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Dragon Ball Z: The Ascended Cut (W.I.P.) [Saiyan Saga released!]

FVDnz said:

Thanks for the link. Unfortunate though that while copying them 6GB files to a HD to watch on my TV, I can’t seem to watch them (I have an LG OLED btw). Maybe I’ll have to convert them somehow…

Do you have a Blu-ray player or PS5? If you plug your Flash/HD/what-have-you into one of its USB ports you should be all set (PLEX servers are a godsend in these cases too if you ever want to go that route). Direct into the TV tends to cause issues for Hi10 video files and/or lossless audio.

My bad on the massive file sizes, but I went that route for archival reasons. If anyone else wants to make a smaller encode that retains its quality / minimizes artifacting, be my guest!

Dragon Ball Z: The Ascended Cut (W.I.P.) [Saiyan Saga released!]

I’ve changed the name of this project to The Ascended Cut. The word “Legacy” keeps leading people to Legacy of Goku-related shit in searches and the “30th Anniversary” moniker is outdated by now (and confusing considering the existence of those compromised Blu-rays of the same name).

I’ve also begun to implement A.I. very sparingly in cases where the dialogue was obviously censored for the original VA’s and/or any inconsistencies that may come up using both the Kai and original voices.

Here’s a test:


Not a good look that THIS is what I use as the first AI change (I’m probably on a list now), but it is what it is.

You’ll begin to see The Namek Saga / 1st half of Ginyu populate on Archive.org this week.

Dragon Ball Z: The Ascended Cut (W.I.P.) [Saiyan Saga released!]

^ Not too concerned about the most accurate color correction as I am having the different sources I’m cutting from look consistent.

Saiyan Saga complete batch discoverable in the Internet Archives. Look out for a new batch for Namek Saga / Captain Ginyu Pt. 1 episodes of this cut to begin uploading this week.

As strange of a decision as it is, I did end up including the fake Namek filler… but managed to cut it down to one episode. How? OHOHOHOHOHOHOHO…

Dragon Ball Z: The Ascended Cut (W.I.P.) [Saiyan Saga released!]

DriftK1ng said:

I’m glad I discovered this project! I was always hoping for something like this. Is there a Google drive link to this or is it all on Archive?

Internet Archive.

Just search “Dragon Ball Z Legacy Cut” and you’ll find it immediately. Just know that only half the Saiyan Saga is up now due to how long it takes to upload 6GB files on there. I’ll see if I can leave my desktop on the whole week to get these going through faster.

Dragon Ball Z: The Ascended Cut (W.I.P.) [Saiyan Saga released!]

The Saiyan Saga is finally in The Archive. Enjoy before it inevitably gets taken down.

Now I really would like to make a Japanese audio track for this, but I have neither the time nor am I a native speaker. If someone would like to volunteer, I’ll give you the raw materials necessary to attempt this (note you’d also have to play it by ear/vision as I never took down any cue times for this stuff).

Dragon Ball Z: The Ascended Cut (W.I.P.) [Saiyan Saga released!]

Rome0621 said:

I forgot to ask too, is this project cancelled?

Nah, just infinately delayed because I want the best video source possible before I can replace some of the footage I already have and move forward.

I was waiting for the Selectavision blu-ray, now it looks like AB Video out of France created a master that trounces the Selectas (currently those are still on DB, so it’ll be another year before they get to Z).

Realistically, I’d say 2025 will be the completed release for this project.

Dragon Ball Z: The Ascended Cut (W.I.P.) [Saiyan Saga released!]

whatevers brub said:

This sounds amazing is there any updates on when this will drop, im trying to get my mate to watch dbz for the first time but i want him to watch the best possible version.

It’ll drop saga by saga.

When the first two will officially? I can’t give a definitive answer as it all depends if / when I get my hands on the Selecta BDs.

Which leads me to this necessary call to action since I’m on the fence about purchasing yet ANOTHER version of this show just to get this project done: If anyone here has Box 2 & 3 of the Selecta Vision blu-rays, please PM me.

Dragon Ball Z: The Ascended Cut (W.I.P.) [Saiyan Saga released!]

AzureOrange said:

Hello @Masquerade
Are you still continuing the project? I’ve seen that Nandato went down …
Regards, Azure

Yes. I will dump all of what’s been completed so far (Saiyan / Namek / Captain Ginyu Sagas) onto Archive.org soon.

