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Roo Eee

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The Phantom Menace - Improved Edition (10 years on the forum edit) (Released)

Saw it recently and it was one of the better edits, for sure. Narratively, I think I’m still fondest of Cloak of Deception, but there were a number of changes that made perfect sense for me, such as the first action scene. Removing the remarks to slavery was an interesting choice and the reasons for doing so are legit, but I thought it removed some of the weight in Anakin’s mother’s decision to let him go, so I guess I don’t exactly know how I feel about it. The visual changes are remarkable, as well, and many of the corrections were so subtle they didn’t really detract from the movie. All in all, it’s a fantastic job. Thanks for sharing this, Dazman.

Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) - Restored & Regraded [Theatrical & Special Edition] (Released)

Gotta thank Kreep for this edition, the movie was much closer to how I remembered it prior to the god-awful remastering. Imo, it has a much more natural presentation and the color grading really did it justice. Instead of the sterile, nearly wax-museum look, this edition boasts a much healthier take on this classic, as far as everything’s concerned. It’s sad the fans have to pick up the pieces from the studios’ blunders, but I’m really glad there are talented people out there making what I feel is the definitive way to watch the movie. Cheers!