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Idea, Info & Feedback Wanted: 'Droids - The Lost Episodes'

Just a quick update if anyone is interested in this effort. I've got the first episodes edited together as well as cleaning up the scifi bumps from episode 9  and The Great Heap.


Right now just trying to track things down and figure out what I want to do with extras.

Still looking for the Droid Toy commercial outside of You Tube. Does anyone have the Kenner DVD? I'm wondering if I could find it on that disc. I did decide to add something I came accross. The fan animated short IG-88 The Dancing Robot.


Help Wanted: Project To Collect All Star Wars Documentaries

Well scams aside was browsing the thread and thought I'd help and add a few things to the list.


G4's Coverage of Star Wars Celebration 4

G4's Coverage of Star Wars Japan

I have the former as an AVI rip. If anyone has the Japan special I'd love to get a copy.


Also check out Demonoid there have been a lot of Star Wars specials/docs poping up in AVI format of late. One being the Time and Again special mentioned in the thread.

Idea, Info & Feedback Wanted: 'Droids - The Lost Episodes'

I’ve been looking to start dipping my toe into the fanedit pool and looking for a project to start editing and and try to make a DVD of my own. With the recent Clone Wars movie and series I’ve been on a SW toon kick and ended up dling the Droids full series DVD. (I’m currently seeding the disc on Myspeen if you haven’t dled it yet) I got to thinking that it would be cool if I made a DVD of the missing Droids episodes from the 2004 DVD release complete with special features as a kind of companion to the official DVD.

The episodes missing from the official DVD are episodes 1-4, 9 and Th Great Heep TV special.

What I’d do is edit episode 1-4 into a movie like the two movies from the official dvd and fix some some things with the Great Heep VHS rip.

I’m not  sure how I want to approach episode 9 and would like to see what people would like me to do. The Droids series was separated into different cycles. For a few episodes C3P0 and R2 would be with a different set of Masters. Episode 1-4 The Trigon One Cycle, 5-9 Mon Jupa, 10-13 The Adventures of Mungo Baobab and finally The Great Heep was a TV special that takes place before the Mungo cycle. Now with the offical Droids dvd the Mon Jupa movie excluded episode 9 of that cycle. I can approach the episode in two ways. I can either place the episode alone on this set or I can make a second DVD that has the episode added to the end of the DVD Mon Jupa movie. Which do you think would be the better approach?

I just got the program womble and have been playing with editing the first 4 episodes. I’m not really going to do much more than glue the episodes together. Like I said the project is more for a learning experience. There are some points with music cues that I can’t figure out how to edit seamlessly with out losing a large portion of the episode. Plus I still need to play around with wipe cuts and dissolves. The idea is to keep as much of the episode as possible. Although my skills are lacking the edits of these should be an improvement over the entire series DVD. Some of the episodes are vhs rips from when scifi aired the SW toons in the 90s. There are a number of times where you have a little bit of the the SCI-Fi animation returning. Basically little robots restarting the show. That will be gone and also the episode recaps will be excluded as well as the episode titles. I might add the robots as an easter egg and the recaps as Deleted scenes. If anyone else has a higher quality version of the episodes in question let me know.

Now the best part that I hope I can gather together are the Special Features. Here are some Ideas I have , tell me what you think. Any help gathering materiel is appreciated. Also any ideas for features is welcome.

Holiday Special Cartoon

Deleted scenes (The recaps mentioned)

Original Droids Lapti Nek (Changed in the VHS/DVD edit)

Droids/Ewoks Trailer

Droids Toy commercial (I could only find one on youtube


I’m not sure if there are any more. If anyone has a quality version of this ad I need it.)

Commercials that feature the Droids ( The two that pop out at me are the Burger Chef ad and C3P0s. This is something that I need help with and input from more knowledgeable fans.)

Pics of the Toys

Possible- Star Comics and Dark Horse Droids comic series

Possible- Clone Wars trailers (both micro and new series.)

The theme I’m going for is Droids and Animation. With that in mind I’d like to hear what people think would make a great special feature.

