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Harmy's STAR WARS TRILOGY "Partly Despecialized Edition" HD. !!! These version are now obsolete - Look for Despecialized Editions instead!!!

Earlier today, i was thinking if someone will ever take the GOUT versions and maybe do some color corrections on them with 1080p or HD quality. And i found this project and i was completely shocked when i found out about it. I don't get why more people have not discovered this yet, but hopefully they will. When it comes to finding  the OT in HD quality with none of the shenanigans Lucas added or any other things that were added such as fan-edits, it is tough. Though Adywan has done a great job with his fan-edits for Star Wars and i look forward to his ESB: Revisited. But anyways, Harmy, you have done a difficult thing and it seems you have accomplished it. A few hours ago, i was thinking of taking the GOUT versions and maybe perhaps do some color corrections on them and make the audio quality better with 1080p and such. But you saved me the trouble of doing that lol, but i was never going to do something like this. It's just too much work and i don't have the time to do something like that at the moment.

I have not seen the films yet, but i have seen the videos you posted on Youtube and i am impressed. Would it be alright if you can send me the links to download the films?

Also, when the films come out on Blu-Ray next year, do you plan to make further updates with the films?

One last question, i know you used the GOUT versions to make your edits, but did you also use the 97 Special Editions?

I look forward to your edits Harmy.

