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Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker - Refined Edition (V2 Released)

V2 is released. An update to this was well deserved. Much of the audio was reworked to be more seamless and some things were added back or reworked even more. I ditched the Knights of Ren lines I made, seeing how they didn’t sound good. The AI lines were removed or replaced with ones that sounded more believable. More resources that were used for Hal 9,000’s Ascendant edit are included.

V2 Changes:

  • Moved Rey saying “Nothing’s impossible.” to Leia after she is handed the Skywalker saber.

  • The Skywalker saber now has it’s cracked appearance throughout the whole film instead of it starting on the Death Star. (FX by kewlfish, Luke Frik, and Movies Remastered)

  • Rey’s vision has both her and Kylo sitting on the Sith throne so her description of the vision to Finn later in the film is accurate. (by DominicCobb) Brief shots of Ochi and the Final Order Star Destroyer firing are added.

  • Leia asks Rey what’s troubling her after the training montage. (AI line by Jar Jar Bricks)

  • Changed Rey’s line from “I will earn your brother’s saber” to “I will earn your family’s saber” (AI line by RogueLeader)

  • The Wayfinder illustration in the Jedi texts is replaced with force healing. (illustration by NeverarGreat, composited by RogueLeader)

  • Poe’s lines have been replaced with part of Palpatine’s speech about the day of revenge and the Sith. The Final Order fleet is now established as a stockpile of ships from the Empire that have been modified with dreadnought type laser cannons, instead of being built from the ground up as planet killers. (AI lines by Jar Jar Bricks and RogueLeader)

  • When Leia hands Rey the saber before she departs, she tells Rey, “You are family.” (AI line by RogueLeader)

  • Kylo has a vision before reforging his mask, to help better establishing his motivation for doing so. (by DominicCobb) Kylo experiences the vision while on the Star Destroyer bridge and more scenes from TLJ are added.

  • Coruscant is visible during the boardroom scene with Kylo and the First Order officers (FX by poppasketti)

  • Kylo refers to Hux as a Captain. (Audio borrowed from Hal 9,000’s Ascendant edit)

  • Cut Rey saying “That’s an excellent name.” to the native child.

  • Rey hears Chewie when Kylo’s Star Destroyer appears over Kijimi.

  • Tweaked Kylo’s dialogue to Rey when the two fight in his quarters/Kijimi.

  • Kylo’s TIE has been recolored from red to gold to differentiae it from the one that was destroyed earlier. (FX by poppasketti)

  • Borrowed audio from Hal 9,000’s Ascendant “Rey Nobody” edit when Kylo confronts Rey on the hanger.

  • The Ewok scene that originally appeared later in the film now happens before the Falcon crash lands. (FX by Snooker)

  • Removed D-0 asking about the Death Star.

  • Jannah tells Finn that her stormtrooper mutiny was inspired by Finn. (AI lines by RogueLeader)

  • Leia tells Ben to come home during her final moments. (AI line by Jar Jar Bricks)

  • Palpatine ordering General Pryde to send a Star Destroyer to Kijimi that was previously removed in V1 has been replaced with him saying that Kylo Ren was weak and that Rey must take the Sith throne. (AI lines by Jar Jar Bricks)

  • Toned down Luke’s ghostly appearance just enough so there doesn’t seem to be as much blue.

  • Changed Leia’s lightsaber to a darker purple during her training with Luke.

  • Luke’s exposition about Leia when Rey receives her lightsaber has been altered. (AI lines by Jar Jar Bricks)

  • Removed Finn’s line “He wanted her alive." to Poe.

  • Cut Finn telling BB-8 he’s doing great.

  • Swapped the shots of Ben and Rey before they stand together against Palpatine.

  • Removed Finn’s line “People are rising all over the galaxy.” to Poe.

  • Coruscant and Naboo have been added in the planet montage scene. (Coruscant FX by poppasketti, and Naboo FX by snooker and skenera)

  • The lesbian kiss and Rose embracing Chewie shots that were removed previously are now replaced with BTS footage.

  • The conversation between Jana and Lando that was removed in V1 is added back in.

