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Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

Harmy said:

You say you DLed the HD version of SW, why not download all the HD versions? And anyway, the SD version of Jedi will be on tehparadox in about five minutes. Big thanks to Chewtobacca for doing the conversion!!!


Well, after striking out twice with the HD versions, I figured it couldn't hurt to try one of the SD downloads. The format makes it easier to use Handbrake to make iPad-compatible files, anyway, so that was another consideration.

Great news about the RotJ SD...I'm downloading it as I write this! Once again, thanks so much for performing this labor of love!

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

Harmy said:

No, he's apparently already unrared the files, as he's got the ISO file. I don't know what the problem could be. It is possible, however unlikely, that your laptop indeed can't burn DL-DVDs. You may want to try and burn on someone else's computer.

Here's a guide anyway:


Well, I downloaded both the HD version of ANH and the SD version of ESB; after burning both to DVD, the former won't play in my BD player and the latter jumps around like Yoda in a fight. A rip of ESB off Handbrake plays perfectly, though, so the problem is clearly with my DVD-RW drive.

With that said, what I've seen of ESB is beautiful. You're a generous man, Harmy...thanks so much! Now I'm anxiously waiting for ANH SD to download and RotJ SD to get posted.

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

This is my first post here--as will become even more abundantly clear in just another couple of sentences or so--and I want to extend thanks in advance to anyone willing to help out a complete noob.

I came across Harmy's edits of the holy trilogy through a link from the Rebelscum forums and immediately ran out to buy some dual-layer DVD-R discs while RotJ downloaded. I got home, downloaded ImgBurn, then set out to burn a copy of the movie. About half an hour into the process, I got a bunch of error messages and wound up with a new frisbee.

Since then, I've been browsing through the forums here looking for instructions on how to burn the DVD, but I haven't found anything I can use (which is not to say that there isn't anything there; maybe I just haven't looked hard enough). If anyone could help me out with some instructions on what to do, I'd be deeply appreciative.

Here's what I'm working with:

I have a 15.8 GB folder on my external hard drive that contains all of the files that were downloaded through JDownloader from the link provided on tehparadox.com. In this folder, I have 42 files: 41 "ROTJ AVCHD.partxx.rar" files (where "xx" is the number on each file, 01-41), each 200MB, and one ROTJ AVCHD.ISO file, 7.9GB. I have a six-year-old Dell Inspiron E1505 laptop, running ImgBurn through a Windows shell on Ubuntu.

I had chosen "Write image file to disc" when starting ImgBurn, then selected the 7.9GB ISO file as the source. As far as I could tell from what I had read around here, that seemed the course of action most likely to yield success; but, then, you know...errors. Is it possible that my DVD burner can't burn to a dual-layer disc? Maybe I left something out in setting up ImgBurn? I know the instructions linked by Harmy in the ESB thread mention something about "CERTIFICATE" and "BDMV" folders (neither of which exist on my system), but that seemed to be aimed towards creating an ISO file, which I thought I already had.

Again, if anyone can provide any help (preferably phrased as if presented to your well-intentioned grandpa who's just learning to use a computer), it would be really, really great.