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Ridley Spazer

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Phineasbg/ HIGHLANDER II: Extended Versions (Released)
"Zeist Returns"! About time! That trailer has me more excited than "Superman Returns"!

Have you considered editing Highlander III: The Sorcerer and Highlander: The Final Dimension? I've never seen the Sorcerer (European version) but from what I have read the use of certain music ques and alternate shots and dialogue in this version are preferred by most fans than that which is in TFD, but TFD has some nudity (Deborah Unger I suppose) cut down or out in H3S inorder to achieve a 15 rating. Supposedly there was 1 final shot at the end of the "Prize" quickening not used in H3S, but TFD also rehashed footage from Highlander 1's Prize scene while H3S had all new footage including shots not in TFD. Probably even more differences. Maybe not the most exciting or worthwhile project, but an interesting one.