  • The final shot has been replaced with the Falcon taking off and jumping to hyperspace. (FX by snooker and poppasketti)

Camp Camp Season 5 - Second Chance Edition

A continuation to Camp Camp Season 4 - Genuine Edition

When Rooster Teeth announced that Camp Camp Season 5 was coming I was eager to watch it after years of waiting. It’s a shame it was cut off short with only four episodes after Rooster Teeth shut down.

I thought these episodes were ok. What I didn’t like however was the voice actors for Max, Gwen, and Nerris were replaced for the sake of being inclusive. I think it’s crap for people who have been playing a role for years to be swapped out like that. Look how that turned out for Rooster Teeth.

The episodes are trimmed to remove the “fat” so to speak. Reduced Max being a jerk. Toned down CJ. David is pushed around less. I plan on coming back to this edit if the show is able to continue.

Episodes included:

  1. Welcome Back, Campers!

  2. Cloak Hunt

  3. The Talk

  4. Infested

Changes and Additions:

  • “Welcome Back, Campers!” starts here.

  • Removed Max dramatically talking about how dangerous the world outside of camp is.

  • Cut David and CJ talking about climate change.

  • Nikki doesn’t interrupt Neil about rocks.

  • Removed CJ pushing David out of the way during the camp introduction.

  • Cut CJ mentioning vaccines. Cropped and focused the shot towards Max, Nikki, and Neil.

  • Removed Quartermaster saying one of them will not be present at the end of summer.

  • Trimmed Harrison’s face mask trick so he only does it once.

  • Removed the blue filter when the campers are at their tents during the night.

  • Removed David suggesting to use a different kind of wood and CJ calling him a weirdo. CJ keeps his arms outwards for a couple of seconds at the start of the next shot.

  • Removed Max speaking out when Ered talks about the obsticle course.

  • CJ doesn’t yell out the primal supplement when the campers are about to start the course.

  • Cut CJ saying his perception is from his lizard eye drops.

  • Removed CJ telling David he had no idea what he said to Max.

  • “Cloak Hunt” starts here.

  • Removed David saying he’s “dying” and Max’s following smile.

  • Removed CJ asking if the stores accept bitcoin.

  • Removed Max stating classic camp games are cheap as hell.

  • Removed Nurf referring hide and seek as hide and suck.

  • Cut David bribing everyone with the expired popsicle.

  • All of the scenes with Quartermaster and CJ have been given a orange filter to match the rest of the outside scenes.

  • Removed Gwen saying she’s coming with David inside the cave for her article and the documentary series. David asking about the documentary later on is also removed.

  • Removed CJ telling his viewers to like and subscribe when recording Quartermaster.

  • Cut the entire sequence of Neil telling the campers about the cave-in to prevent Max being an ass about the situation and attempting to break open the freezer.

  • Removed Neil mentioning casualties in his plan to blow up the rocks blocking the cave entrance.

  • “The Talk” starts here.

  • Added a woosh sound effect when Gwen appears from the side.

  • Flipped the shot of David dramatically saying “a man” to Gwen.

  • Removed David trying to teach the campers about word association.

  • Trimmed Nikki playing in the Girl Scouts mud and Nerris reading Jessie’s diary. These scenes have been slightly rearranged for pacing.

  • Removed Nurf using himself, Neil, and David as examples for the male hierarchy.

  • “Infested” starts here.

  • Cut David saying the camper tents should be light/medium gross by now.

  • Removed Ered telling Max she will kill him.

  • Removed Neil mentioning Max’s voice change.

  • Trimmed the fly death so the explosion is cut.

  • Removed the Quartermaster after credits scene.

Ben 10: Alien Swarm - Reloaded Edition

Experience the second live action Ben 10 movie with a slightly toned down Max, less jump cuts, and a small hint that foreshadows Elena’s involvement in Ben 10: Ultimate Alien.

Looking back at my edit of Ben 10: Race Against Time, I decided to start tackling on Alien Swarm for the fun of it. This movie was a much better improvement compared to its predecessor. But I thought it would still benefit with some editing.

