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"The People Vs. George Lucas" documentary...

OK - one of things that annoyed the f***ing hell out me was that the makers of this documentary put a fake “Pieta” in the background when they were interviewing one guy (who spoke multiple times). In case you don’t know, the Pieta is a famous statue (made by Michelangelo) of the Virgin Mary holding Jesus’ dead body after it was crucified. The f***kers who made this documentary had a little miniature Pieta in the background. The head of Mary was cut off, and was replaced by a yellow ball with a happy face. WTF was that? Are they purposely trying to insult my religion for no reason? This documentary is about Star Wars. Why would they add something so offensive for no reason?

As for the documentary itself - I agreed with everything said about the new Trilogy and the remakes. Let's face it - the greatness of the original was a fluke. Lucas had nothing to do with it. Harrison Ford and his great acting/improvising had more to do it with it then Lucas did.