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What scene in the (O-)OT do you hate/dislike the most?
Hi I just signed on today and I am wondering about one thing. Did anyone notice in ANH DVD Version that they altered Jabba from the Spec. Ed. Version....and honestly, seeing the new DVD Ep. IV Jabba I like the 1997 version better. And this has bothered me since day 1, if they made Jabba CGI for ANH why did you not at the very least FIX his busted eye in ROTJ Spec. Ed? What the heck!? Let's see, oh one thing I DID like in ESB DVD Version was that they put Ian McDiarmid as The Emperor. And I know this is blasphemy but when they re-did Empire, why did they not fix the Asteroid Field Scene? Hmmm? Ok I guess here is my thing, they SHOULD release the OT in Original cuts on DVD, but stop with these little fixes at it, if you're gonna destroy it, just re-do the whole entire movies like the Prequel trilogy, Just pull out Harrison Ford and Hamill and the rest of the cast and re-do every shot and get it over with.