  • Applied color correction to the movie to resemble the same look as Alien Force and Ultimate Alien.

  • Trimmed Kevin heading to the abandoned factory after the opening title for pacing.

  • Trimmed Elena and the dealers arriving for pacing.

  • The chips aren’t revealed to be alien technology until Kevin asks what it does.

  • Moved Fitzz turning around before Gwen shows up so both her and Ben appear in a uninterrupted shot.

  • Removed Elena stating she’s not like the rest of the team.

  • Cut Ben warning Gwen about the incoming chips and her unnecessary backflip.

  • Removed Kevin saying “I know someone who can.”

  • Trimmed the dealers crashing out of the building when they escape.

  • Removed Ben saying “Ready or not.”

  • Cut Ben wanting to use Spidermonkey so his transformation into Big Chill is intentional.

  • Added the Omnitrix transformation sound effect from Alien Force when Ben chooses an alien.

  • Removed the overly dramatic sequence of the chips heading towards Gwen so that when Victor throws them towards her, the scene cuts to her jumping away from them.

  • Removed the Plumber computer giving out information about the chips so it isn’t repeated when Gwen says the same thing.

  • Reduced Max being aggressive towards Elena after she is found inside his office.

  • Removed Max and Ben lines about the decision to stay away from Elena.

  • Replaced the quick overhead shot of the city when Kevin begins to break the code with stock footage that has less movement.

  • Trimmed Ben and Elena heading to Victor’s lab for pacing.

  • Removed moments showing Victor and the rest of the infected when Ben and Elena enter his building. Kept the ringing to maintain the fact that they are being watched.

  • Ben doesn’t refer to the infected arriving as a trap from Elena.

  • Elena doesn’t punch one of the infected as she and Ben escape.

  • Removed Max accusing Victor of selling the chips and being a liar.

  • The color of Gwen’s mana is fixed when she checks to see if the chips were at the distribution center.

  • Trimmed the chase between Kevin’s car and the chips for pacing.

  • Removed a frame of black screen when Ben transforms into Humungousaur.

  • Trimmed the Humungousaur fight for pacing by removing a couple of shots and the exchange between Gwen, Kevin, and Elena.

  • Removed Max wanting Elena in the brig.

  • Removed Max telling everyone what to do with the exception of Elena after Ben says they have to find the queen. Finding the queen is everyone’s priority.

  • Removed Max saying he doesn’t want Elena going two feet without an escort.

  • Cut Ben telling everyone to move.

  • Removed Kevin saying Max is restrained after knocking him out.

  • Removed Kevin joking about Max’s big jobs.

  • Kevin doesn’t correct Gwen on what to call a car.

  • Removed Ed mentioning any weapons or defenses for Ben’s car.

  • Ben doesn’t go back on his small army statement when taking a closer look at the distribution center.

  • Cut the infected dropping one of the crates and Kevin’s following joke.

  • Removed Ben’s expository line about how many people there are on Earth.

  • Removed Elena saying no after the revelation about Victor.

  • Removed shots of Kevin that were in the middle of Elena’s fight with the infected.

  • Removed Gwen, Kevin, and Elena standing around doing nothing while they are surrounded.

  • To foreshadow her involvement in Ben 10 Ultimate Alien, Elena’s eyes briefly glow when Max apologizes to Victor.

  • The Ben 10: Alien Force theme plays near the end of the credits.

Ben 10: Race Against Time - Armageddon Edition

This is my attempt to improve the first live action Ben 10 movie. The film is passable but it’s overshadowed by many of it’s flaws. Overall this edit removes many of the cringe and weird moments. Bringing it closer to the tone of the original series.

  • Increased the saturation and contrast to give the movie a more vibrant look.

  • Removed all commercial break transitions.

  • Replaced Heatblast’s one sided conversation with Eon with a BTS shot of him shooting fire.

  • Trimmed the fight with Eon and his servants by removing most of Heatblast’s dialogue and the cops showing up.

  • Repurposed the shot of Eon’s servant jumping from the hardware store to the Heatblast fight.

  • Recolored the omnitrix from green to red when Ben transforms back from his aliens.

