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Massive 35mm Leaks on Reddit

DigMod said:

zerocool said:

Is there anything that can be done to stop, or slow down, the reddit creeps? I know the mods look the other way when their “”“editors”“” post other peoples works/edits as their own so im assuming they also dont care about film scans(or will put a temp ban in place at most until it cools down).

As a mod there, I’ll let you know that you’re assumption is incorrect. You’re blanket statements are akin to the name calling on the otherside. It’s pretty embarrassing being in the middle of this name calling sludge.

Just know that I believe the majority of users here are glad that you stopped by to help address this issue. It’s good that most of us here are able to have a civil discussion about all this, rather than devolving into OT vs Reddit sentiments or whatever else. I agree that nothing positive will come of arguing and name-calling.

Massive 35mm Leaks on Reddit

CleeteRonson said:

In a couple of days I’ll upload The Lion King 35mm to the Internet Archive and various other preservation sites. Others to follow.

In addition to that, maybe post a couple of 2 or 3 minute clips in the comments section of Disney’s official Twitter. When the inevitable “Where’d you get that?” comments roll in, I’ll just let’em know.

No scans are being “sold”. Sometimes optional donations are set up because it takes a lot of money, time and resources to create these projects. The folks restoring these scans have homes they need to pay for, families they need to provide for, etc. etc. and film reels, and especially the equipment used to scan and edit them, are not cheap by any means. No one is forcing you to pay, but that option is there for the community to give back to the individuals who donated their own time and money into these projects.

Not to mention, you or any of us here are not entitled to these preservations. If you want to watch a specific movie, guess what? They’re almost all available officially on physical media and/or streaming. Scanning and preserving film prints is extremely niche, and we’re damn lucky that there are people out there who want to work on these preservations in the first place, especially with copyright obviously being a huge concern. Having access to these theatrical film prints is not a right, it is a privilege; one we should not take for granted.

You start doing dumb, childish crap like you mentioned in your comment, and suddenly these preservations will stop being created. And then nobody will be able to enjoy them.

No legitimate preservationist is interested in making a quick buck, or something as silly as clout. Scans aren’t kept private because we “want to feel cool” or whatever other nonsense you heard on Reddit. It’s to keep communities like this from being DMCA’d.

ILM - Disney+ 6 part documentary series

Some of the dirt and scratches are identical, but some aren’t. The similar spots are probably just specks from compositing though, which of course would be the same no matter the scan. The D+ version seems to be a tiny bit less cropped as well.



Project Ewok | Caravan of Courage & The Battle for Endor - 4K Upscales (Released)

zzzonkers said:

Just watched these back to back. Wow, just wow. I’m usually blown away by the work some people do on here, but this was one of those moments like watching Despecialized for the first time. I never thought this level of quality for these two films would be possible. I used to love these as a kid despite the cheese, and as much as the double feature DVD has given me a reliable way to revisit them in more recent years, this will be my preferred way of viewing them from now on. Thank you.

P.S. Would you mind if I used these as the base for an edit?

Apologies for the delayed reply…

Thank you, that means a lot! I’m glad all the weeks of rendering was not in vain! 😁

Yes, feel free to use them in any custom edits!

Project Ewok | Caravan of Courage & The Battle for Endor - 4K Upscales (Released)

I’ve had these projects available on TSWT for a couple months now, but figured I could share them here as well for anyone interested. Essentially I used the original DVD source to upscale the films (to 8K), apply some light DNR to remove artifacting, and added some light custom grain. The result is, surprisingly, not too bad. Both 4K and 1080p versions are available.

Caravan of Courage: https://forums.thestarwarstrilogy.com/threads/project-ewok-ewoks-caravan-of-courage-4k.666/

The Battle for Endor: https://forums.thestarwarstrilogy.com/threads/project-ewok-ewoks-the-battle-for-endor-4k.645/

MEGA links are also available thanks to SnooPac! PM either of us if you’re interested.

Covers: https://originaltrilogy.com/topic/PROJECT-EWOK-Caravan-of-Courage-and-The-Battle-for-Endor-1080p-Blu-Ray-covers-v-1/id/77072