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The Trial Of Han Solo
Han Solo has been brought to court to stand trial for the "cold blooded" murder of Greedo. The encounter is retold and then evidence is brought forth showing the events. Then... something strange happens. A different version of the same event arises. Then another. This is a clear case of evidence tampering? Who is responsible for this!? WHO!?
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Made by a group of Star Wars fans who care about perserving a timeless classic.
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Is George Lucas a fan of Star Wars?
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Recently Ridley Scott, Director of Alien, just released a new, new version of his classic 1982 adaptation of Philip K. Dick's Blade Runner (the story originally titled "Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?). For those who don't know this classic science fiction film starring Harrison Ford (filmed after Raiders Of The Lost Ark), let me explain. When Blade Runner was to be released the studio had wanted an alternate ending (a "happy ending) to the film and a narration by Harrison (which he hated). In the 90's Ridley Scott released the Director's Cut (My favorite version) which took away the narration and the happy ending. Now, this year, Scott released Blade Runner: The Final Cut, his final view on Blade Runner. It includes new scenes, an alternate beginning, and new special effects. Sound familiar? Now, 3 DVD sets have been released. The cheap 2 disc containing only the Final Cut, the 4 disc (which I just bought) which contains: Final Cut, 2 hour documentary, the ORIGINAL 1982 FILM, the 1982 International version, and The Director's Cut. The original film has been REMASTERED in SOUND & PICTURE. The 4th one includes everything and a briefcase and lots of other stuff.
Here's the best part: when you click one of the films to watch you have the choice to see an introduction by Scott himself. He says of the Original: "While the original is not my preferred version, I know the original film has it's fans so if you're one of them, enjoy."
NOW THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! He doesn't like the original but he still includes it! George, what's so difficult about this? Why can't you do this for Star Wars. Scott remastered ALL versions. Coppola, George's mentor, released a DVD with both the Appoclypase Now original & redux version. Spielberg, another of George's best friends, released both versions of Close Encounters, and E.T. (original and the walkie talkie version). I just got the Indiania Jones boxset and it's great. No new special effects crap. Why they can't do that to Star Wars!?
I don't know if this has been posted on this site but for those who haven't seen this, watched this great fan film "The Trial Of Han Solo"