  • Removed the scene with Ben and the crossing guard.

  • Removed the two school girls talking about Heatblast.

  • Added Eon behind Ben when Gwen takes a picture of him at school to fix a continuity error when the same image is viewed later.

  • Added small town stock footage after the diner scene.

  • Shortened the conversation between Ben and his parents by keeping the conversation mostly on topic and having Ben leave the table after Carl says Max’s stories aren’t real.

  • Removed Ben’s “Because we’re leaving.” ADR line.

  • Eon doesn’t monologue inside the clock tower when viewing the Chronian fleet.

  • Removed Ben struggling to respond to the talent show girls and them laughing at him.

  • Ben doesn’t say he would rather be in the Null Void than in Bellwood.

  • Removed Ben transforming into Grey Matter and wrecking the diner.

  • Removed Ben being surprised at Gwen’s computer skills.

  • Removed Gwen telling Ben that the word amazing isn’t something she would use to describe him.

  • Removed Ben asking Max if he fixes Eon’s toilet.

  • Gwen doesn’t mention Ben always wearing his hero shirt.

  • Removed Ben poking at Constantine Jacobs before he wakes up.

  • Removed the scene of Ben, Gwen, and Max heading back to the Rustbucket, as Ben’s attitude in that conservation didn’t seem appropriate after Jacobs death.

  • The scene where Ben, Gwen, and Max arrive at the hardware store is color graded to make it clear it takes place at dusk to improve the passage of time.

  • Removed Ben, Gwen, and Max waiting inside the elevator.

  • Applied a green tint to the Plumber base to make it stand out towards the rest of the environments and to serve as a contrast to the purple lighting, mirroring the conflict between Ben and Eon.

  • Removed Mrs. Dalton mentioning Grey Matter.

  • White simply apologizes to Ben about detention and says nothing about not wanting to blow his cover.

  • Ben and Gwen do not comment on the construction of the Plumber base during the tram ride.

  • White does not give a history lesson on the effects the Hands of Armageddon have caused on the world to justify the Hands being destroyed later in the film with no destructive consequences.

  • Reduced Ben talking about the Plumbers implying they need him.

  • Principal White only mentions getting a new lock once when fighting Eon’s servants.

  • Removed Ben and Gwen discussing the assistant for the magic trick.

  • Ben says “Really is.” instead of “Wow. Yeah. Really is.” when Principal White asks it must be strange for Ben knowing he is a Plumber.

  • Ben doesn’t call Principal White “The weird creepy guy nobody likes.”

  • Removed Ben’s blurry POV after being captured.

  • Used an extended shot of Max looking at Ben right after he shocks him.

  • Principal White quickly frees the trapped Plumbers without issues.

  • Max doesn’t tell himself to not blow up Bellwood before he jams both cables into the Hands of Armageddon.

  • Trimmed Gwen’s speech where she mentions Ben not wanting to wear colored socks.

  • Ben only says Gwen’s first name right before the Plumbers show up.

  • Recolored the omnitrix from green to purple before Ben transforms back from Eon.

  • Removed Bellwood losing power for a moment and Gwen saying she doesn’t feel good after the Hands of Armageddon are destroyed.

  • Wildmutt and Gwen immediately appear after the talent show lady announces them.

  • Removed the talent show results.

  • Removed Gwen asking Ben to clean his shirt.

Camp Camp Season 3 - Summer Spirit Edition

Season 3 of Camp Camp but with various trims, including Max’s condescending attitude towards David reduced and the beginning of Cameron Campbell’s redemption arc removed.

Like my season 4 edit, the plan was to do the standard trimming and only incorporate the episodes I think are worth including. But there were two major things in particular I wanted to take care of.

  1. Tone down Max’s condescending attitude David to build better consistency with the season 2 finale.

  2. Remove Cameron’s redemption arc that began with this season, so the last time we see him is during Cameron Campbell the Camp Campbell Camper.

Episodes included:

  • Ered Gets Her Cool Back

  • Dial M for Jasper

  • Cameron Campbell the Camp Campbell Camper

  • Charlie Tango Foxtrot

  • Arrival of the Torso Takers

  • Culture Day

  • Ered Gets Her Cool Back starts here.

