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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

A response from both Harmy and Towne32; wow you guys stay active. That’s awesome!! I’m new here, but it’s great to see such dedication to the work! Just watched IV with the wife; what a treat! It was her first time seeing the theatrical release. Thanks so much for making that possible without having to bust out the vcr or laser discs which just don’t look that great.

Still not sure why it’s just not showing up at all. Even video files that my TV can’t play show up, they just give an error message when I try to play them. To watch IV, I just plugged my laptop into my TV. Not ideal, but certainly better than the alternative (nothing or “special” editions). There were a couple of graphical glitches (scene turned gray/white). Would that just be a problem with the download and or compilation process?

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

I just followed the ultimate guide thing. I’ll admit, I’m not extremely knowledgeable about this stuff, but what Colson said makes sense. I have the 2.7 19.9 gb. Would I be able to burn it into a format that a blu ray player would be able to read? Or convert it? Thanks guys! (UPnP Media server, with an LG tv using the Smart Share app)

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

First of all, thank you for this project! Awesome! Spent too long waiting for this to be released officially and stumbled upon this wonderful site. I have one question, though. I got everything downloaded and working, (YAY!) but when I try to find it on my TV or PS4 from my networked drive, the movies don’t show up. All my other MKV movies show up just fine. Also, it shows up just fine on my computer from my networked drive. Any thoughts?