Again any help and input is appreciated.

Idea & Help Wanted: Star Wars Dark Empire: The Movie
C3PX said:

Dark Forces was never a comic book. It was a series of three short novels with a series of full color pictures, which was published by Dark Horse, which is why it is often believed to be a comic book by people who actually had a chance to look at it.

I know Shadows of the Empire is only a audio book and not a full cast audio drama, but it is particularly well read, and very enjoyable to listen to. For years I have had an idea for a project, to take the audio books and set pictures to them from various SOTE sources, and master them together as a DVD. Maybe with a few extra features.

I purchased the audio books and the comics in order to do this, but there is also a set of Shadows of the Empire trading cards that I would like to include. I wish I could find high quality scans of the entire run. It would be really hard to hunt down a complete set of them, and probably very pricey too.

Two other good sources for art would be the book "The Secrets of Shadows of the Empire" as well as the cut scenes to the N64 video game (which are semi animated still scenes. The PC version has actual animated scenes.)

I still think this would be a really cool way to experience Shadows of the Empire, but I do not see myself getting time to do it anytime soon, and I would still want to get my hands on those trading cards before attempting it.

If anybody else wants to tackle this, I think it would be awesome.


As for other casted SW radio dramas, there is a short one called "Rebel Mission to Ord Mantell". It is written by the same guy who did the SW radio dramas, Brian Daley. He also wrote the Han Solo books. This story takes place between SW and TESB, and is suppose to be the mission Han is referring to when he mentions "the bounty hunter we ran into back on Ord Mantell" at the beginning of Empire Strikes Back.

This one was not all that well written or preformed. It is pretty juvenile, and obviously aimed at a younger audience. It originally came on a 7'' record, and was published in 1983, not sure if it was ever republished on any other media.


And as for the possibility of having fans reading scripts, don't expect very good quality, I have seen too many of these kinds of efforts (fan made radio dramas) come out unbearable due to bad voice acting.

Shadows was where my original idea for a comic movie came from. I have a few of the cards but not a full set. Some other sources for artwork you could add to the list are the Showdows RPG books from the WEG days. I think there are 3 total Shadows resource books Planets of Shadows of the Empire and another I can't recall at the moment. Also I think there are a few shadows of the empire customizable card game cards out there that have photos of the characters and ships.


Idea & Help Wanted: Star Wars Dark Empire: The Movie
ben_danger said:

are there any other audiobooks that have the comics aswell, like shadows of the empire, that you could just use the imagery and a cut down audiofile?


To my knowledge these are all the audio drama comic adaptions...


Tales of the Jedi

Dark Lords of of the Sith

Dark Empire

Dark Empire II

Empire's End

Crimsion Empire

Dark Forces


I guess you could count the OT Radio Drama as well. I'd love to see someone try and use the Radio dramas for a OT edit with the movies.

Any other comic movies would have to use voice actors of fans recording a script.


Idea & Help Wanted: Star Wars Dark Empire: The Movie
jedi_jra said:



Check this out over at TFCog.com.  A group of of them animated the Transformers comic, "War With".  It turned out VERY well.  They provided the voices themselves, but you of course have the radio dramas at your disposal.  It might give you some ideas.

It just looks to be exactly what you want to do, and it was done very well.





Thank you for that jra. I saw this project a while back and had no idea that they finally finished an episode off.That is exactly what I want to do. The only difference is that I would like to combine the Dark Empire comic with the Dark Empire audio.

Sorry for the lack of keeping people up to date. I still want to try to do this project but I've found that my PC is just too old to do any kind of advanced animation. Right now my goal is to get a new PC so I can dig in and start playing with animating with some of the DE cut outs I've done with photo shop. So this project is on hold unless someone would like to pick up the torch or I get a new PC.


cactus right now the plan is to do Dark Empire since the audio is already available with radio dramas. If the Dark Empire movies ever get made there could be more comic movies. All you need is to just get voice actors to record dialog. Shadows is the highest on my list of dream projects. Lots of materile to work with between the comics,game,soundtrack and the trading cards.