  • Removed Nikki wondering if Space Kid died.

  • Cut Neil’s 4th wall break on what will happen in the future.

  • Removed the campers laughing at Ered after her accident.

  • Cut Max thanking the campers for trying to be cool while screwing it up.

  • Removed Cameron’s drunken rant when everyone arrives at the half pipe.

  • Charlie Tango Foxtrot starts here

  • Removed Nikki asking if the Wood Scouts overturned girls not being allowed to join.

  • Culture Day starts here.

  • Nurf doesn’t ask Neil if the 8 days of presents part of Hanukkah is still real.

  • Cut Gwen and Quartermaster relaxing at the Girl Scouts.

  • Arrival of the Torso Takers starts here.

  • The red Cult Camp filter slowly appears when Daniel gives Max his monologue, then disappears right after.

  • Removed Daniel messing with Max if he was kidding or not.

  • To improve the passage of time, regraded the sequence when Max searches through the counselors cabin all the way through Max hitting Daniel with David’s guitar to take place during the evening.

  • Removed David asking Max how he knew Daniel wasn’t him.

  • Removed Max preparing to shoot both David and Daniel and telling David he overestimates their relationship.

  • Removed Daniel bursting from the ground and the platypus biting his arm.

  • Dial M for Jasper starts here.

  • Removed Gwen shutting the door when David screams.

  • Removed Max telling David trees and birds don’t count for friends.

  • Added an establishing shot of Spooky island after David and Jasper find Cameron’s folder.

  • Trimmed Max going through Cameron’s folder so he only mentions movie ideas.

  • Removed David offering the kids spelunking on Spooky island.

  • Cameron Campbell the Camp Campbell Camper starts here.

  • Removed Cameron laughing after Gwen and Quartermaster point him out. Added an establishing shot of the Counselors cabin afterwards.

  • Removed Cameron asking David if he could speak louder.

  • Reduced the agents having their gun contest.

  • Max saying “Cut out? I run this fucking camp!” has been replaced with him simply smiling at David.

Camp Camp Season 4 - Genuine Edition (V4 Released)

Wow. I totally forgot I made this thread. It’s been over a year and this edit has gone through it’s fourth rendition. Various tweaks have been done ever since. Main page has been updated.

Just when I thought I was done with this edit in V3, I find more things to address. I noticed I removed a small amount of frames in various spots when I didn’t need to. Those frames have been restored so the cuts aren’t as sudden as they were before. But there’s two major things I went back and changed.

I restored David thanking Gwen in After Hours after they decided who was going with Quartermaster and did some editing to close his mouth and keep the shot for a little bit longer to smoothen the cut to Gwen driving.


Max now has a look of concern on his face when David speaks to the campers again at the end of The Forest. This was something I should’ve done when I removed Max’s lines in earlier versions of this edit. At this point in the show, there’s no reason for Max to show any sign of annoyance at David coming back after he was gone for a long time.


With that all said and done, Version 4 is ready for viewing. PM me on this site or Fanedit.org if you are interested in watching.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Since Ascendant removes the notion of Snoke literally being created by Palpatine, maybe we give Snoke back some agency as a character in the ST?

Or maybe he could say “I am Snoke.” In other words, Snoke was an alias Palpatine used but taken a step further. Like a disposable puppet he made to control and speak through until the time was right to reveal himself.

Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker - Refined Edition (V2 Released)

Jar Jar Bricks said:

That’s certainly a questionable change. I’d understand if the film was up in your face with some steamy, long-drawn make out scene between two random characters. That would feel extremely forced and cringe. But it’s a blink and you’ll miss it moment, really. I think JJ actually did a good job here making it feel organic.

Besides, why should it necessarily be interpreted in a sexual way? How do we know that in a galaxy as large and diverse as Star Wars that it isn’t their culture’s way of celebrating with each other? Yes, the novelization states that they are in a relationship, but the film itself never actually makes that clear.

I would of preferred to have them hug instead of kiss. That’s why I removed it.

Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker - Refined Edition (V2 Released)

AI voice samples provided by Jar Jar Bricks allowed me to adjust Kylo’s lines to have him prey on Rey’s conflict and fills in the gaps of removed dialogue of Rey being pushed to remember her parents. Since in my TLJ edit, she already saw them while underneath the island. So this was a nice way to reconfigure the scene.


Ben 10: Ultimate Alien - Eon Returns (Released)

Eon Returns is an edit of Ben 10,000 Returns that keeps Ben’s future unknown by establishing Ben 10,000 as another alternate future version of Ben, while also providing small hints to Eon’s identity earlier in the episode.

Fan Edit.org page: https://forums.fanedit.org/threads/ben-10-ultimate-alien-eon-returns.27488/

Change List:

  • Added FanEdit.org disclaimer and logo.

  • All references to Ben 10,000 being Ben’s future self have been removed or changed.

  • Changed title from Ben 10,000 Returns to Eon Returns.

  • Added “Fan Edited by Revan100” when Kevin opens the door to the museum.

  • A very brief shot of RAT Ben during the events of Race Against Time is added when Ben touches the Hands of Armageddon. Later, the device shows RAT Ben among the ruins of his Earth when Gwen’s spell to reveal secrets is about to be broken. These two moments give additional hints to Eon’s identity that was stated by Professor Paradox and imply a connection between Eon and the Hands to help explain why he dies after the device is destroyed.

  • Removed Paradox saying alternate worlds should not leak into others to account for this edits narrative changes to Ben 10,000.

  • Removed Paradox telling Kevin they are going to destroy every version of the Hands.

  • Changed Eon’s eyes from green to purple.

  • Ben doesn’t ask Ben 10,000 to give him Master Control.

  • Ben 10,000’s arm doesn’t move when telling Ben he gave him some new aliens to keep his position consistent in the next shot.

This edit is completed and ready for viewing. You can send me a PM if you are interested in watching.

Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker - Refined Edition (V2 Released)

Rey’s vision was remade entirely with the repurposed footage of Kijimi’s destruction with a shot of the Sith throne and a documentary shot of Rey sitting on it. One of the issues I had with the original sequence was that the footage seemed too quick to process properly. This updated sequence has more breathing room, allowing less confusion, especially since none of the footage involving Kylo Ren isn’t present either.


Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker - Refined Edition (V2 Released)

The Rise of Skywalker is good. But it can be better. That’s what this edit is all about. Unlike how I felt about The Last Jedi, this movie went out of its way to move the story forward considering the mess Rian Johnson created. However, that didn’t mean this movie was free from its own faults, which I wanted to take care of.

V2 Changes:

  • Color correction to remove the green tint and add some brightness.

  • New title crawl that recaps Palpatine’s fleet, Rey struggling with her abilities while training under Leia, and the Millennium Falcon racing towards the Resistance outpost.

  • The Millennium Falcon jumps out of hyperspace after the camera pans down. (FX by Poppasketti)

  • Removed Klaud being present in the Falcon. (FX by Poppasketti)

  • Removed lightspeed skipping. The First Order TIE’s veer off instead of jumping into hyperspace. (FX by Poppasketti)

  • Moved Rey saying “Nothing’s impossible.” to Leia after she is handed the Skywalker saber.

  • The Skywalker saber has a cracked appearance throughout the film. (FX by kewlfish, Luke Frik, and Movies Remastered)

  • Rey’s training montage is one continuous sequence.

  • Rey’s vision has both her and Kylo visible on the Sith throne so her description of the vision to Finn later in the film is accurate. (by DominicCobb) Brief shots of Ochi and the Final Order Star Destroyer firing are added.

  • Recolored Exegol from blue to grey (LUT by Skenera)

  • Leia asks Rey what’s troubling her after the training montage. (AI line by Jar Jar Bricks)

  • Changed Rey’s line from “I will earn your brother’s saber” to “I will earn your family’s saber” (AI line by RogueLeader)

  • The Wayfinder illustration in the Jedi texts is replaced with force healing. (Illustration by NeverarGreat, composited by RogueLeader)

  • Cut the argument between Rey and Poe after Finn says Poe is always in a bad mood.

