "thankyou my master" and then the scene ends and goes to the marching on the temple with replaced music instead of the battle theme music.

If that happens then how Obi-wan gets the blue lightsaber is that Vader uses the sith lightsaber through the rest of the film and then at the very end of the duel just after obiwan says "it's over Anakin I have the high ground" when it takes a view from behind obiwan and you see Anakin from a distance just before it goes to him saying "you underestimate my power" have Anakin pull out and ignite the second lightsaber, because at that point he's so angry at Obiwan he'll do anything to show off his true power and kill obiwan, then he jumps at obiwan, gets legs cut, jedi lightsaber lands on the ground (as well as the sith lightsaber) and obiwan picks it up and at this point he's too distracted by the fact his apprentice has been all cut up, is shouting I hate you at him and is then burning to notice the Sith lightsaber, and then you assume that Sidious picks the Sith lightsaber up after the scene where he puts his hand on Anakin's head.