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RELEASED: "Star Trek: The Motion Picture (Special Longer Version)"

slaynmage said:
Both of those shots had multipoint lighting and the focus was a bit soft. So the software is unintentionally ageist and does not preserve wrinkles well at all.

If I remember my Star Trek trivia correctly, the people who made the movie did this on purpose (by applying Vaseline to the camera lens) because for some reason they were pretending that it was only three years after the events of the series, when in fact the production was ten years later, so they were trying to hide how old the actors were. That’s why Wrath of Khan had such a heavy theme about aging, so they could lean into how old everyone was getting instead of using camera tricks to avoid it.

RELEASED: "Star Trek: The Motion Picture (Special Longer Version)"

slaynmage said:

So far I have ripped the BR of the theatrical version and downsized it to the same dimensions as the DC DVD release.

Why?? I would much rather have an HD movie where some scenes have a drop in quality, than have the whole movie be a piddling 360p. Wasn’t the whole point of Fanfiltration’s second version to do it in HD?

RELEASED: "Star Trek: The Motion Picture (Special Longer Version)"

suspiciouscoffee said:

I’m not sure if it could be of any help, and I’m not good at making captures, but if anyone would like it as a source, I could certainly try to cap it.

I’m not involved with the HD project, but I’d be pretty happy to have a digital version of the regular SLV just in general. I bought a VHS copy of it on eBay long ago, and I still keep it around, but it’s so annoying to have to get the VCR all hooked up just for that one movie.