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Info Wanted: Hello and questions for my own project
Thanks, I saw that thread last night but it just kept going and going and no one was getting down to brass tacks. It was late so I stuck a thread up and went to bed.

So, what's a good NLE for the job? I need to buy one but since I don't need all the bells and whistles, I'm hoping for some recommendationis.

I watched the Greedo shoots first (GSF) scene on my 2004 DVD last night, and I'm wondering if scrubbing up the existing frames to remove extraneous laser blasts (aren't all the blasts extraneous? I don't remember an actual blaster bolt in the GSF scene, I just remember the SFX and the explosion), altering the Shiva goddess of love head bob out, putting in the lost 2 white explosion frames, and fixing the audio might do it. Any thoughts? What kind of app would I need for this, Combustion?

Is the original scene available anywhere for comparison?

I know some might think this belongs in the existing thread, but I'm only interested in GSF so I think this should be its own thread.
Info Wanted: Hello and questions for my own project

Hi, first post here.

Wow, what a cool forum! I’ve been gearing up to doing my own version of the Episode IV DVD, and wondering how the hell I’m going to do it, and here I find a whole forum about it! Well, sort of…

I tried reading that zion project thread, but it’s just too horrendously long…what’s the upshot? Is there a version of the 2004 Ep IV without the mangled Greedo shoots first scene? Is it available at myspleen.net? If so what’s the file name and who uploaded it?

All I want is the 2004 Ep IV DVD with the Greedo scene as close to original as humanly possible. If someone has uploaded that (at full DVD quality), great. If not, I’d appreciate some pointers on what I’m going to have to do to make this goal a reality.

I use DVDShrink, DVDLab Pro, DVDDecrypter, etc., so I’m not totally unfamiliar with ripping, but obviously this’ll take a whole different set of tools. What am I going to need?