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Is a <em>Star Wars</em> movie your favorite movie?

CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

Look at Planet of the Apes. Those are all over the place in tone, and no one’s angry about them.

That’s because everyone’s all but forgotten about the sequels. Does anyone give a shit about anything Planet of the Apes beside 1968?

It runs second behind Star Wars for me. I love them all, the different tones are what makes it so appealing, and the continuity errors are amazing. Come to think of it…could the SW’s Prequels inconsistencies be a homage…?..hmmm…

Star Wars: Episode VII to be directed by J.J. Abrams **NON SPOILER THREAD**

It's a safe but solid choice imo.

I'm not Abrams biggest fan, I do have my issues with ST09, but they are mostly linked to the stupid script, not his direction, but I do think that he gets a good performance out of his cast. The kids in Super 8 were great, and on the whole the cast in ST were good too.

The thing is, I don't feel that he has his own voice as a director. He is a great mimic of style (especially Spielberg's) but he hasn't yet brought anything to the table that makes me think 'This is an ABRAMS movie' (lens flares aside). GL, despite his many perceived faults as a director definitely has his own visual stamp, and crams the frame with epic amounts of creativity and imagination.

With Abrams previous rejection of the directors chair for SW VII, I'm of the opinion that maybe he has now seen a draft of the screenplay and really likes what he sees. And this bodes well. A naff SW VII would surely be career suicide for any director, why would he risk his 'reputation' on this movie, he must know (if he is as big an SW's fan as he says he is)  that every single second of screen time, every frame will be under the most intense scrutiny from SW's fans and critics alike?

When/Why did you become an OT purist?

I wouldn’t say I’m a purist in the classic sense, I have been through all sort of permutations of what a Star Wars fan can be from the release of the original movie back in the 70’s, right through to hating the PT and finally accepting the PT and seeing something in them that I had never noticed upon release, to a fan of all the movies and (some) EU. Yes, I’m one of those people. However, I do believe that fans should have access to all the permutations of the Star Wars movies from its beginnings, to what it has now become and not be restricted to just ‘one true version’.  

The thing is, when I want to watch a Star Wars movie, I want to watch them the way I want to watch them, be it through the eyes of me as a 4 year old, where there was just the original movie (I can easily jump on and ignore the Anakin/Vader thing), or watch the OT as I watched them for years prior to the SE’s , or watch the SE’s, or the 6 films back to back as one continuous saga. I’m not bound by any one definitive way of watching these films, but GL has taken this option away and I believe that this lack of foresight has actually made the GFFA a much smaller place than it should be and has made the artistry that is the movies a much narrower and restrictive experience.

On a personal  note, I do think that the SE’s are junk. The pacing is all wrong, the colours are off (I loved the blues and firey reds and orange colours in TESB for example because it works in foreshadowing red and blue light sabre blades crossing at the end of the film) and the ‘improvements’ are really distracting, but sometimes I watch them anyway, just because I can. Ironically I believe that watching the OOT works better in my mind, following the PT because it opens up the cinematic scope of this vibrant 36 year old movie making/watching experience.  

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

YanniD said:

Pheran said:


The AVCHD format is mainly intended for folks (like myself) who don't yet own Blu-ray burners. The movie is still encoded in HD format, but it will be no larger than 8.5G so that it will fit onto a dual-layer DVD. You can then burn it to a DVD that you can play in a regular Blu-ray player.

If you do have a Blu-ray burner, then you can probably just burn some variant of the existing MKV.


Thanks for that explanation:  I was wondering why anyone would want to compress the video further by 50% because the final quality has to be compromised in some way (unless the original video has not been compressed by much).

For those with Bluray players that can handle mkv on a usb drive, then the mkv will be the highest quality one to use.

Maybe we can convince Harmy to release the eventual Bluray as a series of mkv too, for those without Bluray burners but who have mkv capability.



I second this. I haven't burnt a disc in years.

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

I have just finished watching this and I've gotta say...WOW.

This is incredible work. I haven't experienced SW's like this since seeing it on the big screen back in the 70's. Everything looks so rich, vibrant and fresh...I felt like a little kid once again, I was just gawping at the screen, laughing and pointing out things to my wife, who.. humours me whenever I watch these movies.

I'll be seeding this on MS for a long time.

Roll on TESB and ROTJ!

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

This is all incredibly exciting Harmy.

I chanced upon your Despecialized original trilogy recently and because of it I've just registered here. They are simply stunning. I never thought I would ever see these films in their original form in such stunning quality. They have been on heavy rotation at home ever since I got my hands on them.

I just want to say a big thank you, watching this new remastered version may well be the highlight of my year.