Since the Dark Empire movie is on hold I'm thinking about making a Rebel Assault 2 movie with cut scenes and gameplay. An Assult movie is something far easier that I think my machine could handle. Also I'm mainly interested in the Assault project to kind of teach myself about editing Vid. and putting a DVD with menues together.



Idea & Help Wanted: Star Wars Dark Empire: The Movie

Thanks for all the advice.



Disney cell animation is exactly what I was thinking about with the background in mind. You give some sound advise and I will def. have to do some research. I'm liking the idea of spreading the series out in episodic TV series form. Not only would it keep interest up, but I could actully do more than what I was orginally planing with the TV method. I was going to chop out a lot of the the RD to make a two plus hour movie. With the series method I could actully go over that limit. Then once I complete the series I would go back fix and improve the episodes for a full on DVD set release.



I haven't really started working on the test yet other than toying around with Photoshop. I'm going to start hitting the ground running sometime next weekend. Heh, knowing my track record I'll end up crapping out in frustration. But I at least want to give this idea a try.



I'm not really sure I want to get that complicated just yet with animated body parts. I think to start I'm just going to go with simple movements like paning, shaking, and sliding objects around.. Maybe, if I get a little experience I'll attempt something more complicated.


I just found this animated comic of Astonishing X-Men on you tube.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97v_l71euRA


That's pretty much what I'm aiming for with the DE movie. Just add a little more animated movement like the force storm scene I've been talking about.

Idea & Help Wanted: Star Wars Dark Empire: The Movie
ThrowgnCpr said:

This is such a cool idea.  I really liked the transformer videos.  Would be cool to do something similar with Shadows.  Its such a great story, it would make for a really awesome video.  I dont know much about making videos out of images like this.  I assume you will need after effects or something similar to get a lot of this animation.


just to throw out another video for some ideas.  http://youtube.com/watch?v=hn6cqY7CL2c  This is based on a graphic novel for the band Coheed & Cambria.  Mostly just images moving around, but there is some stretching of the faces to appear like they are animated more.


Shadows of the Empire is what my orginal idea  was for a comic movie.  I wanted to add scenes from the comic and other materile, like the sound track and the vid game sequences. Making something like that is beyond my ability at this time. The Dark Empire idea was born out of wanting to make a "comic movie". I could use what I learn from making a Dark Empire movie for a more ambitious Shadows movie project.

Thanks for the vid. I love the scene with the dude kneeling before whoever that "master" was. Reminded me of Palpatine. :D


Johnny Ringo said:

At first I wasn't really sure what you meant, But now that I've taken a look I have to say I'm all for it. I've also thought aout this sort of thing before, I toyed with various panels from the Reversal of fotune strips on hyperspace. but never really made anything of worth.

Are you planning on keeping text balloons? - Just wondering if you'd stick with whats there or go with subtitles. I supose it may depend on what sources you have to work with.


I haven't really gotten to the point of deciding if I should keep the ballons or not. I can see where removing the ballons would make more work for me when touching up objects and backgounds in photoshop. Ideally I think the most effective shot would be having no ballons and then have the charater or panel sliding around as dialog is spoken. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.


jedi_jra said:

ThrowgnCpr said:

Would be cool to do something similar with Shadows.  Its such a great story, it would make for a really awesome video. 



I agree with Shadows of the Empire.  It would make an awesome video to watch between Empire and Jedi.  The difficulty with Shadows may be that it didn't include a full cast of voice actors for the audio book, so it may not be as exciting as say a Dark Empire.  I found this list with all the audio books available.  It also makes note of those with full casts of voice actors, also known as audio dramas.   http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Star_Wars_Audio_Books

I would imagine that the most effective Video's to create would be the ones with a full cast adaptation.  Unfortunatly, Shadows of the Empire and the Thrawn trilogy lacked the full cast treament as these are two of my favorites.  For quick Reference, these are the audio books/radio dramas with a full cast of voice actors.