The issue is I’m waiting on the Selectavision Blu-rays in order to continue this project. I’m swapping out a lot of what I had done using the 30th Anniversary steelbook footage for the Spanish BDs just because the latter is THAT MUCH of a massive leap in picture quality (ironic considering it’s an AI upscale of an SD source unlike Funimation’s hackjob of their film scan).

Once I have that new workflow down between the Selctas and the Kai BDs, I won’t have to spend so much time color grading either.

Dragon Ball Z: The Ascended Cut (W.I.P.) [Saiyan Saga released!]

Woah woah WOAH… who changed the title here to “released?” I’ve released segments of it but it’s nowhere near finished (I’ve actually not touched this project since June bc life & my graphics card is ass).

I won’t hand out anymore links until I’m at least finished with the Frieza saga. If I win the fight against procrastination here, that’ll be completed in time to be a Christmas present for 2021.

D U N E - D E L U X E E D I T I O N ( R E L E A S E D )

Watched it! Smoothest Dune edit I’ve seen so far. I have a couple notes though:

There’s a handful of instances where the music buries some of the dialogue. I found this problem to be exclusive to the Extended Edition scenes.

1:00:46-48 looks choppy for some reason (as if the frame rate halved for those 2 seconds), and then the shots inserted from the window at 1:00:53-55 and 1:01:07-14 look very much like static stock images with a lack of dimension & motion blur. A shot of those respective landscapes but taken from a video source like you did from 1:01:39-46 would benefit greatly.

One slight thing I always thought could be easily improved from the original was the lack of VFX for gunfire from 1:19:52-57. Easiest way to take care of this problem is to add a white strobe frame for each gunshot with opacity varying between 30-60%, then up the contrast and lower brightness for the frame after each gunshot by about 20%.

There are also a couple shots from the original that I still think could be removed outright:

  • The obviously rubber worm at 1:05:09-11. The worm’s presence is much more effective just burrowing around below sand until the reveal at 1:06:20.
  • The soldier landing on a barely-disguised stunt mattress after being thrown off a bridge at 1:20:35.
  • Paul hanging on the worm in a hilariously bad matte extreme long shot from 2:01:08-11.

There’s probably some more shots that could be axed since they look less like they came out of high-budget 80’s sci-fi flick and more like it was done by that one perpetually-stoned slacker fired from ILM for pretending to animate Hipgnosis album art instead of, you know, working; but there’s only so much that could be done before the movie gets hacked to pieces (again).

Info: Has anyone heard more about Star Ep9: Rise of Skywalker’s The J.J. Abrams Cut??

Never was a fan of JJ outside of Force Awakens (and maybe Super 8) to be honest, and the former was thanks to having his OT redux look presentable at first glance with Kasdan’s writing chops. Oh right, to “help” JJ, let’s add the writer responsible for some of the worst written DC movies but kick out Trevorrow for a box office flop he didn’t even do the screenplay for while he already had a fleshed-out end point for Star Wars… the FUCK kinda decision making is that?

I still stand by MI:3 being the worst Mission Impossible movie.

Info: Has anyone heard more about Star Ep9: Rise of Skywalker’s The J.J. Abrams Cut??

I really don’t see the point in not releasing deleted scenes much like Solo or Rogue One unless there were such drastic changes that LucasFilm wanted to sweep that footage under the rug.

There is no reason why fully filmed scenes (like the Eye of Webbish Bog, the one or two additional Rose scenes, the full Luke / Leia training sequence, Lando’s daughter backstory, etc.) wasn’t made available in the same way Last Jedi’s or every Lucas-fronted Star Wars movie has. Even TFA had them for as sparse as they were.

Help - looking for... 'Dune: Alternative Edition Redux', by Spicediver

HD version does not exist (it was cut from a deluxe DVD set) and some of the deleted scenes look like ass considering they’re SD scans of dirty workprints.

I am doing an HD Dune cut that’s slightly shorter than SpiceDiver’s version (about 2:45:00-ish) but still quite a bit longer than the theatrical. Figuring out a way to upscale the more degraded-looking deleted scenes too.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

RogueLeader said:

The shitty thing is that no matter what we can change or alter with this film, there’s no way we can really give Rose more of a presence, without any deleted scenes. Rose goes from a prominent character with her own theme in the last film, to a background extra in the last film.

'Tis why someone’s gotta hack into LucasFilm’s data banks.

Who wants to volunteer?

Help: looking for... Any 'DUNE' 3-hour cuts out there?

