- Post
- #1275770
- Topic
- The Last Jedi: A Spark of Hope (Released)
- Link
- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/1275770/action/topic#1275770
- Time
I too would appreciate a link
I too would appreciate a link
Jeez that was amazing!! I absolutely loved your music choices for the ending and the rearrangement of the scenes. Gives a bit more of a feel of urgency. Keep up the great work!
Wow I absolutely love your changes to this. If you wouldn’t mind, I’d definitely appreciate a link.
Sorry, I’m probably forgetting some line of dialogue, but when does yoda confirm in ROTJ that luke going to help leia and han(on bespin I presume), was a good thing? Doesn’t he actually say that it was unfortunate that he went there because his training was incomplete?
Alright yeah, I know this pretty much came out of nowhere lol. But I recently bought the 4k blu ray for life of pi and just found out that the art work had a solid tear in it that I hadn’t noticed until after the return window closed. It obviously isnt that big of a deal but if anyone has the 4k blu ray case art(or even a custom one, I’ll take that too) I’d really appreciate it. Thanks and may the force be with you!
Chances are that no one really cares but here we go lol.
10. AOTC(Hate)
9. TPM(Dislike)
8. Solo(Dislike)
7. Rogue One(It’s Fine)
6/5(tied). TLJ/ROTS(Decent)
4. ROTJ(Good)
3. TFA(Great)
2. SW(Amazing)
Has the issue with the iso been fixed?
I have also had a problem with downloading pt 30. Any help would definitely be appreciated:)
Great to hear!
I’m not sure if this is just me but I used one disc to burn 4k83 and another to burn 4k77. The discs I used were verbatim BD-R DL inkjet printable discs, the burner is the pioneer BDR-XD05B, and I used imgburn as the software. When I put these discs in my ps3 and my ps4, they are shown to be invalid. I’m not sure if this is just a problem with those systems or if the iso may be corrupt.
Took a stab at making a set of Blu-ray slipcovers for all eight saga films. I decided to use the sequel trilogy title aesthetic (Serif Gothic) to have a consistent look on the spines, while using the original title treatments and teaser poster artwork on the cover. I haven’t gotten around to designing a back cover yet, but here’s what I’ve got so far:
By any chance, has this been completed?
Is the BD available anywhere else like MEGA? The confirmation email/link of the forum doesn’t work. Thanks and have a nice day!
Really good job on the opening!
If anyone has a MEGA link 4k83 that they could send me, it would be greatly appreciated:)
Hey, I’d really appreciate a link to your edit if possible! Thank you!
I would love one as well. Been a fan of these movies since they came out!
I’d really love to see this. Has anyone been able to upload this to Mega by any chance?
Me too if possible!
I’d like to see it as well if possible!
Looks amazing, Adywan! Will a BD version of it be released alongside it at some point too? Btw super excited for ROTJ Revisited!
Is there a BD version of this? If so, could someone send me a link to it? It would be greatly appreciated
Hey Solkap. Thank you so much for making these available. I’m near the completion of my set(working on making slipcovers), But I was wondering if there is any intention for updating these for when v3.0 releases. Have a great day!
Hey guys! I am near the completion of my set of the despecialized OT and wanted to add slipcovers to each case so that I have the opportunity to show some great looking art on high-quality paper. But I really want the art to be consistent in the sense that it has the same structure or feel to it if that makes any sense. I’ve thought of maybe the lightsaber battles(obi wan vs Vader, Luke vs Vader, Luke vs Vader again) and significant planets(Tatooine, Hoth, Endor, maybe Yavin IV or Dagobah) where the planet is in the front of the slipcover and the saber battle in the back. I was gonna do space battles but empire doesn’t really have one. Yes it has a chase in space but it isn’t like the two death star assaults. But I can’t seem to find ones that are consistent, and if they are consistent, either they aren’t high res or there isn’t much detail in them. Anyways, would anyone happen have any links to consistent looking, AMAZING quality art for the 3 movies about any of the two possible things I suggested above? And maybe you have suggestions for other themes I could use instead. Anything would be greatly appreciated. Have a great day everyone!
Update: Extracted using 7z. It worked this time. Thanks DZ! So excited to see this!!!