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Pagan Editor

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Were the Jedi supposed to not be allowed to get married, have children or any possessions when the OT was made?

As the thread title says, I’m wondering what the plan was. The PT’s depiction of the Jedi doesn’t seem to mesh with what we hear in the OT. Or Ben is lying through his teeth and Yoda is withholding vital information.

Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough… But the Jedi weren’t actually allowed to have children or possessions, so I shouldn’t even be talking about this.

Ben throws the lightsaber over his shoulder.

Snooker's Assorted Star Wars edit ideas

Hey Snooker,

Lots of impressive pics and videos to drool over. There’s two of them that I especially want to know more about for ROTJ. The first one is the shot of a space station or something over Had Abbadon. Even if these are just ideas, would there be no superweapon in the movie?

The other shot is a throne room in what I assume is the discarded Imperial Palace. Was the idea that the Emperor would be there early on, and then go to the grey throne room from the actual movie?

SSWR's Attack of the Clones - Alternate Timeline Edit (WIP)

Maybe you could add a sound for the skin morphing, like playing with the pitch of leather getting wrinkled. I looked up the scenes of Indy on youtube and it sounded like something like that was going on.

On the subject of changing pitch, I was wondering if you could do it with Yoda’s voice. I think his voice seems to sound brighter than in the OT, but that doesn’t make much sense when you’re aging ten times slower than a human being.

Also, I don’t know if I like having Duel of Fates playing when Anakin uses the speeder bike. I thought that you could maybe insert this version of Anakin’s theme starting at 1.37: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUC7MgkOgKA

SSWR's Attack of the Clones - Alternate Timeline Edit (WIP)

It’s odd to carefully study PT scenes. There was one video from you with the gang in the arena where the original footage had this awful effect on Sam Jackson head. I guess it was the same kind of blending of two shots as you’ve shown with Jake Lloyd.

That scene of Palps watching the troops also has strange things going on. The blue senate guy has his mouth open, like he’s going “Wow!” like a kid. And behind Bail is a guy of the same species as the one in the cantina who doesn’t like Luke. Knowing George, it must be the same guy. An incredibly succesful politican who ended up with the death sentence in 12 star systems. McCluncky!

But I’m liking the changes! I’m curious about the new music for Sheev looking at the clones. One thing that I’ve been thinking about regarding Zam’s changer-thing. I was thinking that you could perhaps get rid of it all, except for her death, and you recolor her skin grey as she morphs. The idea is that she gets deformed by the dart in way that looks a bit like the Nazis dying in Raiders of the Lost Ark and the Last Crusade.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

snooker said:

Fullmetaled said:

Can this make color falloff with the lightsabers work on all scenes of the original 6 films? https://youtu.be/CYN2alBR3P8

Messed around with a real quick and dirty test of this the other day actually. It actually looks reasonably fine!

Nice! Now send it to George McClunkey and he’ll cry for no longer being able to add this to his special editions. “It’s beautiful. The story is so much easier to understand.” 😉

SSWR's Attack of the Clones - Alternate Timeline Edit (WIP)

Bingowings said:

Pagan Editor said:
"… Have you considered cutting something in the shot of Mace defending Dooku? I just feel like he’s patronizing towards Padme. I would probably cut the last line.

Yes, he is Windusplaining

Macesplaining works too 😉

I think it’s been suggested previously on the PT Redux thread that the duel could be radically recut so that Obi-Wan faces Dooku alone. Then, Anakin arrives and runs or jumps toward Duke Dooku as he’s about to kill Kenobi. Then you get rid of that whole “go slowly on the left”. I would want to get rid of Yoda with the lightsaber, maybe even dueling with the Force, because I just think Kenobi and Anakin look weak just lying there, but then you might not have a lot of footage left. I think I’ve actually seen a clip of someone on this forum making it look Dooku throws a cylinder toward Anakin and used the shot of Anakin getting hit by Force lightning and placing the cylinder over the lightning.

If you want to keep Yoda and Dooku throwing things, perhaps you could have them thrash talking eachother, and then Dooku says something like “It is obvious that this contest can only be decided by our skills with the Force”. And then they start to throw things. Perhaps impossible, but I’ve seen something called wav2lip where you could lipsync new lines. If memory serves me right, the resolution is low, but you can improve it with deepfakes.

SSWR's Attack of the Clones - Alternate Timeline Edit (WIP)

Seeing a new clip from you SSWR brings warm feelings to my heart. 😄

Have you considered cutting something in the shot of Mace defending Dooku? I just feel like he’s patronizing towards Padme. I would probably cut the last line, “It’s not in his character”. The longer that shot keeps going, the more smiling and patronizing he seems. Also, I think it makes him and the Jedi look dumb since we find out that Dooku indeed is involved.

But good stuff!

SSWR's Attack of the Clones - Alternate Timeline Edit (WIP)

I saw your dinner scene with Padme’s family (it’s on his youtube channel) and I like what I see! I’m a big fan of the idea of inserting Anakin’s theme into II and III since I think it’s one of the best pieces of the trilogy. It feels like Lucas and Williams no longer wanted to use it, which is a shame, because the theme makes Anakin more likeable.

I just had a few ideas that I wanted to share:
First, I’ve been wondering if you could make CGI look more real by sharpening it. I’m mostly thinking about characters, with rotobrush/magic mask (I think I’ve seen that you’re using Resolve). There’s a tool called Mid/Detail in Resolve that I’ve seen used to increase/decrease detail in human faces. Here’s a link to someone who seems to know what he’s doing with some advanced sharpening techniques: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDw2znXECcg&list=LL&index=64

I’ve also just heard about the Relight feature in Resolve, which maybe could be used to make lightsabers glow onto characters. Obviously, you could also use it to relight scene, which may give you a radical new look.

Finally, here’s a review for something called Dehancer that makes digital footage look like film. But I didn’t realize at first that it costs $449. You could almost buy your own ship for that! 😉

SSWR's Attack of the Clones - Alternate Timeline Edit (WIP)

Hello there,

I’ve been watching the forums for years but I haven’t registered until now. I like what you’re doing, although I have to rewatch the saga to remind myself of what works and what doesn’t. But here are a few comments.

Is that JK Simmons laughing at the beginning of the video? 😛 A part of me thinks that you should make a duet of your homestead song with Jar jar, who won’t stop singing with improper english. 🤣

When it comes to your edits, I like the fact that Anakin knows Owen. I think I would preferably also cut Cliegg’s introduction, because I guess it would make sense that they’ve already met. Perhaps AI could make him say “Hello, son” or just “son” since I think he later says “Your mother’s dead, son”. Then he would still say that they’ve got a lot to talk about. I’m also a big fan of cutting the bar scene with Zam. Before I saw that clip, I don’t think it occured to me that it was even possible! 😉