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Info Wanted: I designed an LED Wall light. Thoughts?

Thank you so very much for taking the time to reply, your comment means more to me than I can express. You’ve made my day! And I will certainly hang around, with a welcome like that, how could I not?

oojason said:

That looks superb - and for me has a quality akin to something officially licenced (or even better than that).

Really nicely done - the price is a little high for me - though you can see the design process, time, love and effort (and likely a bit of blood and sweat too?) that has gone into this.


ps - Welcome to the site - I hope you stick around and enjoy what is on offer here.

MtFBWY too 😃

Info Wanted: I designed an LED Wall light. Thoughts?

Hi all, been a reader for a while but just created this account to share something I made. It took me about 6 years from concept to completion due to various life interruptions, but “do or do not, there is no try”. I am quite pleased with the finished product, and I hope you all will agree. I did not design this with anticipation of retailing it, however I’ve not seen anything like this available for sale and I feel like there should be! I am attempting to make this available to anyone who would like one with only a marginal profit for labor and time invested. I welcome any dialogue or support any of my fellow fans can offer. Thank you all and MtFBWY always!

More info and pics: https://www.etsy.com/listing/561037801/star-wars-led-wall-light-unique-accent
