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Home Alone 2 - 35mm Scanning Project Opportunity

I’ve never seen Home Alone 2 in HD. All I have is the Australian PAL DVD which by judging the video quality, seems to be a Laserdisc transfer. It’s not sharp and colours aren’t as vibrant as the US NTSC DVD which I managed to find a copy of in ISO format online. The only positive thing is that the audio is 2.0 Dolby Surround which seems to be the original theatrical mix. Don’t know why Australia never got a Blu-ray release for 1&2.

Laserdisc Rip Of Old Films In MKV Format?

Hello. I wanted to know if you guys do Laserdisc rip of old films in MKV format on this website? I’ve been learning how some of the remastered audio mixes have been disappointing with Blu-ray and 4K releases of older films recently and that Laserdiscs used to have original theatrical audio mix.

I downloaded a LD Rip of The Lion King in 2022 and I was amazed at how good the audio mix was. I haven’t touched my Blu-ray disc of that film ever since. I live in Fiji and we haven’t had LD players or discs available in over 20 years. I can’t even import LD players or discs from Amazon or eBay because sellers don’t usually ship to Fiji.

My only option is websites or forums like this where great people like you love to preserve classic films as they were originally released in theaters. I respect what you’re doing. I’m willing to donate whatever amount I can to this website every month if I can gain access to Laserdisc rip of films in MKV format.

I joined this website in 2022 but I’m still not familiar with all the rules on this website so I apologize if I made any mistakes with this post.