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Idea: replacing the 'Crushed Blacks' of the 2004 and 2011 official releases...

Vidiot at the Steve Hoffman audiophile forum recently wrote:

"We did not crush the blacks on Episode 4 or Episode 6 in the 2004 transfers. Some scenes are deliberately dark and dense (not the same thing), because of the director's creative intent."

Full thread here: http://www.stevehoffman.tv/forums/showthread.php?t=238224

Syncing audio with GOUT

I'm having difficulties syncing a variety of audio sources with the GOUT. Below is a list of times for vaarious audio sources as well as the length of the movies themselves. None of the timings are the same. Obvious the GOUT audio syncs up with the GOUT video, but I have no clue how to make the other sources sync up. When I mux these various audio sources with the video, it's always out of sync. Help and advice would be most appreciated.

Ep IV - ANH 2h01m00.22s
2006 GOUT DVD - 2h01m07.424s
1977 Restored Mono - 2h01m07.328s (Audio for GOUT projects - "77_sw_restored_mono_mix.par2")
1977 35mm Dolby Stereo (Reference Level) - 2h01m10.016s (Audio for GOUT projects - "77_ss_dolby_stereo_reference_level_belbucus.par2")

Ep V - ESB 2h04m46.05s
2006 GOUT DVD - 2h04m53.120s
1993 Definitive Edition Laserdisc - 2h04m51.232s (More audio for GOUT projects - '93 DC mix PCMs - "ESB_93.par2")

Ep VI - ROTJ 2h11m32.26s
2006 GOUT DVD - 2h11m42.176
1993 Definitive Edition Laserdisc - 2h11m41.888s (More audio for GOUT projects - '93 DC mix PCMs - "ROTJ_93.par2")

GOUT image stabilization - Released

I'm curious as to why the ANH script contains the following:

episode==5 ? last.Trim(0,92103)++orig.Trim(92104,93601)++last.Trim(93602,0) : last


Also, why does it have the ROTJ subs? If I (obviously) don't want that in ANH, would I delete the following from the script?

########## subtitle
episode==4 ? ANH(last) : episode==6 ? ROTJ(last) : last

Function ROTJ(clip input)

f     = "Franklin Gothic Medium Cond"
f_col = $EEEEEE
f_wid = 9
f_pos = 465
f_siz = 36

Subtitle ("There will be no bargain.",
\ -1,f_pos,14382,14476,f,f_siz,f_col,font_width=f_wid)
Subtitle ("I will not give up my favorite decoration.",
\ -1,f_pos,14538,14706,f,f_siz,f_col,font_width=f_wid)
Subtitle ("I like Captain Solo where he is.",
\ -1,f_pos,14741,14824,f,f_siz,f_col,font_width=f_wid)
Subtitle ("I have come for the bounty on this Wookiee.",
\ -1,f_pos,20524,20626,f,f_siz,f_col,font_width=f_wid)
Subtitle ("At last we have the mighty Chewbacca.",
\ -1,f_pos,20774,20886,f,f_siz,f_col,font_width=f_wid)
Subtitle ("I want fifty thousand. No less.",
\ -1,f_pos,21502,21553,f,f_siz,f_col,font_width=f_wid)
Subtitle ("This bounty hunter is my kind of scum...",
\ -1,f_pos,22554,22663,f,f_siz,f_col,font_width=f_wid)
Subtitle ("...fearless and inventive.",
\ -1,f_pos,22685,22753,f,f_siz,f_col,font_width=f_wid)
Subtitle ("It's too late for that, Solo.",
\ -1,f_pos,28765,28856,f,f_siz,f_col,font_width=f_wid)
Subtitle ("You may have been a good smuggler...",
\ -1,f_pos,28857,28972,f,f_siz,f_col,font_width=f_wid)
Subtitle ("...but now you're Bantha fodder.",
\ -1,f_pos,28973,29058,f,f_siz,f_col,font_width=f_wid)
Subtitle ("Take him away.",
\ -1,f_pos,29224,29273,f,f_siz,f_col,font_width=f_wid)
Subtitle ("Bring her to me.",
\ -1,f_pos,29449,29503,f,f_siz,f_col,font_width=f_wid)
Subtitle ("I'm sure.",
\ -1,f_pos,29750,29796,f,f_siz,f_col,font_width=f_wid)
Subtitle ("I told you not to admit him.",
\ -1,f_pos,33466,33568,f,f_siz,f_col,font_width=f_wid)
Subtitle ("He must be allowed to speak.",
\ -1,f_pos,33615,33684,f,f_siz,f_col,font_width=f_wid)
Subtitle ("You weak-minded fool!",
\ -1,f_pos,33703,33774,f,f_siz,f_col,font_width=f_wid)
Subtitle ("He's using an old Jedi mind trick.",
\ -1,f_pos,33821,33927,f,f_siz,f_col,font_width=f_wid)
Subtitle ("Your mind powers will not work on me, boy.",
\ -1,f_pos,34154,34280,f,f_siz,f_col,font_width=f_wid)
Subtitle ("There will be no bargain, young Jedi.",
\ -1,f_pos,34685,34795,f,f_siz,f_col,font_width=f_wid)
Subtitle ("I shall enjoy watching you die.",
\ -1,f_pos,34824,34910,f,f_siz,f_col,font_width=f_wid)
Subtitle ("Bring me Solo and the Wookiee.",
\ -1,f_pos,39727,39816,f,f_siz,f_col,font_width=f_wid)
Subtitle ("They will all suffer for this outrage.",
\ -1,f_pos,39817,39920,f,f_siz,f_col,font_width=f_wid)
Subtitle ("Soon you will learn to appreciate me.",
\ -1,f_pos,43151,43304,f,f_siz,f_col,font_width=f_wid)
Subtitle ("Move him into position.",
\ -1,f_pos,45220,45288,f,f_siz,f_col,font_width=f_wid)
Subtitle ("Put him in.",
\ -1,f_pos,45866,45922,f,f_siz,f_col,font_width=f_wid)


GOUT image stabilization - Released

Could someone please suggest how I might implement g-force's script for ANH, using DVD Rebuilder? Would I simply copy and paste the script into its filter editor? If yes, since I'm using DVD Rebuilder's "Convert from LB 4:3 to 16:9" option, would I exclude the following from the script?

########## resize to 16x9 AR, remove sides, add borders

Are there any other changes to the script that should be made if using it with DVD Rebuilder? Please advise.

Thank you kindly in advance.