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What was your impression of the prequels before they announced the PT?

As a fan of the Asimov Foundation series, I was really interested in the grander arc: what galactic political forces created the Empire and how did things get to that point? From the beginning of ANH, you get the sense that the Rebellion is on its last legs, meaning there were probably years, if not a decade, in which the Empire was consolidating power and stomping out dissent.

Learning some of that history as backdrop to a story of friendship, Jedi, the Force, blaster duels, aerial dogfights, and the goings-on on a number of weird and exotic planets really intrigued me.

Needless to say, the “manufactured crisis that nobody understands (and actually makes no sense) but is only resolvable by the entire galactic leadership dumbly placing their blind trust in one creepy guy” did not do it for me at all.

George Lucas - your opinions of him? a general discussion thread

Lust-In-Phaze said:

once a director starts believing his own hype it’s all downhill. George is, to me, a very tragic figure, someone that used to be great but eventually began phoning it in because, hell, he’s George Lucas and he’s a genius so it’s gonna be great no matter what.

I wholeheartedly agree with this take. I also believe that even immensely creative and talented people can have a finite ‘reservoir’ of genius. We see a lot of this in books and music with “one-hit wonders”, who have one or two breakout smash hits and can then never really replicate that success in the future. They’ve run out of stories and/or the ability to tell them in a convincing, fresh or original voice.

I think it’s part of why you see him re-treading old ground and messing with his old works over and over again, he’s searching for new inspiration by working in a construct that reminds him of when he “had it”. (The other part is $$$, of course.)