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ROBOTECH: The Deculture Collection (Released)

Must be my fault. I’m still somewhat of an amateur with editing so sound mixing is not a forte of mine. The first episode was my first attempt. Originally I tried to match the sound of the remastered audio to the dvd audio and have them in sync. I later found that it was much more efficient to match the better HD visuals to the dvd visuals and the sound would match perfectly. So that first episode was a bit of a rough draft for me and was quite a bit of work to edit the first time. I did go back to fine tune it a bit but apparently not enough. The second episode was also a difficult episode to edit so I must have just missed some things there as well. I may go back eventually and start from scratch on those 2 episodes but it won’t be fore some time. As for the New Generation I haven’t had much chance to start that project but hope to get to it this year when school isn’t too much of a distraction.

Jay said:

Thanks for picking this up and completing it. I just suffered through the remastered edition on Netflix without realizing this was available. Beautiful work.

One thing I noticed on the first two episodes: after the opening credits, the audio is pushed heavily toward the right channel. The rest of the episodes seem fine, with dialog anchored to the center. I’ve tested it on both my Mac and Windows 10 machine with the same results. Is this just a quirk in the original mix?

ROBOTECH: The Deculture Collection (Released)

You’re very welcome! I did the best I could, the Deculture Edition set a pretty high bar. Hope you enjoy it!

rtsurfer said:

I really enjoyed the Deculture Edition episodes, was disappointed when work on those didn’t continue.
Thank you very much for your hard work on the Vermillion Edition edits. I look forward to watching them, what little I’ve previewed so far looks great.

ROBOTECH: The Deculture Collection (Released)

Hello Everyone,

Since this project is currently dead/hibernating I decided to do my own version. I’ve re-edited the entire Macross Saga from Booby Trap to To the Stars. Ive followed the Deculture Edition’s spirit in having a higher resolution source for the video while using the audio directly from the Legacy collection DVD’s, no terrible stock sound effects here. The way I edited was to use the legacy footage as the basis for editing the higher resolution source. So anything that wasn’t in the legacy video footage I edited out. I tried to keep it in line with the legacy editions video footage almost frame by frame. Though there will be times in the footage it was about 1 to 2 frames off. From rewatching it myself it is not noticeable at all. And I think you will find it very faithful to the Legacy editions. I should mention I did take some liberties (during Force of Arms I removed Minmay’s To Be in Love song and replaced it with “It’s You” which I found was the original song she sung before the dvd were released) I will be going through each episode again one by one to make sure I didn’t miss any mistakes (missing frames, editing mistakes, etc.). I will be evaluating a way to make the file sizes smaller without quality loss. Most of them are around 1 to 1.2 gig each episode, all MP4. I’ve played a number of them through plex.tv and streamed them directly to my tv and the results have been awesome. Hopefully I can get them to a smaller size. As for where to hosts the files I’m also trying to figure that out. I will update when I have a better idea of how to go about getting these to the public.

I did want to ask the creator of the Deculture Edition if it would be ok to use their intro and end credits in my version as they did a superb job. Making my own would take a great deal of time and I’m not sure if I could do as good a job as they did. But I will leave that decision up to them.

Anyways I’ll put them up when I figure out all the logistics but I estimate possibly having them up around the end of this month. I just want to make sure that everything is near as perfect as possible before releasing it widely. Hope you all enjoy it when it does drop. Thanks!