·         Tales of the Jedi by Tom Veitch; full cast audio drama

·         Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith by Tom Veitch; full cast audio drama

·         Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire by William C. Dietz; full cast audio drama

·         Episode IV: A New Hope Radio Drama by Brian Daley; full cast audio drama

·         Tales From the Cantina: We Don't Do Weddings: The Band's Tale by Kathy Tyers; full cast audio drama

·         Tales From the Cantina: Nightlily: The Lovers' Tale by Barbara Hambly; full cast audio drama

·         Rebel Mission to Ord Mantell by Brian Daley; full cast audio drama

·         Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back Radio Drama by Brian Daley; full cast audio drama

·         Episode VI: Return of the Jedi Radio Drama by Brian Daley; full cast audio drama

·         Dark Forces: Rebel Agent by William C. Dietz; full cast audio drama

·         Dark Forces: Jedi Knight by William C. Dietz; full cast audio drama

·         Dark Empire I by Tom Veitch; full cast audio drama

·         Dark Empire II by Tom Veitch; full cast audio drama

·         Dark Empire III: Empire's End by Tom Veitch; full cast audio drama

·         Crimson Empire by Mike Richardson and Randy Stradley; full cast audio drama




With all of that said, I would not object if somebody created the Shadows of the Empire and Thrawn Trilogy using only the audio books.  ;-)


There are some intersting possibilities with the audio dramas. I think a SW Trilogy with the Radio Drama ala the The Story of Star Wars would be awesome. The best part is you could use the deleted scenes.


The comic dramas is pretty straight forward if I mange to pull the Dark Empire movie off. I def would try to complete the DE series.


Dark Forces would be another awesome movie. Not only do you have the radio drama and graphic novels, but you also have the game cutscenes. Someone could even sprinckle in some ingame footage.


After reading about the novel audio books, an idea popped in my head concering Shadows or Thrawn Trilogy movies. For a movie with those comics or books you could get voice actors(fans) to record dialog for the movie. Throw in some sound effects and music and the movie could work. It would take a lot of cordination between people, but I've seen this kind of thing pulled off. Check out this Tranformer site for an example of fan dubing... http://tfcog.net/

A lot of ideas I know..... I'm not stopping anyone one from picking up these threads. Right now, I think I'm going to focus on Dark Empire first and the rest may follow as I learn more. My only problem is that I have an old crappy PC that can't handle some of the things I'd like to do. But I'm going to try to do what I can and if anyone wants to help I would appreciate any help at all.


Idea & Help Wanted: Star Wars Dark Empire: The Movie
jedi_jra said:

Love the idea, and truly wish I could help.  I had thought of something like this in the past.  I'm not sure if you've seen it, but Transformers had a moving comicbook released with the DVD  called Transformers, Beginnings, and i had thought how cool it would be to do that with the Star Wars comics. 

You can see part 1 of that video here:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vDzSgAScN4

Some of it is animated, but most of it is just still photos from the comic moving.  I'm sure it can be done!  I hope you find someone to help you with this project.  Good luck!


Thanks for the TF vid. That is a great refference. The cutout and the black holes in the background is a big issue I hadn't thought of. I'm thinking what I'm going to have to do is cut out the main players and Vehicles and then use photo shop to fill in the holes of the background. I'd have the player and objects moving around the background. Here's an example of a short sequence I have in mind......

What I'd do is cut out Luke and the debris in the top panel. Then with all the holes I'd fill the empty space with the same blue background. For the completed shot I have the rummble cam type effect and move Luke and the debris in an upward motion aross the background like he is being sucked up by the Force storm. I think the sequence will be my first test shot.

Does anyone have any experience with making vids. out of photos? I'd like a few pointers or FAQs if you know any. I def. need a list of some software for making such a video.

