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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

I wasn’t going to post this but then saw someone ask about how it played on PLEX.
I was playing it in PLEX at my computer desktop…the audio played great on the computer using the Knights of REN version DTS 5.1. BUT…

when I watching on a PLEX version app of my LGTV…I was hearing commentary over the Knights of REN audio version DTS 5.1. I switched it to the NON Knights of REN version DTS 5.1 and it played great without the commentary in the Audio version, But it also did not play the Knights of REN voices (Which it is not supposed to).

While trying to figure out it my problem was a bad setting on my part… I switched to ENGLISH AC3, and the audio was coming out as Spanish. I think the problem is something to do with not have setting right in the LG TV PLEX app, but thought I would post to see if any one else was having issues.

HAL 9000…I love this version, I have not gone back to watch the original anymore because of the work done by you and others making a great improvement to the film. I was super excited about the light sabre crackle scenes. I am a FAN of Star Wars, owning many formats of the movies (VHS/DVD/4K). Your changes to the Episode 9 is all I talk about. Thank you for this Christmas gift.

PS I will keep you up to date on my mystery issue with PLEX LGTV app.