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Noah Niedzolkowski

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What would have made the prequels better in your opinion?

It seems it is a well known fact on this forum that the prequels sucked were an absolute abomination. I want to know from you what you think would have made them better.

Whether it be little changes to the characters and some scenes, or major changes to the storyline altogether, I want to know what you would have done differently. For example: Should the soldiers have been clones and droids? What would have made the Battle of Geonosis more exciting? Should they have used less or more CGI? etc.

What do you HATE about the EU?

The way how in the prequels they added way too many new planets, many of which were similar to the original trilogy's planets (for example: Geonosis is pretty much exactly the same as Tatooine), and seemed to forget about most of the planets from the original trilogy. For example: we never see or hear of Bespin, Yavin, Endor, Dantooine, Hoth, Dagobah and many others in the prequels

Plot Hole in The Empire Strikes Back Discovered

So I started watching Star Wars The Empire Strikes back again earlier today, and one thing that I wondered about (which I'm sure other people have wondered about) is the "Ion Cannon". In the scene leading up to The Battle Of Hoth, they fire the Ion Cannon up at a Star Destroyer and destroy it after about 5 shots. What I want to know is that if it was so easy to take out a Star Destroyer that way, then why don't they just use the Ion Cannon all the time to destroy every big Imperial ship they run into? Or why didn't they use the it to destroy the Imperial Walkers that were attacking them? I want to know what your guys' opinions are about this