Also, I 've been listening to the audio drama along with the book and I've noticed a number of large addions in the RD. There are obviously parts of exposition that can be choped and I need to figure out what scenes to drop for time as well. I'm thinking that I may have to bring in elements from other comics to help fill in those extra scenes. I'm even comtemplating using footage from ROTJ for certain scenes with Mon Mothma and Admirmal Ackbar. That is if I can figure out how to edit the scene in a way that doesn't look stupid. I also need to get footage of the Bonus mission on Mon Cal in Rogue Squadron for the World Devestator scenes.

Anyways, sorry for the rambling. I'm def intrigued by this idea as you can tell. Any thoughts, suggestions, and help is appreciated.

Idea & Help Wanted: Star Wars Dark Empire: The Movie

I have been kicking around an idea about making Shaows of The Empire into a movie out of the comics, vid game, soundtrack, and audiobook. I have no technical knowledge about how to even manage such a task. I started to think last night about a simpler approach where I could teach myself how to turn a comic book into  an actual movie. Then the idea occured to me, maybe I could take the Dark Empire comic and audio drama and turn the two into a feature length movie. Something like the animated comics you see on the Heroes.com site.

Here’s an example of what I’d like to do…


I’m not exactly sure how to accomplish the idea I have. Something where the dialog and sound effects from the audio drama would play then the action on screen is sliding the comic pics around in some kind of dynamic movement. I need to play around with some scans of the comic and photoshop.

Anyone interested in learning how to make a comic movie with me?

Idea: Star Wars Games Preservation
daveytod said:

figured it was about time I chimed in here. The 'Battlefront - Journal of the 501st', 'Episode III - The Video Game Movie' and 'Star Wars Interactive Board Game DVD' were all mine, but I'm not surprised that the torrents are dead. I might pop them up on Demonoid but my seeding capabilities arn't the best.

RE: Shadows Of The EMpire, I've got all the material I need bar the N64 still cutscenes, I just couldnt find a way to capture them

I'm always at work on a movie of 'The Clone Wars' from the PS2/Gamecube with footage captured by another member of the forum, but work is going fairly slowly due to other commitments. It's going to be in the same vein as my previous releases, cutscenes interspersed with minimal gameplay to provide a complete storyline

I'd love a torrent on demonid on any of the mentioned projects, especially 501st.


I wish I knew how to make these projects myself. I have an idea about making a Shadows of the Empire movie that combines the game cut scences, game play, comics, soundtrack, and audio book. I saw this really great Transformer movie that turned one of the comics into a movie.

30th Anniversary DVD Idea
Thanks for the link that looks like it will be very helpful. I think where I'm running into trouble is figuring out what the exact url is for each doc. The container for the vid player is http://www.history.com/minisite.do?content_type=Minisite_Video_Clips&content_type_id=54086&display_order=2&mini_id=54078

a614.g.akamai.net seems to be where each vid is stored, but I don't know what the exact urls are. After searching google I did notice that a614.g.akamai.net seems to relate to a few history channel items.

On the bright side I did find a halfway decent capture of the Clone Wars trailer.
30th Anniversary DVD Idea
If you could share that trailer....

I know that almost any streaming vid is not going to look pretty. You work with what you can get. Thanks for the link. Does that work with any kind of streaming vid?

I think right now my best is to just gather all the files I want. Once I do that I can start thinking about a plan for the lay out of the discs.
30th Anniversary DVD Idea
Thanks, I sent a reply.

As suggested here is everything I'd want on the DVD/S

-The Legacy Revealed
-Rev. Tech Trailers
-Rev. Tech exclusive web docs.
-Star Wars at 30
-Forcecast Live
-Clone Wars Trailer
-George Lucas on Conan
-501st marching in the Rose Parade (Great suggestion Throwgn)

-BBC 30th documentry
-Forcecast C4 Megacast
-Forcecast C4 pt1&2

Things I'm still thinking about
-C4 Footage
-Promotional material relating to the 30th

The reason I want to make this DVD, or possibly set, is because I want to capture the experience I had celebrating Star Wars. I'm still waiting to hear from the Forcecast crew, but if worse came to worse I could capture the live show off YouTube. I need some advice about that. What is a good program to dl or capture streaming video? I'm thinking I need something to get The Clone Wars trailer off the official site, and the vids on The Leagacy Revealed site. Unless someone already has these vids. I have programs for getting WM and Real Media streams, but I believe I'll need something different.

