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- #1626881
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- Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker - Refined Edition (V2 Released)
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/1626881/action/topic#1626881
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V2 is released. An update to this was well deserved. Much of the audio was reworked to be more seamless and some things were added back or reworked even more. I ditched the Knights of Ren lines I made, seeing how they didn’t sound good. The AI lines were removed or replaced with ones that sounded more believable. More resources that were used for Hal 9,000’s Ascendant edit are included.
V2 Changes:
Moved Rey saying “Nothing’s impossible.” to Leia after she is handed the Skywalker saber.
The Skywalker saber now has it’s cracked appearance throughout the whole film instead of it starting on the Death Star. (FX by kewlfish, Luke Frik, and Movies Remastered)
Rey’s vision has both her and Kylo sitting on the Sith throne so her description of the vision to Finn later in the film is accurate. (by DominicCobb) Brief shots of Ochi and the Final Order Star Destroyer firing are added.
Leia asks Rey what’s troubling her after the training montage. (AI line by Jar Jar Bricks)
Changed Rey’s line from “I will earn your brother’s saber” to “I will earn your family’s saber” (AI line by RogueLeader)
The Wayfinder illustration in the Jedi texts is replaced with force healing. (illustration by NeverarGreat, composited by RogueLeader)
Poe’s lines have been replaced with part of Palpatine’s speech about the day of revenge and the Sith. The Final Order fleet is now established as a stockpile of ships from the Empire that have been modified with dreadnought type laser cannons, instead of being built from the ground up as planet killers. (AI lines by Jar Jar Bricks and RogueLeader)
When Leia hands Rey the saber before she departs, she tells Rey, “You are family.” (AI line by RogueLeader)
Kylo has a vision before reforging his mask, to help better establishing his motivation for doing so. (by DominicCobb) Kylo experiences the vision while on the Star Destroyer bridge and more scenes from TLJ are added.
Coruscant is visible during the boardroom scene with Kylo and the First Order officers (FX by poppasketti)
Kylo refers to Hux as a Captain. (Audio borrowed from Hal 9,000’s Ascendant edit)
Cut Rey saying “That’s an excellent name.” to the native child.
Rey hears Chewie when Kylo’s Star Destroyer appears over Kijimi.
Tweaked Kylo’s dialogue to Rey when the two fight in his quarters/Kijimi.
Kylo’s TIE has been recolored from red to gold to differentiae it from the one that was destroyed earlier. (FX by poppasketti)
Borrowed audio from Hal 9,000’s Ascendant “Rey Nobody” edit when Kylo confronts Rey on the hanger.
The Ewok scene that originally appeared later in the film now happens before the Falcon crash lands. (FX by Snooker)
Removed D-0 asking about the Death Star.
Jannah tells Finn that her stormtrooper mutiny was inspired by Finn. (AI lines by RogueLeader)
Leia tells Ben to come home during her final moments. (AI line by Jar Jar Bricks)
Palpatine ordering General Pryde to send a Star Destroyer to Kijimi that was previously removed in V1 has been replaced with him saying that Kylo Ren was weak and that Rey must take the Sith throne. (AI lines by Jar Jar Bricks)
Toned down Luke’s ghostly appearance just enough so there doesn’t seem to be as much blue.
Changed Leia’s lightsaber to a darker purple during her training with Luke.
Luke’s exposition about Leia when Rey receives her lightsaber has been altered. (AI lines by Jar Jar Bricks)
Removed Finn’s line “He wanted her alive." to Poe.
Cut Finn telling BB-8 he’s doing great.
Swapped the shots of Ben and Rey before they stand together against Palpatine.
Removed Finn’s line “People are rising all over the galaxy.” to Poe.
Coruscant and Naboo have been added in the planet montage scene. (Coruscant FX by poppasketti, and Naboo FX by snooker and skenera)
The lesbian kiss and Rose embracing Chewie shots that were removed previously are now replaced with BTS footage.
The conversation between Jana and Lando that was removed in V1 is added back in.
The final shot has been replaced with the Falcon taking off and jumping to hyperspace. (FX by snooker and poppasketti)