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Read these two articles please...
It just seems like it would've been so easy for them to have made the changes subtle yet effective. Again, the space battle looks fantastic now as well as the walk through cloud city. If he were to fix these small things I would actually be stoked about the "special edition" and Im sure many of you would agree with me. Who know, maybe theyll make it happen yet. ILM has the best CGI people in the business for sure and they have GOT to know that some of that stuff just looks shitty.

*crosses fingers*

Read these two articles please...
Hmmm, it is very interesting how hostile this guy is toward us and the rediculous case he makes for fluid art forms. Sir, do you have any background in film history or photographic art whatsoever? It is pretty clear that there are glaring problems with the changes Lucas made to the Star Wars trilogy in 1997 if you have any taste or standards for film art or continutity for that matter. Here is my opinion that others here may or may not confirm. There are three major problems with the Special edition:

1. The pistol confrontation between Greedo and Han Solo.

2. The Jabba the Hutt scene added to Star Wars.

3. The Dance number inserted into Return of the Jedi.

The problem with the confrontation scene (number 1) is obviously the way Han Solo jerks his head Abruptly and not so much that Greedo shot first.

The Jabba the Hutt Scene simply fails to look right as there is no continuity whatsoever between his appearance in Return of the Jedi and now The Phantom Menace and his appearance in Star Wars. Also, I dont think there should have been humor (tail step) added to it.

The dance number is bad because simply, the colors dont match. Thats right!! The original scene has muted flesh tones and is very dark and noirish. Now, there are flourescent colors added to it which contrast and distract from the original tone and mood of the set and the scene.

Lucas isnt stupid and he doesnt NOT know how to make a film. He is just lazy. If he would have spent time on the changes they wouldve rocked as indeed some of them did. The space battle comes to mind as well as the vistas seen out the windows of cloud city. If he were to fix the above things I think it would be excellent. In fact, for the most part I think the changes are positive. I am all for CGI and digital imaging, but it must have the same amount of TLC that a celluloid picture gets to look right. The thing that pisses the people here off subconcsiously is the fact that Lucas basically decided to to take a half cocked shit on our beloved film trilogy. Were he to have taken the time and given it the respect and magnitude of effort the work deserves we might have been pleased. But this was not to be.

Oh, by the way, you may leave now. =)

SE Trilogy on DVD coming this Fall
Guys, I know I was real pessimistic earlier, but we have GOT TO DO SOMETHING. We have got to make this happen somehow. We need another 200,000 signatures on this thing and we need them NOW. I am seriously going to go to work today and tell every single fan there to please come here and use their voice to help us get this done. He has made such a grave mistake and although it is hard for a genius steeped in Japanese philospohy to reverse himself ( thats what we have before us here...) We must get him to comply with this. I do not want to NOT buy these films. Lets keep talking together and use our voice to get this thing pushed through.

SE Trilogy on DVD coming this Fall
Wow. This guy is so unbelievable. This whole thing is such a fucking whacked artistically inverted nightmare. I agree with Jay if only everyone had the discipline not to buy those disks. It is so insane what he has done to those films. I mean....I dont even really know what to say. It would be one thing guys, if it looked correct. But it doesn't. Youd think he'd realize that Jabba the hutt looks fucking retarded and the Greedo shoots first thing didnt adhere to physics whatsoever. But he just doesnt. He doesnt give a fuck about film, Episode III will suck. And its just over. The least he could do is to make the changes look great. He just pays no attention whatsoever to the language of cinema any longer and there is nothing we can do but to just let that guy fucking implode. Which he will do. I am so fucking pissed off man. This really sucks. I am banning George Lucas. Not that it is going to matter to him, but it is for my own personal satisfaction. We all know who has the definitive, cinematic fantasy trilogy presently anyway.

Shouldnt be too hard to come up with an idea of who it might be...

Later guys.