Recently watched the Alternate Redux. Way too much fluff added to the first half of the movie that just murders the pacing (also unnecessary re-use of music cues when there should be silence).

The 2nd half is on point though. I may make a definitive edit using some of the Redux as a blueprint whenever the 4K disc comes out (which I believe is later this year / in time for Villeneuve’s version).

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

Here’s the original cue sheet from John William’s scoring from a longer cut of the movie circa 11/10/19 if anyone wants to take up what’s “missing” (or even the order of the scenes, which ended up being totally restructured for the first half of the movie):


M=Reel (which equals to about 20 minutes each)

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

NeverarGreat said:

The problem with Mustafar is that it’s not really a scene. It’s just ‘Kylo goes to a place and finds a thing he was already looking for’. For it to earn a place, something has to happen that changes a character or plot element, otherwise it could just open with Kylo arriving at Exegol.

Maybe the crawl tells how Kylo is trying to make good on his promise to end the Jedi and the Sith, and this has brought him to Mustafar to wipe out Sith cultists. When he finishes killing them, the ‘Find me’ can lead him to the wayfinder.

This would at least help give the scene some element of interest as Kylo may not have realized the wayfinder was here.

I mean someone could try to recreate this cut scene and not delete Mustafar at all (assuming the official footage of this scene is never released):


Also maybe have force ghost Luke taunting Kylo with voices or something?

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

I want to know if anyone “in the know” has access to any of this footage:



Plus anything Finn, Rose, Jannah, or Lando related that could flesh out those stories more.

This stuff has to exist in a hard drive somewhere. If someone were to, you know… “borrow” it…

Dragon Ball Z: The Ascended Cut (W.I.P.) [Saiyan Saga released!]

Aight, now that all the Saiyan Saga is done and the first of Namek is loading onto Google Drive and I can finally go on a forward trajectory with this thing, I’mma place some more minor details about this project here. Speak some truth:

  • As stated in the OP, the first 23 episodes of this cut uses Level Set footage, but it’s been very slightly de-grained. The reason for this is halfway through Episode 24, the Level Set footage runs out. From there I switch to a combination of Kai and Funimation’s 30th Anniversary Set, which I think I did a pretty good job with matching the color timing with (and also adding a 3% Gaussian blur to the 30th so that annoying edge enhancement is gone). The Kai and 30th Anniversary Set combo will continue up until Buu. From that point to the end, the project will switch to 16:9 with color corrected Final Chapters footage (which while I’m not a fan of cropping anything originally shot in 4:3, Kai: TFC actually makes up for what’s lost on the top & bottom with extending the sides by an equal amount) and the 2013 Blu-ray (which suck ass but I’ll try similar techniques with it like I’m doing with the 30th footage).

In terms of the specifics of what filler this project is cutting out / leaving in:



  • Goku goes to Hell (albeit cut down slightly in my edit)
  • Princess Snake
  • Arlia
  • Gohan & the robot
  • Yamcha’s stadium intro
  • Gohan running away & joining orphans (cut down to 1 episode instead of 2)
  • Pendulum Room


  • Gohan & the friendly dinosaur
  • 99% of Launch scenes
  • Tien at waterfall home
  • Dueling Piccolos (this one hurt me, but there was no space)
  • Holographic moon projection
  • Goku’s eventually-retconned ancestry
  • Yajirobe dicking around Saiyan landing pods
  • Fight padding



  • Goku vs. needles
  • Goku escaping hospital to train
  • Goku and Gohan moment alone before the latter leaves to Namek
  • Friends or Foes?
  • Goku vs. hurtle towards star
  • Vegeta in the tank
  • Frieza attacking Guru’s hideout


  • Fake Namek
  • Fight padding


  • Destruction of Vegeta backstory


  • Everything else (including Bulma & Frog Ginyu)

[Keep, but cut from 10 episodes down to 7 to improve pacing]



  • Mr. Shu
  • Goku learns to drive


  • Fight padding (if you didn’t get it by now, most of the show’s filler is the fight padding)


  • Select Time Chamber moments


  • Everything else


  • “Oh Shit!”



  • All of Other World Tournament
  • Gohan’s first date
  • Saiyaman movie set


  • Everything else



  • Vegeta’s original atonement left entirely intact


  • Everything else

[All filler erased]

Obviously leaves us with more episodes than Kai does, but will still cut DBZ down to 200 episodes or something instead of 291.