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Converting an AVCHD to.....

Hi All,


I have an especially perculiar query. I have downloaded the Harmy AVCHD edits of the trilogy and they look absolutely fine in my PS3. I burned them as AVCHDs on dual layer DVDs and while they look okay, the sound does drop for a second or two every couple of minutes. If I rewind, the sound will be there so I know they are not bad burns. I have a feeling it's the PS3. The stream files work fine on my WD HDTV media player too however, I was hoping to have them on discs.


I have tried all I can with the PS3's settings but I cant correct it so I am going to try a more radical solution. Star Wars HD DVDs. Or specifically, HD DVD media on a Dual layer DVD disc. I know that AVCHD is compatible with most Bluray players but does anyone know if HD DVD has any kind of file/disc format situation similar to the "AVCHD-on-a-DVD/Bluray" one?


If there is one, I cant find it but I'd definitely like to have HD Star Wars on a dual layer disc playing out (in HD) through my 360 HD-DVD player. If there is one, anyone know how I can author the raw AVCHD files to whatever this format is?




Harmy's THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Despecialized Edition HD - V2.0 - MKV & AVCHD (Released)

First of all, thank you so much for bringing these terrific flicks back from the distant past the way they were meant to be seen. Lucas can take his overpriced and further ruined OT Bluray's and shove them. I now have the only versions I ever wanted so I can now retire my 80's vids, '95 LD's, 97 Vids, and even my 00's DVDs. :P I'll also be going to a local printing company to get high quality prints of your high quality covers before hosting a proper Star Wars evening with my fellow aficionados.

As touched upon by someone else, If you are ever in my neighborhood (Dublin, Ireland), let me know and I will reward you with copious amounts of Alcohol (I'll give you my car and house if you can "fix" episodes 1 & 2 :P ) On a different note, the ESB copy I burned seems to have some audio glitches and will lose sound for a second or two every so often.

Any ideas what might be causing this? I used ImgBurn to make the AVCHD disc and burned at AWS speed. ImgBurn didn't prompt me to change the settings to UDF 2.50 so I did it manually.

I used Verbatim DVD+R DL discs and they are for use in my PS3 (720p via HDMI). The sound glitches do not occur at the same spot every time so I know it's not a scratched disc or anything (It was a brand new DL).

So, any thoughts on what might be causing the audio glitches? My thinking is the AWS setting - Maybe it was autoset to write at too fast a speed? Or could I have missed something when I had to manually set UDS to 2.50? Or could it even just be a PS3 setting I've overlooked?

Normally I wouldn't ask but I only had 4 DL discs [/dilema]