  • The Resistance briefing has been altered to include part of Palpatine’s day of revenge speech and new Poe lines. The Final Order fleet is now established as a stockpile of ships from the Empire that have been modified with dreadnought type laser cannons, instead of being built from the ground up as planet killers. (AI lines by Jar Jar Bricks and RogueLeader)

  • Removed, cropped, or replaced shots that blatantly feature Rose.

  • When Leia hands Rey the saber before she departs, she tells Rey, “You are family.” (AI line by RogueLeader)

  • Kylo has a vision before reforging his mask, to help better establishing his motivation for doing so. (by DominicCobb) Kylo experiences the vision while on the Star Destroyer bridge and more scenes from TLJ are added.

  • Removed the Knights of Ren being referred to as ghouls.

  • Coruscant is visible during the boardroom scene with Kylo and the First Order officers (FX by poppasketti)

  • Kylo refers to Hux as a Captain. (Audio borrowed from Hal 9,000’s Ascendant edit)

  • Cut Rey saying “That’s an excellent name.” to the native child.

  • Cut Kylo telling Rey he’ll turn her to the dark side once he finds her.

  • Threepio is the only that says “They fly now!”

  • Removed Finn’s secret, as that plot thread was never resolved.

  • Poe isn’t startled by Ochi’s remains.

  • Sith whispers are heard from the dagger throughout the events of the film.

  • Trimmed Kylo’s fighter crashing so it isn’t shown excessively spinning and blowing up.

  • The tug of war between Rey and Kylo doesn’t happen so that Chewie’s fake death is removed. He’s still captured by the First Order but no one thinks he’s dead.

  • Moved Palpatine contacting Kylo about Rey when the Millennium Falcon is taken.

  • Moments where Poe snags at Threepio have been removed.

  • Threepio’s memories stay wiped. References to R2 backing up his memories are taken out.

  • Poe doesn’t say anything about the hyperspace routes being blocked and Zori doesn’t show the First Order medallion.

  • Rey hears Chewie when Kylo’s Star Destroyer appears over Kijimi.

  • Removed Poe asking Finn where to go after they land inside the hanger and removed the mind trick scene. Making Finn the lead on where to go to find Chewie.

  • Removed Finn yelling at Poe when he is shot.

  • Rey sees her parents being attacked by Ochi when she retrieves the dagger.

  • Tweaked Kylo’s dialogue to Rey when the two fight in his quarters/Kijimi.

  • Moved Chewie, Finn, and Poe being taken to Pryde right after Kylo explains the fate of Rey’s parents to her.

  • Poe doesn’t say “I knew it!” when Hux reveals he is the spy.

  • Kylo’s TIE has been recolored from red to gold to differentiae it from the one that was destroyed earlier. (FX by poppasketti)

  • Borrowed audio from Hal 9,000’s Ascendant “Rey Nobody” edit when Kylo confronts Rey on the hanger. Rey and her parents are not related to Palpatine.

  • Swapped the moon of Endor. (FX by Poppasketti)

  • The Ewok scene that originally appeared later in the film now happens before the Falcon crash lands. (FX by Snooker)

  • Removed D-0 asking about the Death Star.

  • Removed Rey lining up the dagger with the Death Star ruins. The Sith whispers act as a guide to find the Wayfinder

  • Jannah tells Finn that her stormtrooper mutiny was inspired by Finn. (AI lines by RogueLeader)

  • Cut Finn trying to get to Rey the during the lightsaber battle.

  • Added a trailer shot of Leia holding Han’s medal when she makes contact with Ben.

  • Leia tells Ben to come home during her final moments. (AI line by Jar Jar Bricks)

  • Rey doesn’t say Leia’s name in shock.

  • Palpatine ordering General Pryde to send a Star Destroyer to Kijimi has been replaced with him saying that Kylo Ren was weak and that Rey must take the Sith throne. (AI lines by Jar Jar Bricks)

  • Removed the shot featuring the Porgs on Luke’s island.