Thanks again for any feedback.
30th Anniversary DVD Idea
All I've seen is the same version from eztv. I just uploaded SW@30 over on demonid if anyone is interested.

I have been taking your advise ThrowgnCpr by reading the forums. A lot of info. to soak up. The thing I like is that what I'm finding is that the tutorials are very easy to understand compared to what I've read on Doom9. I go there and feel stupid, it's like you have to have a PHD or something to understand some of their guides. Defiantly PM me with details about your DVD. If things work out with the folks at The Forcecast maybe I can just release their live show with SW@30 as disc 2 of what you've already done.
30th Anniversary DVD Idea
Originally posted by: ThrowgnCpr
I just put together a DVD that has legacy revealed, tech, GL on conan, and star wars shortened. unfortunately there were problems with my cap of the two history channel shows so i had to resort to using AVIs I found on the web, thus quality is not the best, but its still pretty good. i was going to make the disc available to people, but I say if you can get better or even HD caps of the history channel shows, then go for it. there were a few other shows i didnt get like the G4TV specials and an X-play special?? it could be interesting to make the BBC radio documentary into a video by creating some sort of permanent image or slideshow for the visual aspect. this could be done with the forcecasts as well. there is probably enough stuff to pad out a DL disc or make multiple releases

I probably have the same AVI files, plus I found SW at 30 on a.b.starwars. I'm not a big stickler quality wise, considering the shows are mostly just talking heads. About the X-play show, am I crazy in thinking that it was a repeat?

The image slide show for the audio files sounds like an interesting idea. I wouldn't know where to begin. Like I said, my experience making custom DVDS has been to take files and dump them into ConverXtoDVD. I've made a few Transformers DVDs. The reason I came here was to maybe get some advise about programs and such to make a DVD like some of the preservation projects I've seen. I've tried to learn things like making menus and I have some experience with TMPGnc. I just get confused about things like what fps to use, how to change PAL to NTSC, and how to use programs like AVIsynth. On top of that I have an older PC that hampers things. Eventually I just threw my hands in the air and went with ConverXtoDVD. With Star Wars I think I'm willing to go that extra mile and try to get a handle on some of these skills. Is anyone willing to take on a Padawan learner....

Do you think what I have listed would be too much for a SL disc? I usally go with SL discs because they are cheaper. If I can I'd like to stick with one disc, but I'm not opposed to spreading the content on two discs.
30th Anniversary DVD Idea
During the holiday weekend that celebrated Star Wars, sadly, I was unable to attend Celebration 4. Even though I wasn't there I still had a blast that weekend. I was glued to my T.V and the internet with the amazing coverage provided by the folks that bring us RebelScum.net, theforce.net, and their podcast show The Forcecast. They even provided footage on YouTube.

I had the idea to make a DVD of the programs that aired on T.V. My skills pale in comparison to what I've seen come out of these forums. When I make a custom DVD I use ConverXtoDVD. After sampling a few of the awesome preservation DVDs, I thought I would present my 30th idea to fans with more skill than me. Would anyone be interested in helping me put together a DVD of the programs that aired during the weekend of the Star Wars 30th. I am willing to do a little learning.

I've also mentioned the idea to the crew behind The Forcecast, in hopes of acquiring an edit of their live show at Celebration 4.

The idea is to capture the essence of the wonderful experience I had celebrating Star Wars, even though I did not attend C4.

Here's a short list of my idea for the DVD
-The Leagacy Revealed
-Star Wars at 30
-Forcecast live

-BBC 30th radio documentry
-Forcecast C4 megacast
-Forcecast C4 pt1&2

Ideas I'm thinking about
-George Lucas on Conan O'Brien
-Clone Wars trailer
-Footage from C4

Any help, thoughts, and feedback is appreciated.