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STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

darth_ender said:

 If you've got suggestions for improvement, I for one would be interested in hearing them.  But please be specific.  Saying that it just plain sucks is not exactly constructive criticism.

Sounds fair. I'm not a perfectionist and I care about the plot and the wholeness of a movie, but! Somethings just can't be taken forgranted for the respect of the viewers.

I'll give an example. BBC series, can be great. Great plots, ideas and imaginative creationism. Do I watch them? No. Not because they suck, far from it. They just don't respect the viewers visual sense. It's for children! In a few words, it's so cheap that it makes me mad. Such a pitty! The whole idea left incomplete, because of low budget visual perspectives and deadline hysteria. But atleast, they got solid reasons about this mess.

1) Industry standards and competitiveness.

2) They know in which parties their creations reffer to. Meaning they know their viewers and they know what they expect from them.

So... what is this projects excuse? You got time, you got feedback, you do not lack the money (meaning donations and well, it's a voluntary work afterall which means you do not expect money out of it), so... why this cheapness?

Is it because you refuse to listen to an advice that might be handy? I do not need to be able to create a movie in order to know if it's good or bad. Either visually either by script, plot, etc. I am the viewer and I know what I see and that is good enough to make a point out of it. What is your goal?

The cheapness I mean, is the outcome that comes out of inexperienced and bull-headed people that refuse to see the facts or that are so untallented that they lack the sense of visual beauty. I don't care about their lifes and how they carry on with this project and the why, lies behind the purpose of all this, which is... : In the end I just want to see a respectfull and better version of star wars. Not something mild or disrespectfull. 

As for Ady and joining ILM. Come on! Stop bullying him!

Not saying in defence of ILM and what they did in SE.

Technical malfunctions in visuals that hit you right in the eye:

Bluriness, lack of natural lense behaviour, sterille aesthetics making everything look so clean and fake.

It's funny that he gives out earlier snapshots and later on saying that he's corercted them without giving any proof visually. (Awaiting the final release is the best excuse I've ever heard. If you want to get feedback about your work and maybe it will be good, then show us your final shots. I think it's common sense).


STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Bingowings said:

You can tell Christmas is over can't you?

All those bottles of aftershave, all those ill fitting sweaters, character underpants etc.

So as a non-interested party why post in this thread at all?

I'm sure you could have started a critique of Adywan 'fans' and the ethos of his projects in the Off-Topic section (where your personal attacks will not necessarily get you an immediate ban...doh!).

This thread is for assisting what is already happening (wether you like it or not).

Your comments add nothing to this project which you don't approve of.

You don't have to approve with it but wafting in like a phantom and posting about that here isn't functional use of this space. 

I know Christmass is over, don't seem to find the relevance though...

I am an interested "party" and I'm pretty sure that you can tell by the message I'm sending here. If I wasn't iwb subscribing and all. You gave me an interesting idea though and thank you for that. ;)

Anyhow, I'm assisting by critisising in the most possibly raw form. A "what not to do" point of view, or a "what bothers me is this", is an assistance as well. Do not try to blame it on me because you don't like the way I give my advice. Be the greater man and keep the present and not the wrapping if you find it unpleasant.

Doesn't matter if I approve it or not, won't make a difference, but I think that it adds up to something by itself already. But if you like to talk about speciffics like lets say visual integrity I' d be glad to remind you Mike Vertas thoughts on this and the previous project, that was critisised way more brutally than me. Well I agree with him because he knows damn well and better than most "great" people here about technicalities.

Sorry to have interupted your thoughts but I want to speak about what I want to speak and not about something boring. 

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Shit! That was fast!

Can't say I didn't expect that. (Usual suspect first in line. Of course I mean 005 and you know that). The chief architect of cynical morality, low standards and indian name "asskisser" (You are gifted on this one. The force served you well).

1) Most of us are fans of Adywan, sure. Why the hostility?

2) Well, the project is far from complete, so it's a little early to pass judgement. But there's nothing wrong with active encouragement, is there?

3) Errrrr....no. Fan edit.

4) ???????? You got me on that one.

Am I missing something here?

1) Because I am an anti-fan and I got many reasons. Would you like to analyze further? Prove me wrong, I DARE YOU! ;)

2) I'm a possitive thinker myself just not in this mood this instant about the speciffic matter. Agree to disagree, plus I got my own point of view just like you got yours. 

3) Rules are rules man. And don't give me that crap about misguidance and all the possitive blah again, because it don' mean sh... nothing to me.

4) Gottcha! :P

Yes you are.

Thanks 4 the corrections. I like critisism myself.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Hello there! First time poster here (but that doesn't mean that I haven't been paying attention to this whole thing goin' on in this forum for some time now).

The reason I chose to mingle this time on is that... I couldn't really bear not doing so. Have to give my humble opinion as a third person or as a critic (although I'm sure that this is the taboo word in this place, but well... whatever).  Hope you have some sense of humor and mood for conversation without being a total asswipe. :P

So. To the point. Something is going terribly wrong with this project and I guess that you already know what I mean though you probably won't admitt it, but hey... That's fine. Everybody needs a denial to go on with they're lives. I'm just the guy that is going to ruin it for you per say. 

This will be fast but not harmless.


1) The project is surrounded by asskisser worshipers.

2) Untallented and clueless to the core people get away with thunderous "What a great job you've done there blah blah" and "It's peeerfect".

3) This project implies that it has been transformed into some sort of a fanfilm?   

4) And last but not least. Adywan will add 3d AT-STs in the Battle of hoth. (The only photo that got leaked was his mistake). Boom! 

Don't Worry. The project will be still on schedule.