  • Luke’s hair is improved during the start of his conversation with Rey. (FX by NeverarGreat and jonh)

  • Recolored Leia’s lightsaber from blue to purple. (Saber recolor on Exegol by Skenera)

  • Toned down Luke’s ghostly appearance just enough so there doesn’t seem to be as much blue.

  • Luke’s exposition about Leia when Rey receives her lightsaber has been altered. (AI lines by Jar Jar Bricks)

  • Removed Finn’s line “He wanted her alive." to Poe.

  • The Holdo Maneuver is not mentioned during the Resistance briefing on Exegol.

  • Cut Finn telling BB-8 he’s doing great.

  • Intentionally left in Palpatine calling Rey “Empress Palpatine” when he offers her the Sith throne as his twisted way of giving her a family name and a belonging.

  • Replaced the standard TIE fighter that Ben used with Vader’s TIE. (FX by Poppasketti)

  • Swapped the shots of Ben and Rey before they stand together against Palpatine.

  • Replaced Wedge’s cameo with an extended shot of the fleet engaging the Final Order.

  • Centered the shot of Rey’s eyes when the Jedi spirits speak to her.

  • Yoda, Obi-Wan, Luke, and Anakin appear behind Rey and assist her in defeating Palpatine once and for all. (FX by Jonh)

  • Rey says “I’m a Jedi” instead of “I’m all the Jedi” (Modified line by sade1212, CaptainFaraday, sherlockpotter)

  • Removed Finn’s line “People are rising all over the galaxy.” to Poe.

  • Coruscant and Naboo have been added in the planet montage scene. (Coruscant FX by poppasketti, and Naboo FX by snooker and skenera)

  • The lesbian kiss is replaced with BTS footage of Threepio and R2.

  • Added a flashback from ANH where Leia gives Han his medal to clarify it’s the same one that Chewie receives.

  • The quick color switch from Rey’s saber is changed from blue and green to blue and purple. (FX by Burbin)

  • Ben accompanies Luke and Leia on Tatooine. (FX by jonh)

  • Replaced the theatrical “Rey Skywalker” take with the one featured in the documentary for a more emotional delivery. (Modified shot by Poppasketti)

  • The final shot has been replaced with the Falcon taking off and jumping to hyperspace. (FX by snooker and poppasketti)

Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi - Consistency Edition (V4 Released)

This edit has been updated to V4 and is now part of the IFDB.

Special thanks goes to ArtisDead, INIGHTMARES, Wraith, bbghost, and lantern51 from Fanedit.org for their time and support to help get this edit approved. An additional credit is given to INIGHTMARES for putting in considerable time to upscale this edit. His efforts are truly appreciated and I am very grateful for the work he put into making the quality look better.

Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi - Consistency Edition (V4 Released)

Looking back to what I said about leaving Fanedit.org about the approval process, I was rash and failed to understand that there were things about the plot and some technical stuff that needed to be addressed. So I went back and redid the entire edit. Some elements from the film are brought back for the sake of context and stakes, while other things have been changed.

The edit itself is almost approved, I’m just waiting for it to be upscaled by someone who offered his help.

So I won’t be sending links (again) until the IFDB page is created and everything is ready.

Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi - Consistency Edition (V4 Released)

racoonankles said:

Hey Man! I recently had a chance to watch your edit, and I absolutely love it. This will be my go-to edit during my rewatches.

Probably the only thing that I have a gripe about is the lack of Luke’s characterization. I feel it could’ve been expanded more by keeping the “It’s time for the Jedi to end” line and his rant about how “the legacy of the Jedi is a failure”.
I’m a big fan of the clone wars series and if you’ve seen the show, you’d know that the second quote has some truth to it. While I don’t exactly agree with what Luke is saying, nor do I think it matches with characterization in the original trilogy, I think future media from Dave Filoni will flesh out the concept of Luke gradually becoming disappointed in himself and the Jedi order due to his explorations and Ben Solo.

This is just my opinion and I do get why you chose to cut these things out.

I’m glad you enjoyed the edit. I don’t watch the Clone Wars but I understand what it tries to focus on when it comes to the Jedi.