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Original Memories Vs. New Nightmare
One year for Halloween, I got to be Yoda. It was one of those cheap plastic costumes with a rubber band mask that came in a box. I was a little on the husky side so the seat of the costume didn't stand a chance. That was the first and last time I dressed up as a SW character. I have kids now Ican dress them up as i want to. I tried to make my little boy an ewok costume but mom didn't like it.

oops sorry I got off topic

A two disc set is the way to go.
Original Memories Vs. New Nightmare
If putting both movies on the same disc will reduce the quality then put the SE on one disc and the OT and features on the other. One of the things i like about the OT is the poor quality. It gives it a sense of familiarity. I beleive we all saw SW in the theaters back in the 70's and early 80's and we all remember that the film quality was not all that great. (Just me, I'm a nostalgic.) Still, they should sell them together and take it easy on our wallets. And yes, Ewoks and Droids rock! They should release those on DVD or revive the series or something.
Original Memories Vs. New Nightmare
If any one has gotten the new "Lion King Special Edition" it has both the special edition and the original theatrical release ON THE SAME DISC!!!! Why cant GL do the same for for the original trilogy. When I fell in love with Star Wars, i fell in love with the 1977 version not the 1997 version. However, I will not discount the Special Edition, I love everything Star Wars even the Droids and Ewoks cartoons.