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Revenge of the Sith Bootleg DVD from 2005? - (Not Backstroke of the West)

Wow! Okay, this is a lot of information. I was always curious but I guess this explains it, although, the video quality is inferior to DVD retail, but it’s interesting. I definitely think this comes from a digital transfer. This was actually the version I saw ROTS (apart from the theater) as a kid, so thanks for clarifying!

Revenge of the Sith Bootleg DVD from 2005? - (Not Backstroke of the West)

Hi, so I was wondering if anyone knew a thing or two about a Revenge of the Sith Bootleg DVD that was NOT the Backstroke of the West leak. I bought a DVD when I was kid, when the movie was still in theaters, I checked the date when these files were made, it says June 7th, 2005.

A few things to note:

-The aspect ratio is 2.35:1 Theatrical.
-There is no timecode on the top like Backstroke. The image is unaltered.
-The subtitles are NOT broken. They are actually very accurate to the dialogue and have their own font.
-The Audio sounds very loud. Like it’s a bit compressed but it’s very loud when you hear it, like it comes from a digital audio mix. But it’s clearer than Backstroke’s.
-Video quality is decent, but it’s noticeably better than Backstroke’s with more detail and more saturation.
-There is a main menu with its own image and music. It has some music from the film’s OST. There’s a fake THX Logo button and a button for StarWars.Com. There’s a Chapters menu.
-Yes, that one transition in the theatrical cut, the screen wipe from 3PO in the cockpit to Anakin’s hand is there.

Has anyone else uncovered a similar Bootleg DVD?

I’ve attached an imgur gallery to show some screencaps.