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Cannon Fodder NJ

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Ghostbusters: We're Ready to Believe You (* unfinished project *)
As for extra material, I know a few ppl in this thread have posted they found or have info, but got no response back. If you want more material, why not read up and ask them.

Been there and done that - the response I got was that they would rather do their own project themselves instead of collaborating.

I agree, why not put out a "volume 1" and a "volume 2" instead of holding onto it until a 2nd disc is created. Also, are you trying to fit it all on a DVD5? In that case, why not put it all on a DVD9 instead of a DVD 5, or use a shinking program like dvdshrink to compress it so the last 5 minutes fit?

I did, originally, make it a volume 1 - but the person I was performing the work for did not like the 'volume 1' moniker. As to using DVD shrink - I think we all know the general quality of the material that most people have for these DVD's and dropping the quality down further would just not be right. I would rather put out the 1st disc as is solo without any follow up. And, hopefully, this could prompt those who state that they are 'making and releasing the ultimate dvd of bonus material' to actually do less talk and more action!
Ghostbusters: We're Ready to Believe You (* unfinished project *)
For those who know (and those who don't) I did complete the DVD with a few adaptations along the way. It ended up moving into a 2-disc set... so, instead of having the 1st disc, full of material and the 2nd with a few minutes on it - I tossed out the request for those with more material to add to the 2nd disc .... needless to say I received no replies to my, "hey, let's collaborate" offer - unsure why, it's not like we are going to get famous or make money from creating such packages.

My project sits on a shelf - all by it's lonesome - waiting for me to pick it back up and continue... but essentially the 1 disc was completed with a good chunk of material. I just felt I wanted to expand into the 2nd disc because I would rather have the material than discard it and have it be lost forever - but did not want to have, repeating myself here, a 2nd disc with 5 minutes of material.
Ghostbusters: We're Ready to Believe You (* unfinished project *)
I have a lot of material. I had offered to the other users to collaborate on this project - but all declined. The reason I was looking for a collaboration was because I have a disc full and have just begun to expand to a disc two... but with only 5 minutes on disc two - it would be a waste of space unless there was more to add to the disc.

If anyone would like to collaborate then PM me or drop me an eMail.

Ghostbusters: We're Ready to Believe You (* unfinished project *)
This is going to be more than a 1 DVD set!!

There is a lot of stuff that is getting packed in, some should be forgotten (Weird Al Yankovic inserting himself in the Ray Parkery Jr. "Ghostbusters" music video) and numerous that should never... ghostheads will really enjoy a lot of what is packed in here. - it will either be a dual-layer DVD or multiple DVD's.

Keeping you all in the know - watch this space.
Ghostbusters: We're Ready to Believe You (* unfinished project *)
I have been working with Paul from spookcentral on this same thing - including the criterion footage, as well as, SNL sketches, Johnny Carson interview, music videos (with full audio) and much more. Disc has already gone through 2 revisions, I am in the process of working on the 3rd pass to include new items (recent SNL sketch), USF EGB and Beetlejuice live show video.