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Team Negative1 - Star Wars 1977 - 35mm Eastman Vs Technicolot Theatrical Version (* unfinished project *)

77FN said:

Darth Lucas said:

Plus, it’s not like it would be hard to digitally add extra layers of grain on top of it to simulate the grain that would be present on a 35mm print in 77, if that’s what you really want.

To me adding in digital grain is a HUGE no-no. Because one is then at the mercy of the judgement call of the person adding it back. And it’s fake. It’s an addition. No matter how well done. Mike’s is a unique process of course as he’s not degraining, but by combining multiple prints the ‘gaps’ between film grains are presumably being filled in by the other ‘layers’ of film scans, to get closer to how the original neg. would likely look. I’m cool with that for an ultimate version of what Star Wars could look like, but part of me would prefer an honest representation (albeit cleaned up) of a 35mm print, with the original grain intact, extra grain & contrast anomalies on the FX shots when more elements are added in the shot, etc. But I guess we have Silver Screen for that (which I’m very thankful for!). I think my own personal holy grail will be the Tech scan, if that ever comes to light.


Team Negative1 - Star Wars 1977 - 35mm Eastman Vs Technicolot Theatrical Version (* unfinished project *)

Dek Rollins said:

I would say that my only things to pick with what I’ve seen of Legacy are as follows:

  1. The grain reduction. I prefer 35mm grain over the negative, and even when he’s using 35mm prints, he’s reducing the grain to achieve a near negative medium.

Wholeheartedly agree. I loved the grain on the -1 v. 2.0 preview. This is why, frankly, while I support the Legacy Edition I really, really want just a scan of the IB Technicolor print. I’m also not wild about some of Verta’s “corrections.” I agree with Spielberg here:

"(In the future) there’s going to be no more digital enhancements or digital additions to anything based on any film I direct. I’m not going to do any corrections digitally to even wires that show.

If 1941 comes on Blu-Ray I’m not going to go back and take the wires out because the Blu-Ray will bring the wires out that are guiding the airplane down Hollywood Blvd. At this point right now I think letting movies exist in the era, with all the flaws and all of the flourishes, is a wonderful way to mark time and mark history… And I think the other good thing is that they understand when they see a movie and they suddenly see something that obviously could have been done much better today and could have been corrected in the DVD/Blu-Ray transfer, they really appreciate seeing the strings attached.

If somebody put out George Pal’s War of the Worlds and took the strings off the machines I’d be very upset. When that machine crashes in downtown Hollywood, and you see the strings going from taut to slack, that’s the thing that allows me to both understand this movie is scaring the hell out of me and at the same time this movie is a creation of the human race.

That little taut-to-slack moment of those wires on that wingtip makes the original George Pal War of the Worlds work for me. It embraces my fears and it also alleviates them in the same breath."

Team Negative1 - Star Wars 1977 - 35mm Eastman Vs Technicolot Theatrical Version (* unfinished project *)

AllAboutThatSpace said:
I personally way prefer t-1’s work than Mike’s Vimeo previews. But I understand he’s going for the official release so it’s a different project altogether.

Genuinely curious what you mean – because you think he makes too many alterations?

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

Williarob said:
While we would all love to have that 2.0 version out there to “tide us over” until an official release, I think it would be very selfish to do so, particularly if by doing so we derailed a deal that could lead to us achieving the goal that this entire site was created for. So let’s delay that instant gratification for the few in favor of long term gratification for everyone.

These are all fair points I guess I just find “release 2.0 as a means of pressuring Disney/Fox” to be a far superior strategy. The press around the release of version 1.0 has likely done more to move Disney/Fox towards an official release than any fan campaign yet.

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

Lasz said:
As far as I understand (from what I’ve read on the forum), someone paid (I assume quite a fair amount of money, since scanning prints isn’t cheap) to have that print scanned. And then someone else gave those scans away, without that person’s (the guy who had it scanned) permission.

That’s not proper conduct. legal or not.

But how is that a problem unless the person who paid the money was expecting to make that money back by (very illegally) selling his scans of his print? In what world was this person going to get that money back? Unless said person was aiming to be reimbursed by Disney for providing assistance with some theoretical future release, the whole “but he/she spent money!” argument makes no sense to me.

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

towne32 said:
I think it’s way too presumptive to suggest that a move like that would have a positive impact on the negotiation. What hand would it force? If we imagine for a second that it isn’t incredibly likely to have a negative impact

But what exactly would be the negative effect? The -1 Technicolor version would seed across torrent, thousands of people would get to see the highest quality version of the original film…what could Disney/Fox do other than risk alienating the hell out of fans by sending a lot of cease-and-desist letters? The RIAA have largely stopped going after people who share music. I don’t see what the negative effect would be.

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

I guess my concern is that while Verta is doing extraordinary and selfless work, our ability to see and enjoy what he’s doing (since he said he won’t release it to the public) depends entirely on Disney/Fox. And I am skeptical that would work. If -1 could get a decent Technicolor scan release out onto torrent, it is likely to either force their hand or – if not – we still have a beautiful looking Techbicolor release to enjoy. With all due respect, I am rooting for -1 members to get 2.0 up online.

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

Excuse me if I’m missing something, but since no one who “owns” a print of Star Wars actually legally “owns” it (since they all belong to Fox/Disney), why exactly is the person who loaned the Technicolor scan upset? I can understand if he or she is worroed because a scan of that print could be traced back and thus face legal repercussions from Fox/Disney. But if it’s something other than that…well, frankly: what right does that person have to keep such a thing to him or herself when none of what we’re talking about here is strictly “legal”?