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Maul with legs

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The Last Jedi Reforged (Released)

Amazing,when i see the last jedi in the cinema becomes my star wars less favorite movie i hate the leia moment ,poe insulting hux mother and the dead of snoke .
The photography and the luke´s arc is the best of the last jedi imo and with this edit i have that without mayor of the thinks that i dont like of the original film .
the secuels exist and will be there ,disney decanonizing this episodes not gonna to happen but maybe a re edit in the future of favreu and filoni (with new scenes and a few changes in story?and more context books improve the secuels .
i apreciate the porgs and the care takers of the island idk why the hate ,the luke vs kylo is improve ,etc
A very cool work dude and you make the last jedi a good star wars movie .
Thanks and may the force be with you 😃